Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Be Featured in a Yom Teruah Video!

Send Us Your Pictures, ASAP

We are getting a good response to our "I AM YHVH" video and would now like to do another one with a different song. So, I asked everyone to please help me decide which one to do by voting. Click here to See that letter.

In addition to doing videos to go with the other songs on the CD, Will Spire's wife, Deborah, suggested that we do something very special with the song, The Road to Zion. Its words tell of our Return, about who we are as a people, and about our call as that returning people. She has suggested that we make it come to life in a video format.

In my book, Israel's Feasts and Their Fullness I have several chapters on Yom Teruah (some call it Rosh HaShanah, but the month of Abib is to be the head of the year to us). I think our Return is uniquely tied to this largely misunderstoodfeast day. Yom Teruah is a unique feast in that it is the only one that occurs on the new moon, which means it essentially occurs in "darkness." The only Scriptural instructions given concerning its celebration have to do with the sounding of "two hammered silver trumpets." Trumpets symbolize voices in Scripture, and the twin voices of Ephraim and Judah need to be sounded in unison so that the tribes might be gathered and remembered before our Mighty God (Numbers 10:1-10).

The two hammered silver trumpets of Yom Teruah represent a refined and purified people. In addition, this largely overlooked and entirely unique feast has great meaning concerning Israel's final restoration.

With this understanding in mind, our hope is to put together a video to accompany the special song, Road to Zion, and to have it feature various friends and fellowships as they celebrate Yom Teruah. We want to gather short video clips and photographs that can be compiled together to reflect the stirring call that is found in that song. We want to inspire people to better understand this most interesting feast day.

You can order a pair of reasonably priced silver trumpets from the Messianic Israel Alliance Marketplace. The emphasis of our video will be on celebrating our walk as the Redeemed people of Israel. Some may want to celebrate in the streets with silver trumpets, with shofars, dancers, banners, rejoicing, and, hopefully, while playing the Road to Zion song. Certainly this idea can be developed into a unique outreach for your groups. People love celebrations and we have much to celebrate! When the Prodigal Son returned home to his father, his older brother was "provoked" by the celebration that ensued. And that is how "Prodigal Ephraim" is supposed to get beloved brother Judah's attention.

Please note that we will not use any sounds that might accompany your video clips. The only sound we will use will be the recorded song from the CD.

If you already have shots of such celebrations, I hope you will soon share them with me.  I need the highest resolution JPG's you can make and/or short video clips. It does not have to be a large gathering, but it should be a record of an inspiring and encouraging event.

I realize that our plan is a bit sketchy, but our hope is that we can put together a beginning video that will further inspire people-even before Yom Teruah!

This will surely be a work in progress for a while, so we want to get started on it right away.

Again, I hope to hear from you soon.

Shalom b'Yeshua,

PS: If you don't yet have "The Return" CD by Will Spires, you can go to and listen to a "Road to Zion" clip there.

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