Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Difference in My "Israel" Books

By Batya Wootten

We are excited to say that the latest printing of my book, Redeemed Israel, Reunited and Restored is now available.

Since I have come to realize that people can become "attached" to a book that once ministered to them, I want to explain my reasons for often having "changed" a book that has essentially remained the same. I say this because, my Who is Israel series of books and my Redeemed Israel books are essentially the same book. Each of them has offered the same core message in the same essential order of presentation. However, I have made changes in the books for different reasons, such as, correcting typos, facing different challenges that needed to be highlighted at the time of the particular printing, stating things more concisely, offering new bits of information, plus, offering more and improved graphics.

My first book was titled In Search of Israel and was written in 1988. I spent 4 and ½ years writing it, tried to be very careful in my presentation, and to use only Scripture to answer questions about Israel. After that, due to a lack of funds, we printed a limited edition title called The Olive Tree of Israel (1994). It was written in more of a story form and its highlights have since been included in my other books. In 1998, the spiritual air was again different and we needed a handbook for the growing number of seekers who wanted to understand more about "both the houses of Israel" (Isa 8:14). They needed Scriptural evidence that would help them to defend and share their budding faith. We titled that book, Who is Israel? And Why You Need to Know. It was this 296 page book that essentially set off a fire-storm and is now a "collector's item" that can often be found on for a hefty price.

Each time "Who is Israel?" sold out, I had added and clarified points on more than 10% of its pages and thus had to give it a new ISBN number. So, we also made cover and slight title changes to indicate that it was an enhanced version of the same book.

Years later, I once again felt the spiritual air was different. By now, many people had come to understand about the restoration of Ephraim and Judah, but some seemed to be losing their way. So, I felt the need to better emphasize the truth about the identity of our Messiah and chose a new title: Redeemed Israel, Reunited and Restored. First published in 2006, I had learned to be much more concise in my presentation, so it had fewer pages, Yet, it had more actual content, graphics and charts. My hope was that the change in title would allude to a change in our movement. Also, we had moved to a place wherein there were still myriads of Believers who do not yet know about all Israel, but at the same time, many had come to know about and understand the subject on some level. Thus, I felt that in addition to explaining the "who" of the matter, I also had to put greater emphasis on "what" it is that we are being called to be. Presently, many now know that, one way or another, we are part of the people of Israel, but the question that looms large before us is, "What kind of Israelites are we called to be?"

My answer was and is that, first and foremost, we are called to be the "Redeemed" of the Messiah of Israel (thus the title change).

Over the years I have watched many Believers deny or conceal their faith in the Messiah so they can convert to Judaism and thus feel "accepted" and have a "legitimate" identity with Jewish Israel. Some do this because they are jealous of what they believe to be Judah's exclusively "chosen" state. They apparently did not understand the fact that Ephraim and his companions also are part of the "chosen" people of Israel (Deu 7:6-8; 10:15; Isa 8:14; Jer 33:23-26; Eze 35:10; 37:22; 1 Pet 1:1; 2:9; 2 Thes 2:13).

For me, conversion was not a path that I could comfortably trod. When I came to faith in the Messiah, He literally and powerfully touched me, and I have not been the same from that day to this. I cannot deny my absolute faith Him and do not want to take a chance on having Him feel that I am denying Him before men (Mat 10:33). Moreover, I cannnot find it in my heart to look to a man who does not "know" my Messiah in the same way that I do, and ask him to pronounce me to be something other than the truth of who and what I already am in Messiah. Yeshua is the "Great I AM." He has called me to be One with Him. He loves me and brings me into the presence of my Father in Heaven, Who is the God of all Israel. No man can top that offer.

Nonetheless, the God of all Israel has placed a deep abiding love within me for my Jewish brothers and sisters. I care very much about them and about the hurts they have experienced - simply because they are "Jewish." I also care about the way the world often mistreats them and the Nation of Israel. But at the same time, I likewise care for my non-Jewish brethren. As I see it, both have something to offer the other, and both need to grow beyond some of their present misunderstandings. The problem is, the growth that we all need to experience is found only in the Messiah, through His Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit). Messiah Yeshua is still the Stumbling Stone. He continues to be the Rock of Offence. As prophesied, "both the houses of Israel" still "stumble" over Him - albeit in different ways (Isa 8:13-14).

To help us tell others about the life-changing truth about all Israel, to help people better see the Redeeming Lion of Judah in context, and to thus stop the stumbling, we added yet another book to our arsenal. It is a brief 96 page reasonably priced title: Who is Israel? - Redeemed Israel - A Primer. This little overview quickly explains about both houses, offers helpful graphics and charts, plus it has 3 short review chapters that can actually be used in a collective Bible Study. I wrote this digest version because some are intimated by larger books, and because busy people need to get their information quickly. This books seems to be doing the trick. People are buying boxes of them and passing them out to friends - because it is an inviting and easy read. If people want to know more, they can purchase a copy of Redeemed Israel - Reunited and Restored - which is now in print in its Second Edition.

I want to close by sincerely thanking all of you who have helped to spread the word about our books and thus to make all of the above reprints and more both possible and necessary. Please know that we are very grateful to each and every one of you. Our prayer for you is that, may He Who sees all things done in secret openly bless you for your kindness toward us.

Shalom, Shalom,

Batya (and Angus) Wootten

To order any of these books, and to see our other books on various subjects, please visit Key of David Publishing.


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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Return to the Land

by Batya Wootten and Natan Lawrence

A Note From Batya

A dear friend of mine wrote a Review about the book of another dear friend of mine and I want to share it with you.

Many of you know Natan Lawrence based on his excellent weekly Torah Portion teachings. He is a prolific and solidly scriptural writer and he wrote a review about Ephraim Frank's excellent book, "Return to the Land: An Ephraimite's Journey Home."

When the weather gets cooler I tend to think of curling up with a good book and Ephraim Frank's book is one of the best I have ever read.
The following is Natan's Review of this inspiring work:

Natan Lawrence's Review

Ephraim Frank's book, Return to the Land, came into my possession some months ago. When I first saw it I thought, "That's a nice looking book, another book to read about someone's life." And into my book shelf it went with about 600 other religious books in my library.

As a biblical researcher, author, pastor and Torah teacher I spend most of my time wading through pre-rabbinic, rabbinic, linguistic, and early Christian writings to search out nuggets of truth for my writings and teachings. I don't have time for much "light" reading. But once in while I have to come up for air-to feed the heart and spirit, not just the mind. Knowledge puffeth up, but love edifies! The letter killeth, but the spirit maketh alive! I have to remind myself of these things constantly.

So the other day I was needing to be edified in my inner man. The idea of taking my family to the land of Israel pulls at me, if not permanently, yet, at least temporarily for academic reasons. As I was staring at my library shelves Return to the Land shouted to my spirit. Obeying that inner voice of the Spirit of Elohim I took it down and began to read it that evening. Like someone else already said of it, "Once I started I could not put it down..."

Dear brother and sister Israelites, this book is not just another story about someone's life out there somewhere. It is the story of your life and mine; the story of one who heard the call of YHVH's Spirit to return to the land and obeyed and did, and YHVH was with him all the way through the journey with His abundance and privision. Ephraim Frank didn't have money or connections. All he had was faith in YHVH's promises and trust in the voice of his Shepherd, Yeshua, who spoke to him and called this sheep by name and told him to come home. Though Jewish, Ephraim couldn't prove his identity to the Israeli authorities, so in their eyes he was a Gentile. He had no legal rights to remain in the land. But, like Caleb and Joshua, Ephraim determined to go in and to possess his divine inheritance, and he did.

This is the story of faith. There is no doubt and unbelief in this man's life. He and his wife, Rimona (an Israeli and a Hebrew Editor), are the kind of people whose testimonies inspire others to do the same. Hebrews eleven, the Scriptures "hall of faith," contains the testimonies of such people. It is the story of a panoply of divine appointments, miracles, supernatural occurrences, divine provision, visions that came to pass and prophetic words that all come together in a rich flow of real life events to prepare man, and latter his wife, for the ministry call they had on their lives to help regather Ephraim back to the land in fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Plug your spiritual electric cord into this book and you'll definitely get your spiritual batteries charged!

Whether your heart is set on returning to the land of Israel yet or not, no matter, for the story in this book will inspire you to reach out of the comfort zones of spiritual stagnation in which you may find yourself and by faith to seize the divine calling that YHVH has placed on your life and to go forward by faith. It is time to take the next step in your spiritual faith walk, and this book will inspire you in this journey. I urge you to get it today, and don't do like I did and let it collect dust on the shelf. Instead, read it immediately and be truly inspired!

Ya'acov Natan Lawrence

End Quote.

"Return to the Land: An Ephraimite's Journey Home" is not only a book you should read, but it also makes a great gift. And, for the month of December, we will will add a free copy of this inspiring book to each one that you order.

Read this anointed book and be blessed!

Check out all of our December Specials at Key of David Publishing.

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