Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Miracle of Lending a Book!

Small Things Can Forever Change Lives!


We have had many powerful testimonies over the years of how forerunners have used our books to change lives. Most of the testimonies have come from people who purchased or were given books. However, we also have testimonies from those who were loaned a book, or found a book in a Salvation Army Store, or thrift shop, or have even had a newsletter retrieved for them from the trash. The following inspiring testimony is from Alan Millard. It tells of the results of him having been loaned a copy of Redeemed Israel - Reunited and Restored. It is a powerful and motivating testimony that recounts not only the dramatic changes in his own life, but tells how it changed, and is continuing to change the lives of many others. Alan writes:

January 21, 2010

Dear Batya,

Greetings in Jesus name, a friend of mine recently loaned me your book, Redeemed Israel - Reunited and Restored. I was saved while serving as a professional soldier back in 1962 in the British military and was involved with the open brethren for some years, searching for more of the truth I was baptized in the Spirit and became involved with Pentecostal churches. I am now currently pastoring a church, which we pioneered.

In all of my 48 years as a Christian I have never heard any teaching on the Church's involvement with Israel. There were things I read in the Word concerning Israel which I put on the shelf, because I could not understand what it was all about, but your book has clarified many things concerning Israel, so much so I have to change what I thought I believed was true. Such as the rapture and who goes through the tribulation etc. Your book has been a blessing, opening up truth I have never seen before in the Word of God.

The name of our church is Voice of Victory, because the true church of the born again ones is a voice of victory. We are situated in a suburb of Sydney Australia called Riverstone, we pioneered the church in 1991 and meet in the local community centre every Sunday, but as I am beginning to see things now, the church will have to become Sabbath minded.

At the moment I am taking the church through the book of Revelation, I will now have to re-teach a few things. I notice you have other books available, are these able to be obtained through an Australian agency?
I am now so excited about the fact, that the Church is not a separate entity from ISRAEL but part of it. 

This is just mind-blowing to me.

God's Richest Blessings
Pastor Alan Millard

End Quote.

It is mind-blowing to think that a simple act of loaning a book would not only dramatically change someone's life, but also potentially change the lives of a whole congregation of Believers. And that is surely just the beginning. We can readily see that the lending of a book will have an on-going ripple effect in the Body of Messiah!.

YHVH says, "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you..." (Hosea 4:6).

This rejection of Godly knowledge by our forefathers also had a ripple effect. It led to many Israelites ultimately becoming lost sheep of the House of Israel. Like Alan Millard, many of these sheep were and are lost to a knowledge of their heritage. They do not yet realize that they are called to be full and equal citizens in Messiah Yeshua's Commonwealth of Israel. Our challenging mission is to help rectify this problem. We can do it by providing Scriptural knowledge that will lift blinders and help lost sheep to discover their heritage, and like Alan Millard, have a life-changing experience.

Each one of us can take a giant step toward accomplishing our mission by simply lending a book. So we can all experience and hear of more exciting testimonies like Alan's we invite you to start a lending library of both printed and audio books. We also ask you to encourage your congregation or fellowship to start a lending library.

In these days of restoration we have the privilege of being able to share the truth about the restoration of the whole house of Israel. Each one of us needs to pray and ask the Father to help us to take full advantage of the extraordinary opportunities He gives us to serve Him. We need to ask Him how we can best share His awesome truths help restore Yeshua's kingdom.

For more information on how to effectively reach the lost sheep see the article 2010 A Year of Opportunity. And visit the Key of David Marketplace, and the Messianic Israel Alliance Marketplaceto view books and materials that will help you to fulfill the ministry of reconciliation you were given (Rom 11:15; 2 Cor 5:18-20).

This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.

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