Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Difference in My "Israel" Books

By Batya Wootten

We are excited to say that the latest printing of my book, Redeemed Israel, Reunited and Restored is now available.

Since I have come to realize that people can become "attached" to a book that once ministered to them, I want to explain my reasons for often having "changed" a book that has essentially remained the same. I say this because, my Who is Israel series of books and my Redeemed Israel books are essentially the same book. Each of them has offered the same core message in the same essential order of presentation. However, I have made changes in the books for different reasons, such as, correcting typos, facing different challenges that needed to be highlighted at the time of the particular printing, stating things more concisely, offering new bits of information, plus, offering more and improved graphics.

My first book was titled In Search of Israel and was written in 1988. I spent 4 and ½ years writing it, tried to be very careful in my presentation, and to use only Scripture to answer questions about Israel. After that, due to a lack of funds, we printed a limited edition title called The Olive Tree of Israel (1994). It was written in more of a story form and its highlights have since been included in my other books. In 1998, the spiritual air was again different and we needed a handbook for the growing number of seekers who wanted to understand more about "both the houses of Israel" (Isa 8:14). They needed Scriptural evidence that would help them to defend and share their budding faith. We titled that book, Who is Israel? And Why You Need to Know. It was this 296 page book that essentially set off a fire-storm and is now a "collector's item" that can often be found on for a hefty price.

Each time "Who is Israel?" sold out, I had added and clarified points on more than 10% of its pages and thus had to give it a new ISBN number. So, we also made cover and slight title changes to indicate that it was an enhanced version of the same book.

Years later, I once again felt the spiritual air was different. By now, many people had come to understand about the restoration of Ephraim and Judah, but some seemed to be losing their way. So, I felt the need to better emphasize the truth about the identity of our Messiah and chose a new title: Redeemed Israel, Reunited and Restored. First published in 2006, I had learned to be much more concise in my presentation, so it had fewer pages, Yet, it had more actual content, graphics and charts. My hope was that the change in title would allude to a change in our movement. Also, we had moved to a place wherein there were still myriads of Believers who do not yet know about all Israel, but at the same time, many had come to know about and understand the subject on some level. Thus, I felt that in addition to explaining the "who" of the matter, I also had to put greater emphasis on "what" it is that we are being called to be. Presently, many now know that, one way or another, we are part of the people of Israel, but the question that looms large before us is, "What kind of Israelites are we called to be?"

My answer was and is that, first and foremost, we are called to be the "Redeemed" of the Messiah of Israel (thus the title change).

Over the years I have watched many Believers deny or conceal their faith in the Messiah so they can convert to Judaism and thus feel "accepted" and have a "legitimate" identity with Jewish Israel. Some do this because they are jealous of what they believe to be Judah's exclusively "chosen" state. They apparently did not understand the fact that Ephraim and his companions also are part of the "chosen" people of Israel (Deu 7:6-8; 10:15; Isa 8:14; Jer 33:23-26; Eze 35:10; 37:22; 1 Pet 1:1; 2:9; 2 Thes 2:13).

For me, conversion was not a path that I could comfortably trod. When I came to faith in the Messiah, He literally and powerfully touched me, and I have not been the same from that day to this. I cannot deny my absolute faith Him and do not want to take a chance on having Him feel that I am denying Him before men (Mat 10:33). Moreover, I cannnot find it in my heart to look to a man who does not "know" my Messiah in the same way that I do, and ask him to pronounce me to be something other than the truth of who and what I already am in Messiah. Yeshua is the "Great I AM." He has called me to be One with Him. He loves me and brings me into the presence of my Father in Heaven, Who is the God of all Israel. No man can top that offer.

Nonetheless, the God of all Israel has placed a deep abiding love within me for my Jewish brothers and sisters. I care very much about them and about the hurts they have experienced - simply because they are "Jewish." I also care about the way the world often mistreats them and the Nation of Israel. But at the same time, I likewise care for my non-Jewish brethren. As I see it, both have something to offer the other, and both need to grow beyond some of their present misunderstandings. The problem is, the growth that we all need to experience is found only in the Messiah, through His Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit). Messiah Yeshua is still the Stumbling Stone. He continues to be the Rock of Offence. As prophesied, "both the houses of Israel" still "stumble" over Him - albeit in different ways (Isa 8:13-14).

To help us tell others about the life-changing truth about all Israel, to help people better see the Redeeming Lion of Judah in context, and to thus stop the stumbling, we added yet another book to our arsenal. It is a brief 96 page reasonably priced title: Who is Israel? - Redeemed Israel - A Primer. This little overview quickly explains about both houses, offers helpful graphics and charts, plus it has 3 short review chapters that can actually be used in a collective Bible Study. I wrote this digest version because some are intimated by larger books, and because busy people need to get their information quickly. This books seems to be doing the trick. People are buying boxes of them and passing them out to friends - because it is an inviting and easy read. If people want to know more, they can purchase a copy of Redeemed Israel - Reunited and Restored - which is now in print in its Second Edition.

I want to close by sincerely thanking all of you who have helped to spread the word about our books and thus to make all of the above reprints and more both possible and necessary. Please know that we are very grateful to each and every one of you. Our prayer for you is that, may He Who sees all things done in secret openly bless you for your kindness toward us.

Shalom, Shalom,

Batya (and Angus) Wootten

To order any of these books, and to see our other books on various subjects, please visit Key of David Publishing.


Key of David's Books are available at:

Key of David Publishing - (Phone 407-344-7700). Check out the monthly Specials! Also Bookstores, Ministries, and Way Stations are eligible for a quantity discount. You may download the Introduction, Foreword, and First Chapter of printed books and/or listen to audio books.

Messianic Israel Alliance Marketplace - (Phone 800-829-8777). Quantity discounts are available and MIA Partners are eligible for a 10% discount. You may download the Introduction, Foreword, and First Chapter of printed books and/or listen to audio books.

Allies, Friends and Way Stations - Call or visit the Congregations and Fellowships in your area. They not only have books on hand, some even have a lending library. All provide personal contact to answer questions.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Return to the Land

by Batya Wootten and Natan Lawrence

A Note From Batya

A dear friend of mine wrote a Review about the book of another dear friend of mine and I want to share it with you.

Many of you know Natan Lawrence based on his excellent weekly Torah Portion teachings. He is a prolific and solidly scriptural writer and he wrote a review about Ephraim Frank's excellent book, "Return to the Land: An Ephraimite's Journey Home."

When the weather gets cooler I tend to think of curling up with a good book and Ephraim Frank's book is one of the best I have ever read.
The following is Natan's Review of this inspiring work:

Natan Lawrence's Review

Ephraim Frank's book, Return to the Land, came into my possession some months ago. When I first saw it I thought, "That's a nice looking book, another book to read about someone's life." And into my book shelf it went with about 600 other religious books in my library.

As a biblical researcher, author, pastor and Torah teacher I spend most of my time wading through pre-rabbinic, rabbinic, linguistic, and early Christian writings to search out nuggets of truth for my writings and teachings. I don't have time for much "light" reading. But once in while I have to come up for air-to feed the heart and spirit, not just the mind. Knowledge puffeth up, but love edifies! The letter killeth, but the spirit maketh alive! I have to remind myself of these things constantly.

So the other day I was needing to be edified in my inner man. The idea of taking my family to the land of Israel pulls at me, if not permanently, yet, at least temporarily for academic reasons. As I was staring at my library shelves Return to the Land shouted to my spirit. Obeying that inner voice of the Spirit of Elohim I took it down and began to read it that evening. Like someone else already said of it, "Once I started I could not put it down..."

Dear brother and sister Israelites, this book is not just another story about someone's life out there somewhere. It is the story of your life and mine; the story of one who heard the call of YHVH's Spirit to return to the land and obeyed and did, and YHVH was with him all the way through the journey with His abundance and privision. Ephraim Frank didn't have money or connections. All he had was faith in YHVH's promises and trust in the voice of his Shepherd, Yeshua, who spoke to him and called this sheep by name and told him to come home. Though Jewish, Ephraim couldn't prove his identity to the Israeli authorities, so in their eyes he was a Gentile. He had no legal rights to remain in the land. But, like Caleb and Joshua, Ephraim determined to go in and to possess his divine inheritance, and he did.

This is the story of faith. There is no doubt and unbelief in this man's life. He and his wife, Rimona (an Israeli and a Hebrew Editor), are the kind of people whose testimonies inspire others to do the same. Hebrews eleven, the Scriptures "hall of faith," contains the testimonies of such people. It is the story of a panoply of divine appointments, miracles, supernatural occurrences, divine provision, visions that came to pass and prophetic words that all come together in a rich flow of real life events to prepare man, and latter his wife, for the ministry call they had on their lives to help regather Ephraim back to the land in fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Plug your spiritual electric cord into this book and you'll definitely get your spiritual batteries charged!

Whether your heart is set on returning to the land of Israel yet or not, no matter, for the story in this book will inspire you to reach out of the comfort zones of spiritual stagnation in which you may find yourself and by faith to seize the divine calling that YHVH has placed on your life and to go forward by faith. It is time to take the next step in your spiritual faith walk, and this book will inspire you in this journey. I urge you to get it today, and don't do like I did and let it collect dust on the shelf. Instead, read it immediately and be truly inspired!

Ya'acov Natan Lawrence

End Quote.

"Return to the Land: An Ephraimite's Journey Home" is not only a book you should read, but it also makes a great gift. And, for the month of December, we will will add a free copy of this inspiring book to each one that you order.

Read this anointed book and be blessed!

Check out all of our December Specials at Key of David Publishing.

Your thoughts and comments.

We would like to hear from you.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Changing Lives

By Batya Wootten

We received the following note from our friend, Pastor David Jones of Ruach Ministries in Brandon, Florida. He had received a note from a visitor to his congregation and wanted to share it with us.

David's congregation keeps copies of our small book On hand for visitors: "Who is Israel? Redeemed Israel: A Primer." They gave a complimentary copy of the book to a lady named Donna, who later wrote and thanked David. She also included a letter she had sent to her ministry friends about the book.

We kept the price of this revealing little book as low as possible ($2.00 each in lots of 25 or more) so people can afford to hand it out. And, we are having great success with it. The book readily explains the truth about both the houses of Israel (Ephraim and Judah), includes graphics, lists, and charts, plus, 3 of the Review Chapters can be used in a simple Bible Study.

Anyway, the first note is from Pastor David, the second note is from Donna to David, and the third note is a letter from Donna to friends on her ministry mailing list.

We hope reading it will encourage you as much as it encouraged us.

Blessings to You and Yours,



From Pastor David to us:

I just received this and thought you would like to see it. I received it from a lady who recently visited at Ruach.



From Donna to David:

Pastor Dave,

I loved the book we received when we visited your ministry. I couldn't put it down. Awesome. Thank you.



From Donna to her Friends:

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

As many of you already know and are doing, we must continue to pray for and support Israel and the Jewish people like never before However, do we fully understand why? As proclaimed in Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge."

The Holy Spirit led me down a path I did not intend to go down as far as learning about our Jewish roots in Christianity and studying the Torah. It is radically changing my perspective on many things I did in ignorance. This was based on my heartfelt prayer everyday which is this. "Lord I want to know your truth-not the truth of man." This journey to discover His truth has challenged everything I have been taught in the church. Moreover, it has definitely taken me out of my comfort zone and into a deeper revelation of the God we claim to serve.

The Torah (the first five books of the Bible written by Moses) is Yahweh's teachings, instructions, and directions for all His children to live by so we will reap blessings, not curses, life and not death. Yahweh does not have one set of instructions for the Jews and another one for Christians - the whole Bible is the Holy Book for all followers of Jesus Christ.

Furthermore, both Jesus and the Apostle Paul taught from the Torah and the Book of the Prophets. More importantly, they obeyed and lived according to Yahweh's commandments as well. Our Jewish Messiah became the living Torah and is why Jesus himself said in Matthew 5:17, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law (Torah) or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

Until Jesus Christ's second coming occurs, the Law (Torah) and the Book of the Prophets have not been totally fulfilled! This is why Jesus proclaimed in Matthew 5:18, "I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law (Torah) until everything is accomplished." Answer this question. Has heaven and earth disappeared yet? Of course not! Therefore, the Law (Torah) still applies to New Covenant believers!

As a matter-of-fact, during the one thousand year reign and rule of our King of kings, and Lord of lords, all nations (people) will be required to observe and participate in the Festival of Tabernacles (see Zechariah 14:17-19).

In this hour, Yahweh through His son, Yeshua, is bringing restoration to the Kingdom of Israel and all who believe (both Jews and Gentiles) in our Jewish Messiah shall be saved. This is one of many reasons why the Lord is calling us to understand the significance of our Jewish roots in Christianity and beseeching His church and this nation, to return to our Judeo-Christian heritage. The Holy One of Israel-Yahweh (the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) is beginning to make the "sticks" of Ephraim (Gentiles) and Judah (Jews) one stick in His holy hand (Ezekiel 37:15-28).

As believers we were offered the gift of salvation by being grafted into the root of Israel (Jesus Christ-The Jewish Messiah). Apart from Israel the Church has no covenant. In Messiah, we are called to join the covenant people and to be part of His holy commonwealth (see Ephesians 2:11-13, Jeremiah 31:31-33, Hebrews 8:8-12). Jesus Christ is the "root" (the Vine) of Israel's olive tree and believers are the branches. As long as we (the branches) remain in the vine (Jesus) we will have the blessed hope of inheriting all the promises of the covenant, culminating in eternal life.

Recently I received and read a phenomenal book written by Batya Ruth Wootten titled Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel: A Primer. I beseech all of you to read this book with a teachable spirit. Educating ourselves is critical to help prepare us for the unchartered territory we are now entering as we embark into the new era.

Together we CAN make a difference for His Kingdom. Blessings until we meet again.

Thanks and God Bless!

In His Service,

Donna M. Rogers
Angel of Love and Light Ministries


Your thoughts and comments.

We would like to hear from you.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Remembering Prisoners

By Batya Wootten

"Let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. Remember the prisoners as if chained with them; those who are mistreated; since you yourselves are in the body also" (Hebrews 13:1-3).

We often get requests for books and study materials from prisoners. We also try to answer their questions and have been pleased to see the interest among prisoners to know more about the Messianic faith and about their Hebraic Roots. When they write they tell us of their experiences, often share knowledge, and have questions.

From time to time, we would like to share with you some of their letters and our replies to them; and thus give you an opportunity to likewise be involved in remembering the prisoners.


Letter from S------

Dear Mrs. Wootten,

Greetings in the name of Yeshua! I want to thank you for the copy of your book, Israel's Feast and their Fullness. We have a small (but growing) group of Messianic Believers here, and all are good to share study resources. Your book is already making the rounds.

I began to move towards a torah-obedient lifestyle in the spring of 2008, following my own study of the Feast. When I studied the Feast of Tabernacles, I finally understood the words of Jesus in John 7:37-38 and John 8:12. I realized the key to the New Testament is understanding the Torah.

In spite of our chaplain's opposition, we succeeded in organizing a class, Hebrews Roots of Christianity. Our volunteer is Troy Reno, leader of Living River Ministries of Barger, Texas, and owner of KDSH, a low-power Messianic Radio Station (its signal is simulcast on the internet at We have been meeting for 19 months now, and our Friday night Torah Study is easily the highlight of the week.

If your ministry could possibly provide them, I would like to request a copy of Mama's Torah: The Role of Women. I believe that it is important for the men here to understand the proper role of their wives (and know how to properly lead them). I also request any available material on the " Two Houses". I thank you for anything you might be able to send.

Questions constantly arise on topics such as the 'rapture', keeping Shabbat, and "eternal security of believers" - all due to years of denomination teachings. Do you have any written material on these, or can you suggest authors/pastors wo have Biblically - sound teachings?

I close by asking for your prayers for our small, torah-obedient group. I desire to see our group grow spiritually and numerically. Thank you for touching our ministry as you have. I wish you great blessings during the Fall Feasts!

Blessings in Yeshua,

L.D. Jordan Texas Prison Unit
Pampa. TX

P.S. Thank you for the powerful insight into the parable of the prodigal son! It makes perfect sense...


Batya's Answer to S--------- September 18, 2011

Shalom S--------,

Thank you for your kind letter. I truly appreciate the spirit of it and pray blessings upon you and all of your friends. Please give them my love and tell them to be greatly encouraged. Our forefather, Joseph, learned a lot when he was in prison. He was there for a reason and a season, but in time came forth to walk in power and his true call. May the same be true for all of you. For now, you will do well to study the Father's Word and ask Him to prepare your hearts.

As you requested, we are enclosing copies of my book, Mama's Torah, The Role of Women. It is getting good reviews from men and women alike. I pray that it helps and blesses you. Will it help you to fully understand women? I am not sure even the Almighty can do that, but I do think the book will be of some help. ;-)

We are also enclosing copies of our Primer. It is a condensed version of my Israel teachings. The last four chapters can be used in a Bible Study setting. Simply read the opening sentences and have different ones read aloud the verse references. These should speak for themselves and encourage discussion in the group.

In addition, we are enclosing a copy of each of the books, The Voice, and Israel Empowered. These were written to help bring a balanced Messianic approach to our understanding of the role of the Holy Spirit, the Ruach haKodesh.

As for the Rapture of the "Church" I am currently finishing a book on the subject titled, Raptured Onto the Back of a Horse. My bottom line is that we are here until that white calvary of Believers and horses who follow Messiah Yeshua show up.

I say this because true Believers belong to Messiah's "Commonwealth of Israel" (Eph 2:11-22), and Israel is here until the end. The Rapture theory demands that you separate the Church from Israel, and that is not Scriptural.

As for eternal salvation, the key question is, did the person really make Messiah Yeshua their Lord and Savior? If so, they will follow Him even unto death. They will let nothing separate themselves from Him and will be saved. However, there are people who raise their hands to Him but do not in truth bow their hearts. These can be like seed that falls on stony ground, springs up for a season, but it ultimately withers and fades away. If you want to be sure in your salvation, first be sure in your commitment. This truth needs to be balanced with the truth that Messiah Yeshua is ever-forgiving. When we truly repent, He receives us with open arms. He even allows us to go through testings so the ugly things that are inside us can be brought out and dealt with. Such things are part of our growth process, so don't be surprised when they happen to you. Just be quick to repent, learn from the incident, and move on in Messiah.

The bottom line is, if in the end you want to be found to be part of the people of Israel, be like our forefather, Jacob. Like him, grab hold of the "God-Man" and don't let go until, in the Eternal Kingdom you hear Him give you the precious title of "Israel."

Please tell Troy Reno that I have recorded Mama's Torah and will send him a copy of the CD's if he wants to play it on his radio station. We pray that these books will be of great help to you.

Shalom b'Yeshua,
Batya (and Angus) Wootten


How You Can Help

The US prison population tops 2 million people. This group of two million people have a lot of time to study and to contemplate their future.

There are several ways you can help them. First, you can help through prayer. Pray that the Ruah Ha Kodesh will encourage prisoners to seek their heritage and lead them to sources where they can obtain guidance in fulfilling the desire the Ruach has ingnited in them.

Secondly, you can be one of the sources of help to these people. If you are a MIA Ally, Friend, Partner, or a congregation, ministry, fellowship, that has a website (or any presence on the Internet) let it be know that you are open to remembering prisoners, by providing materials and counsel. You will be surprised at the return that you receive.

Providing materials: You can provide appropriate material from any source, including your own. Quite naturally we heartily recommend Key of David Publishing's books, CD's, DVD's, and other materials, which, as an MIA Way Station you can receive a 40% discount on your quantity orders. If you are not yet a Way Station, we invite you to check out how to become one.

Key of David Publishing would truly appreciate your financial support in its efforts to make books and materials available to prisoners. You can make a contribution online, by mail or by phone. See "Changing Lives" at the end of this message.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Preparing for the Fall Feasts

Having YHVH's people celebrate His appointed Feasts is extremely important. The reason given by Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh as to why the Israelites should leave Egypt was, "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, 'Let My people go that they may celebrate a feast to Me in the wilderness" (Exodus 5:2). YHVH makes it clear that His people must celebrate His appointed Feasts forever (2 Chr 2:4).

The challenge for us today is that, we do not have the same Levitical Priesthood, a tabernacle or a temple, nor an animal sacrificial system, all of which are required in order to celebrate YHVH's appointed  feasts in the manner that He outlined in Torah. So, what are we to do? How then, are we to celebrate?

Israel's Feasts and their Fullness - Expanded Edition by Batya Wootten, is an anointed book that shows Believers how to celebrate the Feasts of Israel in a way that honors Yeshua and helps to restore the two houses of Israel. It shows what Scripture says about each feast, compares that to the traditions of both Judaism and Christianity, then she suggests ways in which we can help bring joyous restoration to the whole house of Israel.

This feast book is like no other. It is truly unique in its perspectives. Acclaimed as the "best feast book ever," in this new Expanded Edition, Israel's Feasts and their Fullness offers even more prophetic insights!
In her delightful, penetrating style, Batya examines the feasts and shows how they relate to Israel's reunion, redemption, and full restoration. She explains why Believers now feel led to celebrate the feasts, and how their celebrations relate to the latter days. Her astute observations bring encouragement, clarity and fresh insights at every turn.
The Feast book contains Simple Celebration Instruction Guides for the Sabbath, Havdalah, and Passover, plus it includes a Guide which gives a suggested outlined for Ten Days of Prayer for the Ten Days of Awe (the ten days from Yom Teruah to Yom Kippur). Guides are available in print, and/or you can download a PDF of each guide.

Batya's feast book is an exciting read that offers us hope for our future. It is a "must have" for your library shelf. You will refer to it again and again for years to come. Many people have told us that they reread particular feast sections as the feasts approach each year, and they keep gaining new insights from the book. It is also a wonderful gift for family members and friends.   

This book is an essential tool for those who hope to see the whole house of Israel be restored! To go with this tool, we are making a free offer that will be available through September 30, 2011:

With each copy of Israel's Feasts and their Fullness - Expanded Edition we will include a complementary set of the five printed guides.

For more info about the book and guides, or to download a preview, or to order, go to Feast Special Or, phone 407-344-7700. Or write Key of David Publishing, PO Box 700217, St Cloud, FL 34770.

Your thoughts and comments are welcome.

We would like to hear from you.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

HaKol Shel Abba Video

(The Voice of the Father)

We have finished another video to go with one of the songs in The Return  CD by Will Spires (3 are now finished).  

This song is called HaKol Shel Abba (The Voice of The Father). It is upbeat and has a decidedly prophetic ring in its message. The idea behind it is explained in my book, The Voice - Hearing The Almighty.

Years ago, when writing my now out-of-print book, The Olive Tree of Israel (1992), I did a Scripture study on the word "voice." That study helped me to see that all of our Patriarchs heard (and obeyed) the voice of the Almighty. Considering the fact that many Messianics tend to resist the things of the Holy Spirit, this thought truly intrigued me. Granted that much about the Ruach HaKodesh has been misrepresented by the Church, but I saw that Moses nonetheless prophesied of the sons of Israel in the last days, "When you are in distress and all these things have come upon you, in the latter days you will return to the LORD your God and listen to His voice" (Deuteronomy 4:30).

In this latter hour we need to learn to hear the voice of our Father. His voice is true, can be trusted, always aligns with His Word, is never wrong, and will never lead us astray.

The difficulty is in learning to distinguish between His voice and that of self or the evil one.

Part of growing up in the spirit is to learn to distinguish between the different voices that call out to us. Even so, Scripture tells us that "solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil" (Hebrews 5:14). Food, or meat, is doing the will of the Father. Yeshua said, "My food [meat: KJV] is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work"(John 4:34). In order to do the Father's work, we need to have our senses trained and learn to truly hear and obey His voice.

HaKol Shel Abba is about the voice of the Father being within man in Gan Eden (the Garden of Eden). The problem is that when sin entered in, Abba's voice was then heard outside man, it became distant, even "in the Garden" (Genesis 3:10). Our sojourn on earth is about getting His voice, His Holy Spirit, back inside of us. It is about learning to listen to, and obey, His voice; it is about righting an ancient and deeply ingrained wrong: Not listening to the Holy One when He speaks to us.

My prayer is that this song will help us to meditate on these precious truths, to sing of our faith, and to have His truth forever ingrained in us. I pray that together, we might become mature Believers who are able to do the meaty work of our Father.

Please take a few minutes and watch the video. Will Spires does an incredible job with the music and vocals, especially at the end! If the song ministers to you, please share the link with your friends, and please drop me, and/or Will, a note and share your experience with us.

We would love to hear from you!

 May You Be Blessed From On High,


The Return is a profoundly unique album sung by Will Spires with many of the songs written by Batya Wootten. People who long to return to the Holy One as a reunited and restored House of Israel will find these songs are truly about our faith, about our walk in Messiah, and about our Father's awesome promises to us. Some are inspiring songs of encouragement, some make you want to dance, and some are so worship-filled that they will bring you to tears. Each one is unique and beautiful in its own way.

The CD song titles on the album are: I Am YHWH, Awake and Sing, Ezekiel 37 Reading, Road to Zion, High Plains Drifter Benediction, LeMoedim, HaKol Shel Abba, Everyday Mercy, The Return, Who Are These, Firstborn Redeemer, Light Bringer's Blessing. Preview two now: 

For the intriging story on how this collection of songs came to be see A Song of the Lord - The Birth of an Album by Batya Ruth Wootten 

You can hear clips of all of the songs, order CDs, the 20 page booklet that has the words to the songs, and/or download individual songs with a print-out of the words at

At the recent MIA boot camp we offered a Special: A copy of The Return CD, a 20 page booklet that has the words to the songs, plus a copy of the book, Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer, all for $15. Now, we are making this same offer available online.

This album, like the book, Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer, is an excellent resource to reach people and encourage them to investigate their heritage.

To order the CD, the book of the words to the songs, and/or to download individual songs with a print out of the words to the songs go to, or call 407-344-7700.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Road to Zion Video

We have had an amazing response to our "I AM YHVH" video, sung by Will Spires, and now we invite you to watch another spiritually moving video from the same CD. This one is titled, "The Road to Zion."

These videos offer something in addition to being awesome worship songs. They were created to be companions to the music and at the same time, to "teach our faith."

People are telling us that they think the videos are "awesome, inspiring, and beautiful."

We hope you will watch both of these encouraging videos and tell your friends about them.

We send you blessing upon blessing.
Angus and Batya

Please watch a spiritual moving video of "The Road to Zion".

For the intriging story on how this collection of songs came to be see A Song of the Lord - The Birth of an Album by Batya Ruth Wootten.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Be Featured in a Yom Teruah Video!

Send Us Your Pictures, ASAP

We are getting a good response to our "I AM YHVH" video and would now like to do another one with a different song. So, I asked everyone to please help me decide which one to do by voting. Click here to See that letter.

In addition to doing videos to go with the other songs on the CD, Will Spire's wife, Deborah, suggested that we do something very special with the song, The Road to Zion. Its words tell of our Return, about who we are as a people, and about our call as that returning people. She has suggested that we make it come to life in a video format.

In my book, Israel's Feasts and Their Fullness I have several chapters on Yom Teruah (some call it Rosh HaShanah, but the month of Abib is to be the head of the year to us). I think our Return is uniquely tied to this largely misunderstoodfeast day. Yom Teruah is a unique feast in that it is the only one that occurs on the new moon, which means it essentially occurs in "darkness." The only Scriptural instructions given concerning its celebration have to do with the sounding of "two hammered silver trumpets." Trumpets symbolize voices in Scripture, and the twin voices of Ephraim and Judah need to be sounded in unison so that the tribes might be gathered and remembered before our Mighty God (Numbers 10:1-10).

The two hammered silver trumpets of Yom Teruah represent a refined and purified people. In addition, this largely overlooked and entirely unique feast has great meaning concerning Israel's final restoration.

With this understanding in mind, our hope is to put together a video to accompany the special song, Road to Zion, and to have it feature various friends and fellowships as they celebrate Yom Teruah. We want to gather short video clips and photographs that can be compiled together to reflect the stirring call that is found in that song. We want to inspire people to better understand this most interesting feast day.

You can order a pair of reasonably priced silver trumpets from the Messianic Israel Alliance Marketplace. The emphasis of our video will be on celebrating our walk as the Redeemed people of Israel. Some may want to celebrate in the streets with silver trumpets, with shofars, dancers, banners, rejoicing, and, hopefully, while playing the Road to Zion song. Certainly this idea can be developed into a unique outreach for your groups. People love celebrations and we have much to celebrate! When the Prodigal Son returned home to his father, his older brother was "provoked" by the celebration that ensued. And that is how "Prodigal Ephraim" is supposed to get beloved brother Judah's attention.

Please note that we will not use any sounds that might accompany your video clips. The only sound we will use will be the recorded song from the CD.

If you already have shots of such celebrations, I hope you will soon share them with me.  I need the highest resolution JPG's you can make and/or short video clips. It does not have to be a large gathering, but it should be a record of an inspiring and encouraging event.

I realize that our plan is a bit sketchy, but our hope is that we can put together a beginning video that will further inspire people-even before Yom Teruah!

This will surely be a work in progress for a while, so we want to get started on it right away.

Again, I hope to hear from you soon.

Shalom b'Yeshua,

PS: If you don't yet have "The Return" CD by Will Spires, you can go to and listen to a "Road to Zion" clip there.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Help Us With Your Vote: What Song Should We Video Next?

We are getting a good response to our "I AM YHVH" video and would now like to do another one with a different song.

Hopefully we will eventually be able to have videos of all the songs. However, I am a bit unsure as to which song we should do next and would really appreciate your help in making the choice.
If you could send me a return email ( with your favorite two songs listed in it, I would be very grateful.
To make it easier for you to vote I have listed the song titles below. You can cut and paste the titles or highlight them in the list.

Either way, I hope to hear from you soon.
If you don't yet have "The Return" CD by Will Spires, you can go to and listen to the clips and make your choice that way.
  • I Am YHWH
  • Awake and Sing
  • E z e k i e l 37 Reading
  • Road to Zion
  • High Plains Drifter Benediction
  • LeMoedim
  • HaKol Shel Abba
  • Everyday Mercy
  • The Return
  • Who Are These
  • Firstborn Redeemer
  • Light Bringer's Blessing
Also, if you can, please tell your friends about the video and the CD.
I think it is important that we be able to sing about our faith and the whole album helps us to do just that.
I know I am biased in the matter, but I can't help myself. ;-)
Blessings to You and Yours,

Friday, July 8, 2011

A Song of the Lord

The Birth of an Album

by Batya Ruth Wootten

Shalom Friends,

I want to tell you about something that has blessed me beyond measure.

Many years ago, shortly after my first book came out (In Search of Israel, 1988), I went to a Prophecy Conference with my Pastor, Assistant Pastor, and their wives (Angus had to work and could not go with us). I wanted to learn more about the role of prophecy in the life of a Believer because many of the things I had seen in various churches had really put me off. Rather than feeling the incidents were of a prophetic nature, I felt they were of a "pathetic" nature - and I wanted no part in error. I instead wanted to understand the role of prophecy as outlined in Scripture.

At the end of the conference, the men in charge moved through the audience and began to prophesy over various people. My friends and I were seated together in a row close to the front and when the teachers spoke over them, because I knew them on a personal level, I felt there was something to what I was hearing. It was incredibly accurate. Since I was in the next seat, I wondered what they might say to me, but they stopped with my friends and returned to the podium to close out the conference.

I was going through a very difficult period in my life at that time. I had submitted my ideas about Israel to friends and asked them to please help by pointing out any mistakes they might find. Some were helpful, and some did not like what I presented, yet could not show how it went against Scripture. I sought counsel from friends, used reliable reference books, and worked diligently on my manuscript for more than four years. When I finished it, I had high hopes that the book might help put an end to some of the errors I saw in my beloved Messianic movement. To my dismay, some friends began to misrepresent what I said and turned on me. No matter how hard I tried to show them their error and misrepresentation, they continued to blacklist both me and my husband without due cause. It was a difficult time for us and a true word of comfort at a prophecy conference would have been greatly appreciated. But, it seemed that it had come to an end and there was no word of encouragement for me.

Then I noticed one of the men at the podium pointing in my direction and quietly speaking to the others. With that, they began to walk toward a woman who wanted to be faithful in following the LORD but was confounded by the pain of unfounded rejection. When the men stood before me, the man who had pointed at me began to speak. He said, "Like Mary Magdalene of old, she has seen great and mighty things, but the men wouldn't listen."

His words touched my heart so deeply that an uncontrollable flood of tears burst forth from the depths of my being. One of the other men said things like, "You have been misunderstood and maligned, you have felt completely cut off, isolated, but you must remain faithful, and in due time the Father will heal the rift. It won't be the same, but He will heal and restore."

The pointedness of their words made me feel that the Holy Spirit had to be leading them. However, the first man also said some things that made me open my tear-filled eyes to see if he had begun to speak to someone else. In essence he said, "The song of the Lord shall be a strong point in that which you shall give. You shall bring a song of the LORD and those who are looking at the walls and wondering if it is going to work out will run to see what great things GOD has done, to see how He has touched and extended His hand. Therefore, sing, sing, O Nightingale of GOD! Sing!"

In my heart I felt like, "Say what!?"

"What on earth is he talking about," I wondered.

Collectively they told me that my voice would eventually be "heard," and that if I would "sing my faith," the people would "rise up."

Knowing that we should never, ever, try to fulfill prophecy, I put the words about singing on a shelf and basically forgot them. I did occasionally break out in song when I prayed, but otherwise, I took the word to mean that I should have an attitude of faith and a "song in my heart." Then one day, I heard the beginnings of a song in my head. I had never had anything like that happen to me before, and I kept hearing the first two lines of a song. So, I sang it to myself in private. Then I heard more. One day, more words to the song came to me in a rush and I began to write them down as fast as I could. I wrote so fast that I got a cramp in my hand, because I was afraid I would forget the beautiful words that I was hearing. What seemed to be different about the song is that it was not a song to or about the LORD, but one wherein He was singing to His people.

Some time later I got another song, then another, and another. On and on it went for many years, until I had dozens of songs in a file along with tapes of me singing them so I could remember the various melodies. The problem was that I only heard words and a melody and had no real musical training. I did not hear any music with my songs, nor did I know what to do with them.

Then I met Will Spires at an MIA Conference.

Will is a lovable teddy bear, and his wife, Debora, is a sweetheart. As we began to talk about his music I realized that he was a bit like me, we both fit in a decidedly small musical category that one might label, "Messianic Country." Truly we are "peculiar people"!

I honestly don't remember exactly what happened next. I think I sang one of my songs to Will and he later called me to ask about including it in his next CD. To say the least, I was excited about the prospect. He wanted to do a song titled "I AM," which I had gotten when Angus and I was driving through the mountains of Oregon. While there, I suddenly heard the words, "I Am YHVH..., I Am YHVH." The melody was beautiful and I was amazed at what I was hearing. Once again the words just kept coming, and once again, it was like the LORD was singing to His children. It truly was "a song of the LORD." It was His song to us.

Will, who is an accomplished musician and a spiritually sensitive man, put my song to music; the end result being that I could only weep as I listened to his recording. His additions were masterful touches that added greater depth to what I had given him. He has a wonderful range and a comforting tone in his voice.

When I told him about other songs that I had, he wanted to include another one in his album, and then another, and another. Our method was that I would send him written words and a simple recording of me singing it, he would sing it, add music, send it back to me, and then we would discuss how we might improve the song. Song by song, we came to a "Put a bow on it" conclusion, meaning the song was ready for publication.

Last week, I felt blessed to announce Will's CD debut at the MIA Boot Camp in Maryville. It was well received and is titled after one of my songs called "The Return." The CD includes 3 inspiring songs that Will wrote, his 2 unique versions of the Aaronic Benediction, 6 of my songs, plus a recording of me reading Ezekiel 37:16-28, which Will put to music.

Joining Will with his Acoustic guitar, Synth Orchestration, Keyboard Drums and Percussion, is Dana Martin on Bass Guitar, Electric Guitar, Slide Guitar, and Drums; plus Elaine Martin on Cello, and Mary Martin on the flute. In addition, angelic Elisha Brinkley occasionally joins them on the Piano.
The song titles on the album are:

Awake and Sing
Ezekiel 37 Reading
Road to Zion
High Plains Drifter Benediction
HaKol Shel Abba
Everyday Mercy
The Return
Who Are These
Firstborn Redeemer
Light Bringer's Blessing
With all of my heart I believe this is a profoundly unique album. For those who long to return to the Holy One as a reunited and restored House of Israel, these songs are truly about our faith, about our walk in Messiah, and about our Father's awesome promises to us. Some are inspiring songs of encouragement, some make you want to dance, and some are so worship-filled that they will bring you to tears. Each one is unique and beautiful in its own way.

My heart's desire is that each one of you would get copies of this new CD and begin to "sing of your faith." Many already are singing the "I AM" song in their congregations. You can hear clips of all of the songs, order CDs, and download individual songs with a print out of the words at

At the MIA boot camp we offered a Special: A copy of The Return CD, a 20 page booklet that has the words to the songs, plus a copy of the book, Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer, all for $15. Now, we are making this same offer available on line throughout the month of July.

Finally, let me say that, in the back of each of my books I post the following note: "The Word tells us to "let the one who is taught share all good things with him who teaches" (Galatians 6:6). If through this book a good thing has been accomplished in your life, please write and share your good news with me."

I want to say the same essential thing about this special CD. If it blesses you, if you want to have Will Spires visit your fellowship, by all means drop him a note of encouragement. You can reach him at

If possible, please drop me a note too. Write to me at I especially want to know which songs are your favorites. Plus, I am truly excited about this new stage in my life and really want to hear from those who are "rising up and singing about their faith"!

Blessings to You in Messiah's Name,


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Visit to Mexico - Challenges

The following letter to Alianza de Mujeres Cristianas gives
the reasons for postponing our visit and the challenges
we need to overcome to reschedule it.

We truly regret that we will not be able to be with you this coming weekend and participating with you in your 13th annual La Alianza de Mujeres Cristianas (Tecate Women's Conference). However, we do look forward to getting together with you in the future, when we are fully prepared to make a meaningful presentation to a Spanish speaking audience.

When we received the invitation in March for Batya to be the keynote speaker at your conference, and the opportunity to speak at several churches in Tecate, and for Angus to meet with pastors from the churches in Tecate, we were excited about having a door to the Spanish speaking world open up for us. Batya has felt for a long time that Spanish people quickly understand and embrace the truth about the restoration of "both the houses of Israel" (Isaiah 8:13-14). She feels that they are very family-oriented and readily see the benefits of celebrating Israel's Feasts. (The Feasts teach us about the Father's plan of salvation and at the same time, give us times to rejoice together with loved ones.) So, Batya was eager to embrace the opportunity being presented to her. This was the first invitation we had received to speak in a Spanish speaking country and knowing the importance of first impressions, we prayed about our presentation.

We felt that giving four one hour talks in English that were translated into Spanish, even if they were recorded, was not enough to ignite a spiritual flame in the Spanish speaking communities. Our latest book, Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer was/is igniting a fire in the English speaking communities, and we wanted the same for our Spanish speaking friends. Recognizing that the theme of the conference is Roots and Fruits of Our Judaic Hebraic Christian Heritage, we wanted to sow seed that would help awaken Spanish communities to their Israelite heritage.

Key to this hope would be to publish Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer, in Spanish. We say this because we believe that we are in a new season of Israel's redemption. Sales of many thousands of copies of Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer since mid-January help to confirm that fact. People the world over are telling us that they think this small book is the best thing that Batya has ever written. It is being used to open doors like never before and it is giving many people an opportunity to share the truth of Israel's awaking with others.

This small book is a concise version of Batya's life-changing books, Who Is Israel?- And Why You Need to Know, and, Redeemed Israel - Reunited and Restored. The essence of these classic works is included in the Primer. It quickly outlines the phenomenal truth about Ephraim and Judah, plus it offers maps, charts, and lists, as it reveals the scriptural truth about all Israel. It is an invaluable, inexpensive tool that especially helps non-Jewish Believers to see the important and exciting role they are destined to play in the last days (Isaiah 8:14; Ezekiel 37:15-28).

Our goal was to make the Primer freely available at the Conference and to the Churches in Tacate. And, we also wanted to make it available to the international Spanish speaking community at prices equal to the English version, which is $2 each in quantities of 25 or more. To do this we must print at least 10,000 initial copies (the more copies you print the cheaper the costs per copy).

To accomplish this goal we had to have the Primer translated into Spanish and to acquire funds to print it prior to the Conference. Unfortunately, we were overly optimistic and it became apparent in late April that we would not be able to meet our goals. We thus felt that, if we were not fully prepared to give the presentation that we felt led to give, we should postpone our visit until we could be properly prepared. So it is that we sadly advised Jean Fries of La Alianza de Mujeres Cristianas that we would have to postpone our visit.

That is the bad news. The good news is that the Primer has now been translated into Spanish by Blanca Colosio, who will be reading and recording the book so we can also offer it in an audio version. We are now in the process of formatting the book for printing. Our challenge continues to be having the funds necessary to print the book in sufficient quantities. We sincerely believe that having the book available at an inexpensive price is key to igniting a spiritual fire that can spread throughout the world's Spanish speaking communities.

So it is that we ask that you please pray that we can soon meet our goals. We also ask your forgiveness for having to cancel our appointment, and we ask you to please consider inviting us to your next event. We also pray that you would be greatly encouraged in the Lord. The God of Israel is moving among His people and we know in our hearts that He wants you to be involved in what He is now doing in the Earth. We look forward to meeting you in the near future.

Shalom in Messiah,
Batya and Angus


We need your help!

The day will come when Ephraim is once again a mighty man. Then our Father will whistles for Ephraim to return from the west and join with his brother Judah in the land and together defeat their enemies (Zechariah 10:7-10). Surely many of these Ephraimites will be coming from the Spanish speaking community. But how are our Spanish speaking brethren going to join these ranks without a Herald or Messenger awakening them in their own language to an understand of their heritage and purpose? (Romans 10:15).

Batya and I are excited about having an opportunity to minister in Mexico. But to be frank if we do not have materials such as the Primer in Spanish, it is unlikely that our visit will ignite a flame that will spread throughout the hundred plus churches in the Tecate area, much less throughout the international Spanish speaking community.

Consider for a moment that Batya had been Spanish speaking and thus all of her books were in Spanish. Surely English speaking Believers would hope that their Spanish brethren, who would have had their lives changed by these books, would take the necessary action and provide the resources and funding to make them available in English. Since the reverse is true, can we do any less for them?

You can help fuel this flame by supporting Key of David Publishing with an your offering as you are led by the Ruach ha Kodesh.

Offerings can be made:

Online at:

Key of David Marketplace
Key of David Publishing
Messianic Israel Marketplace

By phone at 407-344-7700, or by mail at:
Key of David Publishing, PO Box 700217, St Cloud FL 34770.

Your thoughts and comments.

This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Helping The Little People

We want to share with you a letter that we received from Roberta Hess concerning our desire to have our newest book, Who is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer, available in Spanish. For today, about 450 million people speak Spanish, making it the world's second most spoken language for international communication. The vast majority of them are in the Western Hemisphere, with over 40 million in the US.

Roberta and her husband Keith are MIA friends, Beit El Aish. They live in Northport, Alabama, which is a suburb of Tuscaloosa. I am happy to report that with the exception of phone service outage they survived the recent deadly tornadoes, that swept through Alabama, without harm. Roberta has been working on translating another one of our books into Spanish, Israel's Feasts and their Fullness. Regarding the need for having Messianic materials in Spanish she wanted to make a point and asked us to post her letter. She writes:

Dear Brethren,

I am writing some thoughts from my heart as a medical translator/interpreter for the Hispanic community here in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. My job is to relate with and then translate for the "little" people who have come from Mexico and other South American countries in hopes of finding a better life. Part of my qualifications include growing up in Mexico City and relating with the people as a child.

Most of the adult Hispanic people in the U.S. who have come as job seekers are completely illiterate. Many of them have never gone to school. They come from tiny villages in the mountains called "ranchos". These villages are often hard to get to by what you take for granted as a bus or car. The bus they take could pass as a 1950's school bus. Then when the road ends, they often have to walk the rest of the way or ride a donkey.

Brethren, these people are impoverished. They are sending the money they earn "home" to help their families. Yet Adonai is calling these very people, both in the U.S. and Hispanic America, back to their Hebrew Roots! As a response, many of us are desirous of translating books and getting them into their hands, which is important. But wait! Translate books? For people who can't READ?! No, my friends. What we also need are audio-books, on CD's, and other media, in Spanish.

To be able to provide Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer as ¿Quien Es Israel? Israel Redimido Un Primer in paperback and audio versions would be a giant step forward in reaching Hispanic believers with information about their heritage.

Studying the Parashah for Exodus 35:1-38:20, I was stricken to the core with Moshe's words: "Take up a collection for Adonai from among yourselves-anyone whose heart makes him willing..."

Yes, I know it was a collection for the Tabernacle, but aren't we that Tabernacle now? Think what it would mean to contribute just a little to adorn our Tabernacle with Hispanic believers who are desperately seeking their Hebrew Roots. A first step in fulfilling that call would be by having the Primer in paperback and in audio available to the world's Spanish speaking communities at extremely reasonable costs.

So, seeing ourselves as that Tabernacle, we encourage all MIA Allies, Friends and Partners, who have the willing heart of which Moshe spoke, to take up a collection during the month of May to help enable Key of David Publishing to have Ephraim become once again a mighty man prepared to answer our Father's whistle.

Roberta Hess

As you consider Roberta's request, and think about the amount of your offering, or whether or not you should even make one, it might prove helpful to answer this question: Do you believe that today Ephraim has the numbers that are required to fulfill the following prophecy? 

"I will strengthen the house of Judah, And I will save the house of Joseph, And I will bring them back, Because I have had compassion on them; And they will be as though I had not rejected them, For I am the YHVH their God and I will answer them. Ephraim will be like a mighty man, and their heart will be glad as if from wine; Indeed, their children will see it and be glad, Their heart will rejoice in YHVH their God. I will whistle for them to gather them together, For I have redeemed them; And they will be as numerous as they were before, when I scatter them among the peoples. They will remember Me in far countries, and they with their children will live and come back" Zec 10:6-9.

If you answered no, then obviously something has to be done to help bring about, "They will remember Me!" The message in the Primer is surely one that will help trigger remembrance and help more of Israel's lost sheep to realize the truth of their heritage and call.

Your offerings and gifts, large and small, will be greatly appreciated - not only by us, but by untold numbers of Spanish speaking people around the world. We ask you to please be led by the Ruach haKodesh and by Moshe's words, "Take up a collection for Adonai from among yourselves - anyone whose heart makes him willing..."

You can help make this book a realty!
Online at: Key of David Marketplace, or KOD Publishing, or Messianic Israel Alliance Marketplace.

By Phone: 407-344-7700

By Mail: Key of David Publishing, PO Box 700217, St Cloud FL 34770

We further outlined the need to help our Spanish speaking brethren in the letters titled, An Invitation from Mexico and For Such A Time As This, and in the report, Sepharad (Spain, Portugal and the Hispanic people). 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

An Invitation to Celebrate Passover

Join us in Seattle this coming weekend at the MIA Northwest Conference! Click here for more information

Upcoming Events

The Messianic Israel Alliance Northwest Regional Conference will be held in Woodinville (Seattle), Washington, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 7-9, 2011.

For more information go to Upcoming Events.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Passover and the Resurrection

by Batya and Angus

As we enter into the Passover season, we want to encourage our friends in the faith and to remind everyone that Messiah Yeshua's resurrection is central to our faith. The reason being that, as we begin to learn about our Hebraic heritage, most of us go down the trail of "repenting of celebrating Easter" and instead begin to celebrate Passover. However, while we do want to repent of anything that has to do with Easter bunnies and Ishtar, we do not want to forget the resurrection of our Messiah. As His followers, there are three days in world history that have profoundly impacted us: They are the days of the birth, death, and resurrection of the One who came to redeem us.

In their desire to return to their Hebraic roots, some become overly enamored with the traditions of Judaism, and to be candid, many have become anti-Christian. And, that sin is no more acceptable to the Almighty than is the sin of anti-Semitism.

The truth is, as we begin to understand about our Israelite history we find that our Ephraimite forefathers had a real penchant for paganism. Jeroboam, the first king of the Northern Kingdom, created his own feast days and spoke against the plan of the Most High. This apostate king also sought to "make alterations in set times and in law." In other words, he created replacement celebrations (Exodus 31:16-17; Daniel 7:25; 1 Kings 12:27-33).

The actions of this wayward Ephraimite king foreshadowed those of the institutional church. She followed in his footsteps and made her own proclamations, changed the Sabbath, and replaced Israel's feast days.

Many are presently repenting of these sins, however, some are letting their pendulum swing too far and becoming anti-Christian. We suggest that in our search for the truth, and as we relearn how to celebrate our faith, we need to see that, in addition to the weekly Sabbath, Israel has seven feasts, or High Holy Days (Sabbaths) that are to be celebrated, plus there are two other days that we are supposed to commemorate. They are called the "Seven Feasts of Israel," and two of them have two Sabbaths days. They are the beginning and the end of the feasts of Unleavened Bread, and Sukkot (Tabernacles). The other, singular, feast days are Shavuot, Yom Teruah, and Yom Kippur. In addition to these seven days, there are two days in which work was done, and they are to be commemorated too. The first is the Day of Preparation (the day in which the Passover lamb was slain), the second was the Day of the Wave Sheaf (when the priest would wave the first fruits offering of the barley harvest). These Seven Feasts and Nine Days are listed in a chart in the book, Israel's Feasts and their Fullness (by Batya Ruth Wootten).

The two days in which work was done (slaying the lamb and harvesting the sheaf) speak of the finished work of our Messiah. He was crucified at the time when the sacrifice lambs were to be slain, and, He came forth from the grave as a type of "First of First Fruits." He labored to give birth to a new creation on Passover, then He did the work of a Priest when He made His First of Firstfruits offering in the Heavenlies. Messiah Yeshua is "the firstborn from the dead....the first fruits of those who are asleep" (Colossians 1:18; 1 Corinthians 15:20,23). As our High Priest, "He entered through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation; for Messiah did not enter a holy place made with hands, a mere copy of the true one, but into heaven itself, to appear in the presence of God for us" (Hebrews 9:11,24).

Passover foreshadowed the death of the Lamb of God, Messiah Yeshua. The Day of the Wave Sheaf (or, Day of the First of First Fruits) speaks of His resurrection from the dead. And, if we will learn to look through a lens of mercy, we will see that the Christian celebration of the Resurrection, apart from its unacceptable and errant traditions, might be called a type of "First Fruits" celebration. We make this point because, if we learn to speak merciful words of encouragement to those who presently celebrate Easter, and if we encourage them to see the comparison to the Day of the Wave Sheaf, perhaps they will be open to change and to hearing more of Torah's truths.

We do not say this to encourage anything that has to do with the ancient cult of "Ishtar," from which the word "Easter" is derived, nor do we want to encourage a parade of bunnies with baskets of colored eggs. Rabbits and eggs are fertility symbols, and Ishtar was the ancient Assyrian/ Babylonian goddess of love, fertility, and war. We want nothing to do with those things. However, the Resurrection of our Messiah is an event that is most worthy of commemoration. His resurrection from the dead marks a pivotal point in history. He is the substance of the Day of the Sheaf, the essence of the first fruits offering that followed Passover, He is the firstfruits of resurrection. The picture that is painted by this Holy Day is that of a priest, standing alone and waving a sheaf before the LORD. It is a picture of our Messiah, who is a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek" (Hebrews 7:17). Moreover, Yeshua's resurrection began a new type of harvest. He is "the firstborn among many brethren," and we who are His brethren, we are the continuation of that harvest, we "have the first fruits of the Spirit." He "brought us forth...that we would be a kind of first fruits among His creatures" (Romans 8:29,23; James 1:18).

As we begin to return to our roots, we would do well to remember this special day that speaks of mankind's greatest hope.

So, how should we celebrate this all-but-forgotten feast day?

We begin by examining its shadowy beginning, as described in Leviticus 23:10: "When you enter the land which I am going to give to you and reap its harvest, then you shall bring in the sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest to the priest. He shall wave the sheaf before YHVH for you to be accepted; on the day after the sabbath the priest shall wave it." Here, we see that a barley sheaf was to be waved (barley being the first fruit of the year). Thus, we want to center our celebration around the waving of a barley sheaf. (For celebration suggestions see the book, Israel's Feasts and their Fullness, for dried barley, see

We also are told, "You shall also [begin to] count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day when you brought in the sheaf of the wave offering; there shall be seven complete Sabbaths" (Leviticus 23:15). This day after the Sabbath marks the beginning of the counting off of the fifty days, with the end leading us to the Feast of Shavuot. This day is also known by the Greek word, Pentecost, which means fifty, which is the number that represents Jubilee, the time when captives are set free from their slavery.

As for counting the days, some question the meaning of "the morrow after the Sabbath" (Lev 23:11, KJV). We conclude that the proper day for Shavuot must meet four requirements. It must: 1) Be preceded by 7 Sabbaths (not more or less). 2) Be the next day, or mochorath, after a Sabbath. 3) Be a 50th day. 4) Be the end of a counting of days that was begun on the day after a Sabbath.

If we follow this pattern the Day the First Fruits Wave Sheaf will always fall on the first day of the week, or Sunday, as will Shavuot; it comes exactly seven Sabbaths plus one day, or fifty days later. (First century Sadducees followed this counting method. Pharisees later argued that it should begin on the 16th of Aviv, after the first Unleavened Bread Sabbath. Rabbinic Judaism followed this counting custom. However, Un-leavened Bread begins on Abib 15, and 50 days later leads us to the fixed date of Sivan 6, which does not always follow a Shabbat, and they can have more than 7 "Sabbaths" during their 50-day period (see "A Day of Promise," Israel's Feasts and Their Fullness.)

Counting these days is known as "counting the omer." For this fifty-day interval a special custom arose that Jewish people honor to this day. On each day a "counting benediction" is recited and days are marked off on a calendar: "Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, Who has sanctified us the Thy commandments, and has commanded us concerning the counting of the omer."

This blessing is followed by saying: "This is the ____ day, being ____ weeks and ____ days of the omer." (Everlasting Tradition, Galen Peterson, Grand Rapids: Kregal Publications, 1995, pp 28-29.)

In summation, all of Israel's feasts and appointed times speak of our Messiah. They were and still are shadows of what was and is to come. Their substance is found in Yeshua. They are holy rehearsals of the glory that He promises to His people (Colossians 2:17; Hebrews 10:1). Messiah Yeshua is given first place in everything because all things are being summed up in Him. He is all, and can be found in all (Ephesians 1:10-11,23). He is "First" in many ways (Isaiah 41:4; 44:6; 48:12; Matthew 1:23-25; Romans 8:29; Colossians 1:15,18; Hebrews 1:6; Revelation 1:5; 1:8,17; 21:6; 22:13). So it is that we encourage you to be liberated into true celebration and rejoicing in Israel's appointed times. We encourage you to lift up our Messiah, because He said, "If I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to Myself." When He said this, He was indicating the kind of death by which He was to die (John 12:32-33). So let us lift up the truth about Him on this Passover and on the Day of the Wave Sheaf. Let us proclaim the good news that He is risen!

May your celebrations be blessed from on High!
Hag Sameach!

Batya and Angus


For more information about Israel's Feasts and their Fullness go to the MIA Marketplace or to Key of David Marketplace, where you can also download the a PDF of the Introduction, Forward and First Chapter. Also available is the book The Passover in all its Fullness, and a two hour video Come Let Us Rehearse the Four Passovers.

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We further outlined the need to help our Spanish speaking brethren in the Letter titled, An Invitation from Mexico and in the report,
Sepharad (Spain, Portugal and the Hispanic people).

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