Sunday, January 2, 2011

Who Are You and Where Are You Going?

A Call to Action from Key of David Publishing

Who Is Israel? - Redeemed Israel - A  Primer
Many Believers in the Messiah, and almost all Jewish people vie for the coveted title of Israel and the two-edged sword they use in their age-old battle has wounded myriads. Some Christians do not claim the title, and instead follow in the foolish footsteps of Esau by handing over the title of "Firstborn Israel" to those of Judah. But, it doesn't have to be that way any more...

To solve the problem, Believers need to see, and to be set free by, the truth about "both the houses of Israel (Isaiah 8:14). They need to see the "other" Israel, the "melo hagoyim," the "fullness of Gentiles" promised to Ephraim (Genesis 48:19; Romans 11:25).

To write reviews for her Messianic Materials catalogue, in the late seventies and early eighties, Batya Wootten found herself reading scores of books about Israel. She saw that there were many different theories, but wanted to offer only the truth. This led her to cry out to the God of Israel,
"Please make me understand who is Israel!"

The Father, being faithful to His Word, answered her, and she and her husband, Angus, have now been boldly declaring the truth of Scripture for more than three decades.

Batya seeks to present the truth of the Word in simplicity, and now, she offers a new, ever so simple book that you can share with anyone who is interested in "Israel." It is, Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer.  This powerful and concise 96 page book readily defines our Israelite faith. It lifts up the Messiah and points us toward the restoration of the whole House of Israel. Those who proof-read the manuscript have said that this is Batya's "best work ever!"

This simple Primer clearly outlines Israel's blessings, reveals why Israel was chosen, and it unveils the glorious destiny of reunited Israel. The book encourages Jewish and non-Jewish Believers in Messiah (Judah and Ephraim) to become the promised "one new man"-to become purified sons who are able to take the Land.

This easy read gets the essentials of our faith across in a short time. It includes charts and graphics, plus chapters that can be used as an outline for Bible Studies. Most importantly, this encouraging little book points the way toward the glory that lies ahead for those of Redeemed Israel. You will be blessed and inspired as you read this informative economically priced book. In quantity, it is only two dollars per copy! So be sure to order additional copies for friends and loved ones! We believe you will want to give a copy of it to everyone you know!

The truths in this book have dramatically changed the lives of tens of thousands! You can use it to change even more lives, and prepare Ephraim to once again be a mighty man who is ready to answer  our Father's whistle-a people who are ready to be gathered back to the land (Zechariah 10:7-9).

Take full advantage of this opportunity and 
order your copies today!

This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.

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