Friday, October 21, 2011

Remembering Prisoners

By Batya Wootten

"Let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. Remember the prisoners as if chained with them; those who are mistreated; since you yourselves are in the body also" (Hebrews 13:1-3).

We often get requests for books and study materials from prisoners. We also try to answer their questions and have been pleased to see the interest among prisoners to know more about the Messianic faith and about their Hebraic Roots. When they write they tell us of their experiences, often share knowledge, and have questions.

From time to time, we would like to share with you some of their letters and our replies to them; and thus give you an opportunity to likewise be involved in remembering the prisoners.


Letter from S------

Dear Mrs. Wootten,

Greetings in the name of Yeshua! I want to thank you for the copy of your book, Israel's Feast and their Fullness. We have a small (but growing) group of Messianic Believers here, and all are good to share study resources. Your book is already making the rounds.

I began to move towards a torah-obedient lifestyle in the spring of 2008, following my own study of the Feast. When I studied the Feast of Tabernacles, I finally understood the words of Jesus in John 7:37-38 and John 8:12. I realized the key to the New Testament is understanding the Torah.

In spite of our chaplain's opposition, we succeeded in organizing a class, Hebrews Roots of Christianity. Our volunteer is Troy Reno, leader of Living River Ministries of Barger, Texas, and owner of KDSH, a low-power Messianic Radio Station (its signal is simulcast on the internet at We have been meeting for 19 months now, and our Friday night Torah Study is easily the highlight of the week.

If your ministry could possibly provide them, I would like to request a copy of Mama's Torah: The Role of Women. I believe that it is important for the men here to understand the proper role of their wives (and know how to properly lead them). I also request any available material on the " Two Houses". I thank you for anything you might be able to send.

Questions constantly arise on topics such as the 'rapture', keeping Shabbat, and "eternal security of believers" - all due to years of denomination teachings. Do you have any written material on these, or can you suggest authors/pastors wo have Biblically - sound teachings?

I close by asking for your prayers for our small, torah-obedient group. I desire to see our group grow spiritually and numerically. Thank you for touching our ministry as you have. I wish you great blessings during the Fall Feasts!

Blessings in Yeshua,

L.D. Jordan Texas Prison Unit
Pampa. TX

P.S. Thank you for the powerful insight into the parable of the prodigal son! It makes perfect sense...


Batya's Answer to S--------- September 18, 2011

Shalom S--------,

Thank you for your kind letter. I truly appreciate the spirit of it and pray blessings upon you and all of your friends. Please give them my love and tell them to be greatly encouraged. Our forefather, Joseph, learned a lot when he was in prison. He was there for a reason and a season, but in time came forth to walk in power and his true call. May the same be true for all of you. For now, you will do well to study the Father's Word and ask Him to prepare your hearts.

As you requested, we are enclosing copies of my book, Mama's Torah, The Role of Women. It is getting good reviews from men and women alike. I pray that it helps and blesses you. Will it help you to fully understand women? I am not sure even the Almighty can do that, but I do think the book will be of some help. ;-)

We are also enclosing copies of our Primer. It is a condensed version of my Israel teachings. The last four chapters can be used in a Bible Study setting. Simply read the opening sentences and have different ones read aloud the verse references. These should speak for themselves and encourage discussion in the group.

In addition, we are enclosing a copy of each of the books, The Voice, and Israel Empowered. These were written to help bring a balanced Messianic approach to our understanding of the role of the Holy Spirit, the Ruach haKodesh.

As for the Rapture of the "Church" I am currently finishing a book on the subject titled, Raptured Onto the Back of a Horse. My bottom line is that we are here until that white calvary of Believers and horses who follow Messiah Yeshua show up.

I say this because true Believers belong to Messiah's "Commonwealth of Israel" (Eph 2:11-22), and Israel is here until the end. The Rapture theory demands that you separate the Church from Israel, and that is not Scriptural.

As for eternal salvation, the key question is, did the person really make Messiah Yeshua their Lord and Savior? If so, they will follow Him even unto death. They will let nothing separate themselves from Him and will be saved. However, there are people who raise their hands to Him but do not in truth bow their hearts. These can be like seed that falls on stony ground, springs up for a season, but it ultimately withers and fades away. If you want to be sure in your salvation, first be sure in your commitment. This truth needs to be balanced with the truth that Messiah Yeshua is ever-forgiving. When we truly repent, He receives us with open arms. He even allows us to go through testings so the ugly things that are inside us can be brought out and dealt with. Such things are part of our growth process, so don't be surprised when they happen to you. Just be quick to repent, learn from the incident, and move on in Messiah.

The bottom line is, if in the end you want to be found to be part of the people of Israel, be like our forefather, Jacob. Like him, grab hold of the "God-Man" and don't let go until, in the Eternal Kingdom you hear Him give you the precious title of "Israel."

Please tell Troy Reno that I have recorded Mama's Torah and will send him a copy of the CD's if he wants to play it on his radio station. We pray that these books will be of great help to you.

Shalom b'Yeshua,
Batya (and Angus) Wootten


How You Can Help

The US prison population tops 2 million people. This group of two million people have a lot of time to study and to contemplate their future.

There are several ways you can help them. First, you can help through prayer. Pray that the Ruah Ha Kodesh will encourage prisoners to seek their heritage and lead them to sources where they can obtain guidance in fulfilling the desire the Ruach has ingnited in them.

Secondly, you can be one of the sources of help to these people. If you are a MIA Ally, Friend, Partner, or a congregation, ministry, fellowship, that has a website (or any presence on the Internet) let it be know that you are open to remembering prisoners, by providing materials and counsel. You will be surprised at the return that you receive.

Providing materials: You can provide appropriate material from any source, including your own. Quite naturally we heartily recommend Key of David Publishing's books, CD's, DVD's, and other materials, which, as an MIA Way Station you can receive a 40% discount on your quantity orders. If you are not yet a Way Station, we invite you to check out how to become one.

Key of David Publishing would truly appreciate your financial support in its efforts to make books and materials available to prisoners. You can make a contribution online, by mail or by phone. See "Changing Lives" at the end of this message.

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