Thursday, January 12, 2012

Scripture Lists: Promises and Unfulfilled Prophecies

A Request from Batya Wootten

I have always enjoyed being able to call on the Body of Messiah for help with projects and I now want to do that once again.

Because each one of us is unique we sometimes see things that others have missed. So, I would like to ask for your help with two lists that I am compiling for a new book titled, "A Door of Hope for the Last Days".

Years ago Angus and I posted an article on the Rapture and we took a companion poll of your opinions on the end times. We greatly appreciated your contributions (which largely affirmed our opinions), and since then, I have periodically worked on the above mentioned book. Now, now I am almost finished with it.

The focus of the book will not be on Rapture arguments or the exact time when mortality will put on immortality (although I do feel that it must happen very late in the game). Instead, my hope is that this book will serve to inspire both Ephraim and Judah with an exciting new sense of end-time purpose.

I am asking for your help because I do not want to miss anything for two important lists that will be included in the book. In addition to some thought-provoking new insights into the end-times, it will include a list of as yet "Unfulfilled Prophecies" (these will help us better see and understand the job that yet lies before us), plus a companion list of "Inspiring Promises" (made to us by the Holy One of Israel). My hope is that we might ask the Holy Spirit to write these things on our hearts so they would always be there, like hidden manna: meaning, something we can draw on when we need to be spiritually fed, encouraged, and inspired in difficult times.

If you could please drop me an email that includes your favorite Unfulfilled Prophecy and/or your favorite Promise, it would be truly appreciated! If you want to send more than a few verses, that is fine too!!

We will keep you posted on our progress. We hope to have the book ready for publication very soon so please drop me a line as soon as possible.

May Abba bless you mightily!

We are engaged in some serious last-days spiritual warfare, and if you have not yet read the books, Israel Empowered By The Spirit, and The Voice - Hearing the Almighty, we heartily recommend that you read them at this time. The Father tells us that the things that need to happen in the end times, the things that we need to accomplish as members of His Army, will happen, "Not by might, not by power, but by His Spirit" (Zechariah 4:6; Isaiah 2:9).

Read these two books and be empowered!
They are available this month in a January Special package.


Your thoughts and comments.

We would like to hear from you.

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