Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Be Featured in a Yom Teruah Video!

Send Us Your Pictures, ASAP

We are getting a good response to our "I AM YHVH" video and would now like to do another one with a different song. So, I asked everyone to please help me decide which one to do by voting. Click here to See that letter.

In addition to doing videos to go with the other songs on the CD, Will Spire's wife, Deborah, suggested that we do something very special with the song, The Road to Zion. Its words tell of our Return, about who we are as a people, and about our call as that returning people. She has suggested that we make it come to life in a video format.

In my book, Israel's Feasts and Their Fullness I have several chapters on Yom Teruah (some call it Rosh HaShanah, but the month of Abib is to be the head of the year to us). I think our Return is uniquely tied to this largely misunderstoodfeast day. Yom Teruah is a unique feast in that it is the only one that occurs on the new moon, which means it essentially occurs in "darkness." The only Scriptural instructions given concerning its celebration have to do with the sounding of "two hammered silver trumpets." Trumpets symbolize voices in Scripture, and the twin voices of Ephraim and Judah need to be sounded in unison so that the tribes might be gathered and remembered before our Mighty God (Numbers 10:1-10).

The two hammered silver trumpets of Yom Teruah represent a refined and purified people. In addition, this largely overlooked and entirely unique feast has great meaning concerning Israel's final restoration.

With this understanding in mind, our hope is to put together a video to accompany the special song, Road to Zion, and to have it feature various friends and fellowships as they celebrate Yom Teruah. We want to gather short video clips and photographs that can be compiled together to reflect the stirring call that is found in that song. We want to inspire people to better understand this most interesting feast day.

You can order a pair of reasonably priced silver trumpets from the Messianic Israel Alliance Marketplace. The emphasis of our video will be on celebrating our walk as the Redeemed people of Israel. Some may want to celebrate in the streets with silver trumpets, with shofars, dancers, banners, rejoicing, and, hopefully, while playing the Road to Zion song. Certainly this idea can be developed into a unique outreach for your groups. People love celebrations and we have much to celebrate! When the Prodigal Son returned home to his father, his older brother was "provoked" by the celebration that ensued. And that is how "Prodigal Ephraim" is supposed to get beloved brother Judah's attention.

Please note that we will not use any sounds that might accompany your video clips. The only sound we will use will be the recorded song from the CD.

If you already have shots of such celebrations, I hope you will soon share them with me.  I need the highest resolution JPG's you can make and/or short video clips. It does not have to be a large gathering, but it should be a record of an inspiring and encouraging event.

I realize that our plan is a bit sketchy, but our hope is that we can put together a beginning video that will further inspire people-even before Yom Teruah!

This will surely be a work in progress for a while, so we want to get started on it right away.

Again, I hope to hear from you soon.

Shalom b'Yeshua,

PS: If you don't yet have "The Return" CD by Will Spires, you can go to and listen to a "Road to Zion" clip there.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Help Us With Your Vote: What Song Should We Video Next?

We are getting a good response to our "I AM YHVH" video and would now like to do another one with a different song.

Hopefully we will eventually be able to have videos of all the songs. However, I am a bit unsure as to which song we should do next and would really appreciate your help in making the choice.
If you could send me a return email ( with your favorite two songs listed in it, I would be very grateful.
To make it easier for you to vote I have listed the song titles below. You can cut and paste the titles or highlight them in the list.

Either way, I hope to hear from you soon.
If you don't yet have "The Return" CD by Will Spires, you can go to and listen to the clips and make your choice that way.
  • I Am YHWH
  • Awake and Sing
  • E z e k i e l 37 Reading
  • Road to Zion
  • High Plains Drifter Benediction
  • LeMoedim
  • HaKol Shel Abba
  • Everyday Mercy
  • The Return
  • Who Are These
  • Firstborn Redeemer
  • Light Bringer's Blessing
Also, if you can, please tell your friends about the video and the CD.
I think it is important that we be able to sing about our faith and the whole album helps us to do just that.
I know I am biased in the matter, but I can't help myself. ;-)
Blessings to You and Yours,

Friday, July 8, 2011

A Song of the Lord

The Birth of an Album

by Batya Ruth Wootten

Shalom Friends,

I want to tell you about something that has blessed me beyond measure.

Many years ago, shortly after my first book came out (In Search of Israel, 1988), I went to a Prophecy Conference with my Pastor, Assistant Pastor, and their wives (Angus had to work and could not go with us). I wanted to learn more about the role of prophecy in the life of a Believer because many of the things I had seen in various churches had really put me off. Rather than feeling the incidents were of a prophetic nature, I felt they were of a "pathetic" nature - and I wanted no part in error. I instead wanted to understand the role of prophecy as outlined in Scripture.

At the end of the conference, the men in charge moved through the audience and began to prophesy over various people. My friends and I were seated together in a row close to the front and when the teachers spoke over them, because I knew them on a personal level, I felt there was something to what I was hearing. It was incredibly accurate. Since I was in the next seat, I wondered what they might say to me, but they stopped with my friends and returned to the podium to close out the conference.

I was going through a very difficult period in my life at that time. I had submitted my ideas about Israel to friends and asked them to please help by pointing out any mistakes they might find. Some were helpful, and some did not like what I presented, yet could not show how it went against Scripture. I sought counsel from friends, used reliable reference books, and worked diligently on my manuscript for more than four years. When I finished it, I had high hopes that the book might help put an end to some of the errors I saw in my beloved Messianic movement. To my dismay, some friends began to misrepresent what I said and turned on me. No matter how hard I tried to show them their error and misrepresentation, they continued to blacklist both me and my husband without due cause. It was a difficult time for us and a true word of comfort at a prophecy conference would have been greatly appreciated. But, it seemed that it had come to an end and there was no word of encouragement for me.

Then I noticed one of the men at the podium pointing in my direction and quietly speaking to the others. With that, they began to walk toward a woman who wanted to be faithful in following the LORD but was confounded by the pain of unfounded rejection. When the men stood before me, the man who had pointed at me began to speak. He said, "Like Mary Magdalene of old, she has seen great and mighty things, but the men wouldn't listen."

His words touched my heart so deeply that an uncontrollable flood of tears burst forth from the depths of my being. One of the other men said things like, "You have been misunderstood and maligned, you have felt completely cut off, isolated, but you must remain faithful, and in due time the Father will heal the rift. It won't be the same, but He will heal and restore."

The pointedness of their words made me feel that the Holy Spirit had to be leading them. However, the first man also said some things that made me open my tear-filled eyes to see if he had begun to speak to someone else. In essence he said, "The song of the Lord shall be a strong point in that which you shall give. You shall bring a song of the LORD and those who are looking at the walls and wondering if it is going to work out will run to see what great things GOD has done, to see how He has touched and extended His hand. Therefore, sing, sing, O Nightingale of GOD! Sing!"

In my heart I felt like, "Say what!?"

"What on earth is he talking about," I wondered.

Collectively they told me that my voice would eventually be "heard," and that if I would "sing my faith," the people would "rise up."

Knowing that we should never, ever, try to fulfill prophecy, I put the words about singing on a shelf and basically forgot them. I did occasionally break out in song when I prayed, but otherwise, I took the word to mean that I should have an attitude of faith and a "song in my heart." Then one day, I heard the beginnings of a song in my head. I had never had anything like that happen to me before, and I kept hearing the first two lines of a song. So, I sang it to myself in private. Then I heard more. One day, more words to the song came to me in a rush and I began to write them down as fast as I could. I wrote so fast that I got a cramp in my hand, because I was afraid I would forget the beautiful words that I was hearing. What seemed to be different about the song is that it was not a song to or about the LORD, but one wherein He was singing to His people.

Some time later I got another song, then another, and another. On and on it went for many years, until I had dozens of songs in a file along with tapes of me singing them so I could remember the various melodies. The problem was that I only heard words and a melody and had no real musical training. I did not hear any music with my songs, nor did I know what to do with them.

Then I met Will Spires at an MIA Conference.

Will is a lovable teddy bear, and his wife, Debora, is a sweetheart. As we began to talk about his music I realized that he was a bit like me, we both fit in a decidedly small musical category that one might label, "Messianic Country." Truly we are "peculiar people"!

I honestly don't remember exactly what happened next. I think I sang one of my songs to Will and he later called me to ask about including it in his next CD. To say the least, I was excited about the prospect. He wanted to do a song titled "I AM," which I had gotten when Angus and I was driving through the mountains of Oregon. While there, I suddenly heard the words, "I Am YHVH..., I Am YHVH." The melody was beautiful and I was amazed at what I was hearing. Once again the words just kept coming, and once again, it was like the LORD was singing to His children. It truly was "a song of the LORD." It was His song to us.

Will, who is an accomplished musician and a spiritually sensitive man, put my song to music; the end result being that I could only weep as I listened to his recording. His additions were masterful touches that added greater depth to what I had given him. He has a wonderful range and a comforting tone in his voice.

When I told him about other songs that I had, he wanted to include another one in his album, and then another, and another. Our method was that I would send him written words and a simple recording of me singing it, he would sing it, add music, send it back to me, and then we would discuss how we might improve the song. Song by song, we came to a "Put a bow on it" conclusion, meaning the song was ready for publication.

Last week, I felt blessed to announce Will's CD debut at the MIA Boot Camp in Maryville. It was well received and is titled after one of my songs called "The Return." The CD includes 3 inspiring songs that Will wrote, his 2 unique versions of the Aaronic Benediction, 6 of my songs, plus a recording of me reading Ezekiel 37:16-28, which Will put to music.

Joining Will with his Acoustic guitar, Synth Orchestration, Keyboard Drums and Percussion, is Dana Martin on Bass Guitar, Electric Guitar, Slide Guitar, and Drums; plus Elaine Martin on Cello, and Mary Martin on the flute. In addition, angelic Elisha Brinkley occasionally joins them on the Piano.
The song titles on the album are:

Awake and Sing
Ezekiel 37 Reading
Road to Zion
High Plains Drifter Benediction
HaKol Shel Abba
Everyday Mercy
The Return
Who Are These
Firstborn Redeemer
Light Bringer's Blessing
With all of my heart I believe this is a profoundly unique album. For those who long to return to the Holy One as a reunited and restored House of Israel, these songs are truly about our faith, about our walk in Messiah, and about our Father's awesome promises to us. Some are inspiring songs of encouragement, some make you want to dance, and some are so worship-filled that they will bring you to tears. Each one is unique and beautiful in its own way.

My heart's desire is that each one of you would get copies of this new CD and begin to "sing of your faith." Many already are singing the "I AM" song in their congregations. You can hear clips of all of the songs, order CDs, and download individual songs with a print out of the words at

At the MIA boot camp we offered a Special: A copy of The Return CD, a 20 page booklet that has the words to the songs, plus a copy of the book, Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer, all for $15. Now, we are making this same offer available on line throughout the month of July.

Finally, let me say that, in the back of each of my books I post the following note: "The Word tells us to "let the one who is taught share all good things with him who teaches" (Galatians 6:6). If through this book a good thing has been accomplished in your life, please write and share your good news with me."

I want to say the same essential thing about this special CD. If it blesses you, if you want to have Will Spires visit your fellowship, by all means drop him a note of encouragement. You can reach him at

If possible, please drop me a note too. Write to me at I especially want to know which songs are your favorites. Plus, I am truly excited about this new stage in my life and really want to hear from those who are "rising up and singing about their faith"!

Blessings to You in Messiah's Name,
