Lift Up a Standard!
Help Guide Our People Home
Way Stations are a concept that we developed years ago to help Believers share their faith about Israel's full restoration. Way Stations serve as guideposts in that they are supply stations for those who want to know more about their Israelite heritage. They serve as road marks that help build up the highway to Zion and guide us back to the Land (Isa 62:10;Jer 23:1-8; 31:21; Mark 2:22).
Unfortunately, this concept has fallen short of its enormous potential. It is a concept that has been "MIA" (missing in action) of late. (See
Missing in Action - Or Soldiers of the IAF?).
Nonetheless, we continue to believe that Way Stations could be one of the most effective ways to disseminate materials that promote MIA's "one house" perspective (Ephraim and Judah reunited). They can help us declare the truth about MIA's "Inclusion Theology." We teach the opposite of Replacement Theology with "Inclusion Theology." We agree with the Apostle Paul, James, and our Messiah, who all taught that the Jewish people are part of Israel, but they do not represent all of Israel. In Paul's letters he speaks of a "greater Israel" (Rom 11. Eph 2, Gal 3).
We believe that the seed of Abraham has, over the last 3000 years, become like the stars of heaven and the sands of the sea. As prophesied in the book of Hosea, this seed, these heirs of promise, rebelled, were scattered, lost their identity, but in this hour, they and their companions are being reawakened and restored. To aid in this restoration, Way Stations are outposts that serve as a distribution network for Messianic Israel information. Through them we can offer materials, such as books, articles, music and audio CD's and viddeo DVD's.
Our primary means of "advertising" has been, is, and will always be, "word of mouth." However, we also want to increase our presence on the Internet and in bookstores. Sadly, most bookstores do not carry messianic books and they are not able to answer questions about the messianic movement, making the two houses one, Ephraim and Judah, the Feasts of Israel, a Hebraic view of being led by the Spirit, etc. etc. That is why we need your help. Together, we have a three-fold mission. Step one, establish our own bookstores/lending library - which we call "Way Stations," and have them supply hungry souls with the goods and answers that they need. Secondly, we need to educate Christian bookstore personnel (there are 6500 bookstores and a lot of employees). We need to approach regular bookstores as well. Also, there are 360,000 churches in the United States alone, many of which have small bookstores, book tables, lending libraries, etc. Plus there is an untold number of independent ministries who need to be made aware of the truth about Israel's restoration.
The Way Station
Way Stations thus have a three-fold mission: distributing books, articles, teachings, music and audio CDs and video DVDs; acting as a lending library, and, placing materials where others will have access to them with an offer to personally answer their questions.
Anyone can be a Way Station. Each one of us can be used to lift up a standard and help lead our people home.
The MIA, working in conjunction with its publishing arm, Key of David, can help you to help others. When you join us you will be listed as a Way Station in the MIA Directory, and in the Key of David Marketplace Directory. Only the Father in Heaven knows what doors of service, what great opportunities might be opened to you. We invite you to step through that door.
To be listed in the MIA Directory you must be registered as an Ally or Friend. To register go to. Also, you can receive a six month complimentary membership as an MIA Ally by ordering fifty or more copies of the Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer. See Extraordinary Offer.
Once you are registered with the MIA as a Way Station, Key of David will make materials available to you in quantity at a whopping 40% discount! The minimum order is $100 worth of goods after your discount (plus shipping). If you would like to be listed in the Key of David Marketplace Directory please reply to this email with your listing information (see below). We will then send you a discount code that you can use when ordering from Key of David Marketplace.
For more information and encouragement, we invite you to read the article:
Restoring David's Fallen Tent a Key to a Kingdom Harvest. The article offers a more detailed overview plus inventory recommendations.
We suggest that each Way Station library should contain at least one of each paper book, audio book, and several copies of the key books such as Redeemed Israel - Reunited and Restored, Israel's Feasts and their Fullness, Restoring Israel's Kingdom, Israel Empowered by the Spirit, The Voice - Hearing the Almighty, Mama's Torah: the Role of Woman, In Search of Israel, and Who Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer. Also, each Way Station library should have CD's and DVD's from the MIA annual conferences plus a variety of Messianic music.
Please contact me if you have any comments or questions, or if you want to place an order over the phone.
Shalom, Shalom,
Angus Wootten
Key of David Publishing
PO Box 700217 St Cloud, FL 34770
Key of David Marketplace Listing
Complete and email the following information to admin@keyofdavidpublishing.
com to have it posted on Key of David Marketplace under the listing for Way
Stations, Bookstores and Distributors, and to obtain your discount code:
Congregation, Fellowship, Ministry, or Bible Study name:
Name, or names, you would like posted (you may indicate different addresses, phone numbers and emails for more than one individual:
Postal Code
Web Site
Give a description of your Congregation, Fellowship, Ministry, or Bible Study.
Such as meeting places and times, special products and services you offer etc.
In other words write your own ad.
At Key of David Publishing words are very important to us. So it is that we are pleased to present to you a new publication. It is a light, and yet most satisfying fare. It is economically priced so you can feed it to the masses. It is pleasing to the eye and pleasant to the palate.
It is our newest book, Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer.
This powerful and concise 96 page book readily defines our Israelite faith. It lifts up the Messiah and points us toward the restoration of the whole House of Israel. Those who proof-read the manuscript have said that this is Batya's best work ever! It is an easy read that gets the essentials of our faith across in a short time. It includes charts and graphics, plus chapters that can be used as an outline for Bible Studies. Most importantly, this encouraging little book points the way toward the glory that lies ahead for those of Redeemed Israel. You will surely be blessed and inspired as you read this informative little book - so be sure to order additional copies for friends and loved ones! We believe you will want to give a copy of it to everyone you know!
Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer, rolled off the press last week, and were received from the printer today, Friday, January 14, 2011, and it is now shipping.
Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer is be available as a 96 page
paperback book, as an audio book on CD, it will be down loadable to Iphones and similar devices, and as an electronic book that can be read on Ipads and similar devices, plus we are making a PowerPoint video teaching that is based on the book.
To order books go to Key of David Marketplace.
To download the Table of Contents, Foreword, Introduction and the First Chapter at no cost go to Book Sample Chapters.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Making 2011 a Better and More Productive Year than 2010
A Call to Action from Key of David Publishing
We can all agree that we hope 2011 will be a better and more productive year than 2010. The question that we need to ask is, what can we do to make it a better and more productive year?
Each of us are fighting a battle similar to the one Wally Smith and his congregation are fighting. He is the Pastor of House of Israel Fellowship: A Free Congregation of Messianic Christians, in Las Vegas. He also co-authored with Batya Wootten, the book, Israel Empowered by the Spirit,. Wally and his congregation are fighting a battle in Las Vegas, and to help you successfully fight the battle in your own hometown, I want to share with you a letter I just sent to him.
Shalom Wally,
The following popped up in some notes I had made in the past. I thought I would share them with you since you are hosting the MIA Southwestern Regional Conference in Las Vegas at the end of this month. The following statistics are based on the number of pages in the 2010 Yellow-page listings for Las Vegas.
The Battle for Las Vegas
Our Potential Forces
There are 9 pages that list some 739 Churches in 63 denominations or Classifications. Plus there are 15 Synagogues in 4 sects: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Messianic.
The Opposition
The same Yellow-pages lists some 32 pages of Entertainment, with 933 entries, and 125 listed under "Adult".
22 pages listing 540 Hotels and Casinos.
59 pages listing 4,493 restaurants.
9 pages listing Golf with 37 Golf Courses
2 pages listing 8 Abortion Clinics
Our Weapons
Words. The "word of mouth" backed up by books, videos, teachings, etc., is our most effective weapon in the situation or environment that we find ourselves in.
This leads me to ask, what would happen if the 739 Churches were offered a complementary copy of Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer, along with information about your upcoming conference?
There is only one way to find out the answer. Send them a letter.
I have copied below a letter by Dennis Northington, who works with me on the Zechariah's Patrol site. He is sending the letter to some 500 pastors in the Austin, Texas area.
What might be the results of sending out a similar letter to the Pastors of the 739 Churches in Las Vegas? There really is only one way to know, send the letter!
Never forget that we are winners! I know, because I have read the end of the Good Book!
Here's to winning the war!
What might be the results of sending out a similar letter to the Pastors of the Churches in your hometown? There are some 360,000 Churches in the United States. How many do think would accept this offer?
Not only Churches, if you sent this type of letter to friends, how many of them would accept this offer?
There really is only one way to know, send a letter!
Here is an example:
State Zip
Dear Pastor XYX,
I am writing today to encourage you and thank you for your work, service and dedication to the good news of our Savior here in Austin.
It is amazing to open the book of James and read: "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting." Peter also penned: "... to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ..." And Paul wrote, "Therefore remember that formerly you, the Gentiles in the flesh... remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world."
These men wrote to the scattered twelve tribes and strangers - the believing "elect" of Israel. We also know Paul wrote these familiar words to those in Rome:
"For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved" (Romans 11:25).
The promise that "all Israel" shall be saved by God's covenant is an amazing "faith" statement that is explored in a simple book that you can share with anyone who is interested in "Israel." It is, Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer. This powerful and concise 96 page book readily defines our faith. It lifts up the Messiah and points us toward the restoration of the whole House of Israel.
This simple Primer clearly outlines Israel's blessings, reveals why Israel was chosen, and it unveils the glorious destiny of reunited Israel. The book encourages Jewish and non-Jewish Believers in Messiah (Judah and Ephraim) to become the promised "one new man"-to become purified sons who are able to take the Land.
I would be happy to send you a complementary copy of this Scripture-based book today. It addresses those scattered peoples that James and Peter addressed their letters to and it shows many wonderful truths about "all" Israel of which Paul so eloquently wrote about as well. It digs into God's word and provides great encouragement to the Body of Messiah.
Please write, email, or call me today for a complementary copy, which is inspiring many Believers everywhere!
In Messiah,
Dennis Northington
Phone 512-329-6620
We can all agree that we hope 2011 will be a better and more productive year than 2010. The question that we need to ask is, what can we do to make it a better and more productive year?
Each of us are fighting a battle similar to the one Wally Smith and his congregation are fighting. He is the Pastor of House of Israel Fellowship: A Free Congregation of Messianic Christians, in Las Vegas. He also co-authored with Batya Wootten, the book, Israel Empowered by the Spirit,. Wally and his congregation are fighting a battle in Las Vegas, and to help you successfully fight the battle in your own hometown, I want to share with you a letter I just sent to him.
Shalom Wally,
The following popped up in some notes I had made in the past. I thought I would share them with you since you are hosting the MIA Southwestern Regional Conference in Las Vegas at the end of this month. The following statistics are based on the number of pages in the 2010 Yellow-page listings for Las Vegas.
The Battle for Las Vegas
Our Potential Forces
There are 9 pages that list some 739 Churches in 63 denominations or Classifications. Plus there are 15 Synagogues in 4 sects: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Messianic.
The Opposition
The same Yellow-pages lists some 32 pages of Entertainment, with 933 entries, and 125 listed under "Adult".
22 pages listing 540 Hotels and Casinos.
59 pages listing 4,493 restaurants.
9 pages listing Golf with 37 Golf Courses
2 pages listing 8 Abortion Clinics
Our Weapons
Words. The "word of mouth" backed up by books, videos, teachings, etc., is our most effective weapon in the situation or environment that we find ourselves in.
This leads me to ask, what would happen if the 739 Churches were offered a complementary copy of Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer, along with information about your upcoming conference?
There is only one way to find out the answer. Send them a letter.
I have copied below a letter by Dennis Northington, who works with me on the Zechariah's Patrol site. He is sending the letter to some 500 pastors in the Austin, Texas area.
What might be the results of sending out a similar letter to the Pastors of the 739 Churches in Las Vegas? There really is only one way to know, send the letter!
Never forget that we are winners! I know, because I have read the end of the Good Book!
Here's to winning the war!
What might be the results of sending out a similar letter to the Pastors of the Churches in your hometown? There are some 360,000 Churches in the United States. How many do think would accept this offer?
Not only Churches, if you sent this type of letter to friends, how many of them would accept this offer?
There really is only one way to know, send a letter!
Here is an example:
State Zip
Dear Pastor XYX,
I am writing today to encourage you and thank you for your work, service and dedication to the good news of our Savior here in Austin.
It is amazing to open the book of James and read: "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting." Peter also penned: "... to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ..." And Paul wrote, "Therefore remember that formerly you, the Gentiles in the flesh... remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world."
These men wrote to the scattered twelve tribes and strangers - the believing "elect" of Israel. We also know Paul wrote these familiar words to those in Rome:
"For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved" (Romans 11:25).
The promise that "all Israel" shall be saved by God's covenant is an amazing "faith" statement that is explored in a simple book that you can share with anyone who is interested in "Israel." It is, Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer. This powerful and concise 96 page book readily defines our faith. It lifts up the Messiah and points us toward the restoration of the whole House of Israel.
This simple Primer clearly outlines Israel's blessings, reveals why Israel was chosen, and it unveils the glorious destiny of reunited Israel. The book encourages Jewish and non-Jewish Believers in Messiah (Judah and Ephraim) to become the promised "one new man"-to become purified sons who are able to take the Land.
I would be happy to send you a complementary copy of this Scripture-based book today. It addresses those scattered peoples that James and Peter addressed their letters to and it shows many wonderful truths about "all" Israel of which Paul so eloquently wrote about as well. It digs into God's word and provides great encouragement to the Body of Messiah.
Please write, email, or call me today for a complementary copy, which is inspiring many Believers everywhere!
In Messiah,
Dennis Northington
Phone 512-329-6620
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Who Are You and Where Are You Going?
A Call to Action from Key of David Publishing
Many Believers in the Messiah, and almost all Jewish people vie for the coveted title of Israel and the two-edged sword they use in their age-old battle has wounded myriads. Some Christians do not claim the title, and instead follow in the foolish footsteps of Esau by handing over the title of "Firstborn Israel" to those of Judah. But, it doesn't have to be that way any more...
To solve the problem, Believers need to see, and to be set free by, the truth about "both the houses of Israel (Isaiah 8:14). They need to see the "other" Israel, the "melo hagoyim," the "fullness of Gentiles" promised to Ephraim (Genesis 48:19; Romans 11:25).
To write reviews for her Messianic Materials catalogue, in the late seventies and early eighties, Batya Wootten found herself reading scores of books about Israel. She saw that there were many different theories, but wanted to offer only the truth. This led her to cry out to the God of Israel, "Please make me understand who is Israel!"
The Father, being faithful to His Word, answered her, and she and her husband, Angus, have now been boldly declaring the truth of Scripture for more than three decades.
Batya seeks to present the truth of the Word in simplicity, and now, she offers a new, ever so simple book that you can share with anyone who is interested in "Israel." It is, Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer. This powerful and concise 96 page book readily defines our Israelite faith. It lifts up the Messiah and points us toward the restoration of the whole House of Israel. Those who proof-read the manuscript have said that this is Batya's "best work ever!"
This simple Primer clearly outlines Israel's blessings, reveals why Israel was chosen, and it unveils the glorious destiny of reunited Israel. The book encourages Jewish and non-Jewish Believers in Messiah (Judah and Ephraim) to become the promised "one new man"-to become purified sons who are able to take the Land.
This easy read gets the essentials of our faith across in a short time. It includes charts and graphics, plus chapters that can be used as an outline for Bible Studies. Most importantly, this encouraging little book points the way toward the glory that lies ahead for those of Redeemed Israel. You will be blessed and inspired as you read this informative economically priced book. In quantity, it is only two dollars per copy! So be sure to order additional copies for friends and loved ones! We believe you will want to give a copy of it to everyone you know!
The truths in this book have dramatically changed the lives of tens of thousands! You can use it to change even more lives, and prepare Ephraim to once again be a mighty man who is ready to answer our Father's whistle-a people who are ready to be gathered back to the land (Zechariah 10:7-9).
Take full advantage of this opportunity and order your copies today!
This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
To solve the problem, Believers need to see, and to be set free by, the truth about "both the houses of Israel (Isaiah 8:14). They need to see the "other" Israel, the "melo hagoyim," the "fullness of Gentiles" promised to Ephraim (Genesis 48:19; Romans 11:25).
To write reviews for her Messianic Materials catalogue, in the late seventies and early eighties, Batya Wootten found herself reading scores of books about Israel. She saw that there were many different theories, but wanted to offer only the truth. This led her to cry out to the God of Israel, "Please make me understand who is Israel!"
The Father, being faithful to His Word, answered her, and she and her husband, Angus, have now been boldly declaring the truth of Scripture for more than three decades.
Batya seeks to present the truth of the Word in simplicity, and now, she offers a new, ever so simple book that you can share with anyone who is interested in "Israel." It is, Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer. This powerful and concise 96 page book readily defines our Israelite faith. It lifts up the Messiah and points us toward the restoration of the whole House of Israel. Those who proof-read the manuscript have said that this is Batya's "best work ever!"
This simple Primer clearly outlines Israel's blessings, reveals why Israel was chosen, and it unveils the glorious destiny of reunited Israel. The book encourages Jewish and non-Jewish Believers in Messiah (Judah and Ephraim) to become the promised "one new man"-to become purified sons who are able to take the Land.
This easy read gets the essentials of our faith across in a short time. It includes charts and graphics, plus chapters that can be used as an outline for Bible Studies. Most importantly, this encouraging little book points the way toward the glory that lies ahead for those of Redeemed Israel. You will be blessed and inspired as you read this informative economically priced book. In quantity, it is only two dollars per copy! So be sure to order additional copies for friends and loved ones! We believe you will want to give a copy of it to everyone you know!
The truths in this book have dramatically changed the lives of tens of thousands! You can use it to change even more lives, and prepare Ephraim to once again be a mighty man who is ready to answer our Father's whistle-a people who are ready to be gathered back to the land (Zechariah 10:7-9).
Take full advantage of this opportunity and order your copies today!
This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
Ephraim, My Firstborn, Can You Hear Me?
A Question From The Father
by Batya Wootten
A friend of ours sent us a copy of a prophetic word she had that begins with a question from the Father. It is, "Ephraim, My firstborn, can you hear Me?" (See Jeremiah 31:9.)
Properly "hearing" the Father is a subject that is dear to my heart. I write about it in my book, "The Voice... Hearing The Almighty." I explain that hearing His voice within ourselves is an ability that we lost when we sinned in Gan Eden (Garden of Eden). Moreover, our sojourn here on earth is about having that ability restored. It is about learning to hear His Spirit, and to in turn obey Him.
In Hebrew, shema (hear) is an action word. When one hears they are supposed to respond. These are separate ideas in English, but not so in Hebrew. So to speak, proof of hearing is seen in one's response.
The problem is that we taint the beautiful gifting of hearing the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) if we tell others that the Lord is speaking to us when in truth it is our flesh talking, or a mix of flesh and spirit, or the evil one is whispering in our ear.... We also taint the idea of listening to the Spirit when we do crazy things and say the idea came from the Lord. (These lists can go on, and on.)
Nonetheless, we must press on, we must learn to hear and obey His voice, especially in this hour (Zec 4:6).
Yom Kippur is a special time that calls for introspection. It is a time wherein we need to examine ourselves, to test ourselves to make sure we are in the faith, to make certain that we have not gotten off course. It is a time when we need to hear the Father's correction in our lives so we can grow up in Messiah (2 Cor 13:5; Eph 4:15).
As Ephraim seeks to discard the foreign ways he has embraced during his 2700 years of exile he needs to beware that he does not leave behind the rubbish of Rome only to pick up the of baggage of Babylon. He needs to make sure that the does not become self-righteous about what he has learned of his Hebrew roots and instead learn to have mercy on those who do not yet see the truth.
Yom Kippur is a time when we are to afflict or humble our soul, we deny self, put down our flesh, and lift up the Holy One. And, however we choose to do that, we must not do so for the wrong reasons. We must not try to look "holy" (Isa 58) but must instead truly be holy, as in "set apart."
Let us set this Yom Kippur day and ourselves apart. Let us seek to truly hear Him as He gently whispers in our ear, "This is the way, walk ye in it."
For the last ten days we have been posting prayers for each of the days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur. Now, as we soon celebrate this holy day, we want to offer one more little prayer:
Abba, please help us to truly hear and obey only Your voice. Unstop our ears that we might hear. Open our eyes that we might see. Create in us a clean heart and renew in us a right spirit that we might obey You in truth.
In Your mercy, please help us to more clearly see the great and glorious plan that You have for Your people at this time in history. And help us to share the joy of that great plan with those whom You wish to call to Your Kingdom.
In Messiah Yeshua's Name we pray.
Amen and Amen.
This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
by Batya Wootten
A friend of ours sent us a copy of a prophetic word she had that begins with a question from the Father. It is, "Ephraim, My firstborn, can you hear Me?" (See Jeremiah 31:9.)
Properly "hearing" the Father is a subject that is dear to my heart. I write about it in my book, "The Voice... Hearing The Almighty." I explain that hearing His voice within ourselves is an ability that we lost when we sinned in Gan Eden (Garden of Eden). Moreover, our sojourn here on earth is about having that ability restored. It is about learning to hear His Spirit, and to in turn obey Him.
In Hebrew, shema (hear) is an action word. When one hears they are supposed to respond. These are separate ideas in English, but not so in Hebrew. So to speak, proof of hearing is seen in one's response.
The problem is that we taint the beautiful gifting of hearing the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) if we tell others that the Lord is speaking to us when in truth it is our flesh talking, or a mix of flesh and spirit, or the evil one is whispering in our ear.... We also taint the idea of listening to the Spirit when we do crazy things and say the idea came from the Lord. (These lists can go on, and on.)
Nonetheless, we must press on, we must learn to hear and obey His voice, especially in this hour (Zec 4:6).
Yom Kippur is a special time that calls for introspection. It is a time wherein we need to examine ourselves, to test ourselves to make sure we are in the faith, to make certain that we have not gotten off course. It is a time when we need to hear the Father's correction in our lives so we can grow up in Messiah (2 Cor 13:5; Eph 4:15).
As Ephraim seeks to discard the foreign ways he has embraced during his 2700 years of exile he needs to beware that he does not leave behind the rubbish of Rome only to pick up the of baggage of Babylon. He needs to make sure that the does not become self-righteous about what he has learned of his Hebrew roots and instead learn to have mercy on those who do not yet see the truth.
Yom Kippur is a time when we are to afflict or humble our soul, we deny self, put down our flesh, and lift up the Holy One. And, however we choose to do that, we must not do so for the wrong reasons. We must not try to look "holy" (Isa 58) but must instead truly be holy, as in "set apart."
Let us set this Yom Kippur day and ourselves apart. Let us seek to truly hear Him as He gently whispers in our ear, "This is the way, walk ye in it."
For the last ten days we have been posting prayers for each of the days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur. Now, as we soon celebrate this holy day, we want to offer one more little prayer:
Abba, please help us to truly hear and obey only Your voice. Unstop our ears that we might hear. Open our eyes that we might see. Create in us a clean heart and renew in us a right spirit that we might obey You in truth.
In Your mercy, please help us to more clearly see the great and glorious plan that You have for Your people at this time in history. And help us to share the joy of that great plan with those whom You wish to call to Your Kingdom.
In Messiah Yeshua's Name we pray.
Amen and Amen.
This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
Yom Teruah or Rosh HaShanah?
Should the feast of Yom Teruah also be known as "Rosh HaShanah" or the "Head of the Year"?
It does not appear to be a Scriptural idea...
I address this issue in detail in my book, Israel's Feasts and their Fullness. The following points represent a few highlights taken from that book:
1) The first commandment given to Israel when Abba delivered us from Egypt was that we were to honor the Spring month of Abib as the head of our year (Exo 12:2).
2) Yom Teruah is never once called Rosh haShanah in Scripture.
3) Several Jewish sources tell us how this Jewish tradition began. According to one of them, "The name Rosh Hashanah was not... originally used... to designate this day... the first mention of Rosh Hashanah is found in the Mishnah, the code of the Oral Tradition which was first compiled in the second century....[A.D.]" [See Nathan Ausubel, NY: Crown Publishers, 1977, pp 372-373. Also note: In Qumran literature Nisan [another name for the month of Abib] is referred to as the New Year.] (See Israel's Feasts and their Fullness, chapters 25-26.)
4) Some rabbis say Judaism celebrates this day to commemorate the creation of Adam and Eve, which they say happened in the Fall, on Yom Teruah. However, the picture that is drawn in Scripture of the time of Creation is one of life and Springtime. It is not a picture of death. Death is best symbolized by the Fall season. Creation speaks of life and death entered in later, with the disobedience of Adam and Eve, even as Fall comes after Spring.
5) Some rabbis say the Tishri celebration is but a "civil" New Year and use Exodus 23:16 and 34:22 to defend their case: "The feast of ingathering, which is in the end of the year, when thou hast gathered in thy labours out of the field" (KJV). And, "You shall celebrate... the Feast of Ingathering at the turn of the year." (Young's Literal Translation renders the latter verse, "At the revolution of the year.")
The "turn/revolution of the year" speaks of the end of Israel's seven month long "agricultural year." That year began with the spring barley harvest during the season of Passover and it ended with the fall wheat harvest on the last day of Sukkoth. Their agricultural calendar was based on a seven-month-long lunar cycle, which refers to the monthly rotation of the moon around the earth. Thus Hebrew concordances speak of a revolution of time - it being the time of planting and harvests (see Strong's and also Briggs #'s H8622).
Jewish sources affirm that Israel's lunar-based agricultural year ended at the conclusion of Sukkoth, with the winter wheat harvest at the last feast of the agricultural year. [Jewish Customs And Ceremonies, Ben M. Edidin, NY: Hebrew Publishing, 1978, pp. 93, 100.] The actual New Year did not begin again until Spring, in the month of Abib, the month of the barley harvest. [Abib means fresh, young ears of barley, which alludes to Spring. S&BDB # H24.]
Israel was an agriculturally based nation, their feast revolved around the planting seasons. Their agricultural calendar only included seven lunar-based months which began in the month of Abib. However, they also functioned in a world that had a twelve-month long calendar-year related to the solar cycle of the sun (based on the rotation of the earth around the sun). Israel's twelve month long solar calendar begins in Abib. That is the established pattern of the One who set the sun in its place.
6) To have a New Year begin on Yom Teruah places it before the Fall harvest of Sukkoth, and the command is to observe "the Feast of the Ingathering at the end/revolution/turn of the year when you gather in the fruit of your labors" (Exo 23:16). Yom Teruah does not mark that particular time. Moreover, to begin a year fifteen days before this eight-day harvest feast begins, and twenty-three days before it ends, goes against Scripture.
7) Most importantly, to focus on a mistaken "New Year" date detracts from the real meaning behind this feast day, and that is what I believe our God wants to reveal to His people in this hour. The feast has not been clearly understood until now. We need to focus on and bring to light its true meaning so that Abba's people might be greatly encouraged.
Yom Teruah, like our New Moon celebrations, features the sounding of two hammered silver trumpets (Num 10:1-10). In Scripture, trumpets represent voices. We desperately need to understand that the deeper meaning behind this day is the sounding of the united voices of Ephraim and Judah. When our voices are sounded in unison, we will finally have accomplished our call as YHVH's two witness people: We will affirm His Word in the earth. We will give the "Yes and Amen" that what He says is so.
This day is not about sounding a shofar or a "New Year." It is a feast day that is different from all others. It is the only feast that begins in darkness. In the darkness of this hour, both the houses of Israel desperately need to come together and lift their voices in unison to the Holy One of Israel.
Enlighten the eyes of our hearts, Father!
Help us, please, to see Your truth, Your glorious plan for us in this hour!
May you have a blessed Yom Teruah,
This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
Should the feast of Yom Teruah also be known as "Rosh HaShanah" or the "Head of the Year"?
It does not appear to be a Scriptural idea...
I address this issue in detail in my book, Israel's Feasts and their Fullness. The following points represent a few highlights taken from that book:
1) The first commandment given to Israel when Abba delivered us from Egypt was that we were to honor the Spring month of Abib as the head of our year (Exo 12:2).
2) Yom Teruah is never once called Rosh haShanah in Scripture.
3) Several Jewish sources tell us how this Jewish tradition began. According to one of them, "The name Rosh Hashanah was not... originally used... to designate this day... the first mention of Rosh Hashanah is found in the Mishnah, the code of the Oral Tradition which was first compiled in the second century....[A.D.]" [See Nathan Ausubel, NY: Crown Publishers, 1977, pp 372-373. Also note: In Qumran literature Nisan [another name for the month of Abib] is referred to as the New Year.] (See Israel's Feasts and their Fullness, chapters 25-26.)
4) Some rabbis say Judaism celebrates this day to commemorate the creation of Adam and Eve, which they say happened in the Fall, on Yom Teruah. However, the picture that is drawn in Scripture of the time of Creation is one of life and Springtime. It is not a picture of death. Death is best symbolized by the Fall season. Creation speaks of life and death entered in later, with the disobedience of Adam and Eve, even as Fall comes after Spring.
5) Some rabbis say the Tishri celebration is but a "civil" New Year and use Exodus 23:16 and 34:22 to defend their case: "The feast of ingathering, which is in the end of the year, when thou hast gathered in thy labours out of the field" (KJV). And, "You shall celebrate... the Feast of Ingathering at the turn of the year." (Young's Literal Translation renders the latter verse, "At the revolution of the year.")
The "turn/revolution of the year" speaks of the end of Israel's seven month long "agricultural year." That year began with the spring barley harvest during the season of Passover and it ended with the fall wheat harvest on the last day of Sukkoth. Their agricultural calendar was based on a seven-month-long lunar cycle, which refers to the monthly rotation of the moon around the earth. Thus Hebrew concordances speak of a revolution of time - it being the time of planting and harvests (see Strong's and also Briggs #'s H8622).
Jewish sources affirm that Israel's lunar-based agricultural year ended at the conclusion of Sukkoth, with the winter wheat harvest at the last feast of the agricultural year. [Jewish Customs And Ceremonies, Ben M. Edidin, NY: Hebrew Publishing, 1978, pp. 93, 100.] The actual New Year did not begin again until Spring, in the month of Abib, the month of the barley harvest. [Abib means fresh, young ears of barley, which alludes to Spring. S&BDB # H24.]
Israel was an agriculturally based nation, their feast revolved around the planting seasons. Their agricultural calendar only included seven lunar-based months which began in the month of Abib. However, they also functioned in a world that had a twelve-month long calendar-year related to the solar cycle of the sun (based on the rotation of the earth around the sun). Israel's twelve month long solar calendar begins in Abib. That is the established pattern of the One who set the sun in its place.
6) To have a New Year begin on Yom Teruah places it before the Fall harvest of Sukkoth, and the command is to observe "the Feast of the Ingathering at the end/revolution/turn of the year when you gather in the fruit of your labors" (Exo 23:16). Yom Teruah does not mark that particular time. Moreover, to begin a year fifteen days before this eight-day harvest feast begins, and twenty-three days before it ends, goes against Scripture.
7) Most importantly, to focus on a mistaken "New Year" date detracts from the real meaning behind this feast day, and that is what I believe our God wants to reveal to His people in this hour. The feast has not been clearly understood until now. We need to focus on and bring to light its true meaning so that Abba's people might be greatly encouraged.
Yom Teruah, like our New Moon celebrations, features the sounding of two hammered silver trumpets (Num 10:1-10). In Scripture, trumpets represent voices. We desperately need to understand that the deeper meaning behind this day is the sounding of the united voices of Ephraim and Judah. When our voices are sounded in unison, we will finally have accomplished our call as YHVH's two witness people: We will affirm His Word in the earth. We will give the "Yes and Amen" that what He says is so.
This day is not about sounding a shofar or a "New Year." It is a feast day that is different from all others. It is the only feast that begins in darkness. In the darkness of this hour, both the houses of Israel desperately need to come together and lift their voices in unison to the Holy One of Israel.
Enlighten the eyes of our hearts, Father!
Help us, please, to see Your truth, Your glorious plan for us in this hour!
May you have a blessed Yom Teruah,
This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
Israel's Passover Deliverance
Past, Present and Future
by Angus Wootten
Traditionally, remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt is emphasized in a Jewish Passover celebration. This is so because during the first Passover the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were delivered from Egyptian bondage. Out of this first Exodus came a "Joshua Generation" who were raised in the wilderness and who, forty years after Israel left Egypt, ended up crossing over the Jordan River and into the Promised Land.
Once in the Land, time after time the sons of Israel unfortunately forsook the Covenant that the God of their fathers made with them when He brought them out of Egypt. They instead went after and served and worshiped other gods. So the anger of YHVH burned against the Land to bring upon it every curse that was written in the book; and He uprooted them from the land in anger and in fury and great wrath, and cast them into other lands, as it is to this day (Deu 26:25-27).
We failed. Yet, full restoration and a second Exodus are promised to us by our God: "So it shall become when all of these things have come upon you, the blessing and the curse which I have set before you, and you call them to mind in all nations where YHVH, your God, has banished you, and you return to YHVH, your God, and obey Him with all your heart and soul according to that I command you today, you and your sons, then YHVH, your God, will restore you from captivity, and have compassion on you, and will gather you again from all the peoples where YHVH, your God, has scattered you. And YHVH, your God, will bring you into the land which your fathers possessed, and you shall posses it; and He will prosper you and multiply you more than your fathers" (Deu 30:1-5).
Some thirty-five hundred years have passed since Israel's first Exodus. So, when can we expect a second Exodus and what would be its signs? Surely a key sign would be to first have scattered Israelites begin to return to the Promised Land. Even so, Zechariah said, "YHVH will save the tents of Judah first" (Zec 12:7).
In fulfillment of this prophecy we have seen, and continue to see the tents of Judah returning to the Land. Following the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple in 70 AD we have seen a consistent Jewish presence in the Promised Land. Their numbers have often been sparse but despite all opposition, they have remained present to some degree. Then, beginning in the early 1800's Jews from Russia began to return to the Land. Their spark of enthusiasm ignited an ever-increasing return of Jewish people, which in turn resulted in formation of the modern State of Israel in 1948.
Like the first Exodus the promised second Exodus will similarly be met with resistance. This fact is confirmed by Zechariah. He reiterated YHVH's sovereign warning to all who would resist His plan: "It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it" (Zec 12:3).
Are we not seeing fulfillment of Zechariah's prophesy as the nations of the earth gather against Jerusalem?
In our day we have witnessed an Israeli/Palestinian Peace Agreement, ratified in Moscow on March 19, 2010, by the International Quartet (United Nations, the European Union, Russia and the United States), plus a Declaration by the 22nd Arab League Summit in Libya on March 28, 2010. Surely these agreements mark giant steps toward fulfilling Zechariah's Scripture. The U.S. is trying to assist in implementing the Moscow agreement by trying to revive the Peace Talks between Israel and the Palestinians. They hope to have a finished agreement within 24 months.
Surely these actions are not well received in the Heaven's Throne Room! (For more on this subject see the article, A Time of Decision for All Israel).
From the Quartet and Palestinian perspectives the peace agreement would include an end to the occupation of disputed Palestinian territories and it would make Jerusalem the capital of both Israel and the new Palestinian State.
Thus we see that even as prophesied, Jerusalem has become a major stumbling stone to the world. From a Palestinian viewpoint, one obstacle to reviving peace talks is that Israel plans to build some 1,600 new homes in East Jerusalem. The Palestinians, supported by the Arab League and the Quartet, want no further Jewish building in East Jerusalem, which they want to have as their capital in a future state.
Disregarding opposition, Israel is firm in its plans to build some 1,600 new homes in East Jerusalem. They make it clear that Jerusalem is not a settlement and they have no intention of ever giving up any portion of Jerusalem. This position has created a division that has embroiled the United States and Israel in what some diplomats describe as, "the worst crisis between Israel and the United States in decades."
Putting aside the Quartet plans for a moment let us consider where the Israelis and Palestinians really stand on this issue.
The latest public opinion survey conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research and the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem found the following: The majority of Palestinians and Israelis prefer a two-state solution to the conflict. However, the results show a decline in Palestinian support for the two-state solution. It declined from 64% in December 2009 to 57% in a recent poll. On the other hand 71% of the Israelis were found to support a two-state solution. The main concern of the Israelis is that they maintain a Jewish majority in their State. However, there are Israelis who believe that having only one State is inevitable, because Jewish and Palestinian communities are so entangled in the West Bank that it would be almost impossible to divide them. Also, Israel is heavily invested in the West Bank and it would cost them dearly to give up on their many investments.
Even before the Oslo process in the early 1990's many Palestinians spoke favorably about a one-state solution. They also agreed that- how they would resolve issues regarding West Bank settlements and a division of Jerusalem would be extremely difficult. So more and more people feel that a one-state solution would be the easier solution.
The Israeli and Palestinian definitions of a two-state solution are very different. The Palestinian idea is based on resorting boundaries to the 1967 borders and to giving all refugees and their descendants the right to return. Obviously, Israel is not going to allow this. The 750,000 Arabs who left- at the instruction of their own people- have now swelled via their descendants to some five million Arabs.
Israel is not going to give up all that they have worked so hard to establish in the area the world currently misnomers with the title of the "West Bank." Nor are they going to give up any part of East or West Jerusalem. These territories are known in Scripture as Judea, Jerusalem and Samaria (the Capital city of the ancient Northern Kingdom of Ephraim/Israel). Again, the "West Bank" title is a deceptive misnomer.
Since these are the facts of the matter, our question is not whether or not anyone supports a two-state solution, but rather, if it can be accepted at all, what type of two-state solution could Israelis and Palestinians jointly accept?
Truly now is A Time of Decision for All Israel. Our recent article by this name describes the four options Israel and the world now face, and it describes what is required to fulfill each option. The four options as we understand them are:
1. Continue to Postpone a Decision on Statehood
2. Two State Solution
3. One State Solution
4. The Samson Option
The "Sampson Option" is one of last-resort destruction, and we concluded that Option Three offers the greatest hope to collective Israel. It also could possibly be acceptable in Heaven's Throne Room. It is furthermore the only option that could readily give birth to a second Exodus. Thus we suggest that the people of Judah need to trust that their desire to maintain a Jewish majority can be safely put in YHVH Hands. After all, He has many times proven that He controls all wombs and has repeatedly shown that He is well able to regather Israel's lost sheep and bring them back to His chosen Land.
As for Messianic Israel, this is the solution that we should both encourage and support. Moses told us that our God would test us to find out if we would love and trust Him with all our heart and soul (Deu 13:3). If we love Him, His desires will be our desires, and He desires to have an obedient people who will live in the Land that He gave His servant Jacob. When we give Him that blessed desire, His dwelling place will be with us and He will be our God and we will be His people (Eze37:25-27).
The only choice that allows for fulfillment of this promise is Option 3, the One-State solution. So as we celebrate this Passover week, let us thank YHVH that our forefathers were delivered from Egypt, and let us pray that this Passover will mark the beginning of yet another deliverance- even a second Exodus. No matter how small might be our beginning numbers, let those of those who know and understand this truth open our hearts to a beginning fulfillment of Jeremiah's prophecy: "'Therefore behold, the days are coming,' declares YHVH, 'when they will no longer say, "As YHVH, our God, lives, who brought up the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt, but, as YHVH, our God, lives, who brought up and led back the descendants of the household of Israel from the north land and from all the countries where I had driven them." Then they will live on their own soil'" (Jer 23:7-8).
The article titled 2010: A Year of Opportunity outlines how we can take advantage of present-day opportunities that will result in Jerusalem, all Judea and Samaria being possessed by Israelites whose King is the Greater Son of David! We encourage you to read the article, plus the companion article, A Time of Decision for All Israel. We also ask you to please help us by forwarding this article to interested friends.
Batya and I pray that you will have a blessed and rewarding Passover season.
Shalom b'Yeshua,
This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
by Angus Wootten
Traditionally, remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt is emphasized in a Jewish Passover celebration. This is so because during the first Passover the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were delivered from Egyptian bondage. Out of this first Exodus came a "Joshua Generation" who were raised in the wilderness and who, forty years after Israel left Egypt, ended up crossing over the Jordan River and into the Promised Land.
Once in the Land, time after time the sons of Israel unfortunately forsook the Covenant that the God of their fathers made with them when He brought them out of Egypt. They instead went after and served and worshiped other gods. So the anger of YHVH burned against the Land to bring upon it every curse that was written in the book; and He uprooted them from the land in anger and in fury and great wrath, and cast them into other lands, as it is to this day (Deu 26:25-27).
We failed. Yet, full restoration and a second Exodus are promised to us by our God: "So it shall become when all of these things have come upon you, the blessing and the curse which I have set before you, and you call them to mind in all nations where YHVH, your God, has banished you, and you return to YHVH, your God, and obey Him with all your heart and soul according to that I command you today, you and your sons, then YHVH, your God, will restore you from captivity, and have compassion on you, and will gather you again from all the peoples where YHVH, your God, has scattered you. And YHVH, your God, will bring you into the land which your fathers possessed, and you shall posses it; and He will prosper you and multiply you more than your fathers" (Deu 30:1-5).
Some thirty-five hundred years have passed since Israel's first Exodus. So, when can we expect a second Exodus and what would be its signs? Surely a key sign would be to first have scattered Israelites begin to return to the Promised Land. Even so, Zechariah said, "YHVH will save the tents of Judah first" (Zec 12:7).
In fulfillment of this prophecy we have seen, and continue to see the tents of Judah returning to the Land. Following the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple in 70 AD we have seen a consistent Jewish presence in the Promised Land. Their numbers have often been sparse but despite all opposition, they have remained present to some degree. Then, beginning in the early 1800's Jews from Russia began to return to the Land. Their spark of enthusiasm ignited an ever-increasing return of Jewish people, which in turn resulted in formation of the modern State of Israel in 1948.
Like the first Exodus the promised second Exodus will similarly be met with resistance. This fact is confirmed by Zechariah. He reiterated YHVH's sovereign warning to all who would resist His plan: "It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it" (Zec 12:3).
Are we not seeing fulfillment of Zechariah's prophesy as the nations of the earth gather against Jerusalem?
In our day we have witnessed an Israeli/Palestinian Peace Agreement, ratified in Moscow on March 19, 2010, by the International Quartet (United Nations, the European Union, Russia and the United States), plus a Declaration by the 22nd Arab League Summit in Libya on March 28, 2010. Surely these agreements mark giant steps toward fulfilling Zechariah's Scripture. The U.S. is trying to assist in implementing the Moscow agreement by trying to revive the Peace Talks between Israel and the Palestinians. They hope to have a finished agreement within 24 months.
Surely these actions are not well received in the Heaven's Throne Room! (For more on this subject see the article, A Time of Decision for All Israel).
From the Quartet and Palestinian perspectives the peace agreement would include an end to the occupation of disputed Palestinian territories and it would make Jerusalem the capital of both Israel and the new Palestinian State.
Thus we see that even as prophesied, Jerusalem has become a major stumbling stone to the world. From a Palestinian viewpoint, one obstacle to reviving peace talks is that Israel plans to build some 1,600 new homes in East Jerusalem. The Palestinians, supported by the Arab League and the Quartet, want no further Jewish building in East Jerusalem, which they want to have as their capital in a future state.
Disregarding opposition, Israel is firm in its plans to build some 1,600 new homes in East Jerusalem. They make it clear that Jerusalem is not a settlement and they have no intention of ever giving up any portion of Jerusalem. This position has created a division that has embroiled the United States and Israel in what some diplomats describe as, "the worst crisis between Israel and the United States in decades."
Putting aside the Quartet plans for a moment let us consider where the Israelis and Palestinians really stand on this issue.
The latest public opinion survey conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research and the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem found the following: The majority of Palestinians and Israelis prefer a two-state solution to the conflict. However, the results show a decline in Palestinian support for the two-state solution. It declined from 64% in December 2009 to 57% in a recent poll. On the other hand 71% of the Israelis were found to support a two-state solution. The main concern of the Israelis is that they maintain a Jewish majority in their State. However, there are Israelis who believe that having only one State is inevitable, because Jewish and Palestinian communities are so entangled in the West Bank that it would be almost impossible to divide them. Also, Israel is heavily invested in the West Bank and it would cost them dearly to give up on their many investments.
Even before the Oslo process in the early 1990's many Palestinians spoke favorably about a one-state solution. They also agreed that- how they would resolve issues regarding West Bank settlements and a division of Jerusalem would be extremely difficult. So more and more people feel that a one-state solution would be the easier solution.
The Israeli and Palestinian definitions of a two-state solution are very different. The Palestinian idea is based on resorting boundaries to the 1967 borders and to giving all refugees and their descendants the right to return. Obviously, Israel is not going to allow this. The 750,000 Arabs who left- at the instruction of their own people- have now swelled via their descendants to some five million Arabs.
Israel is not going to give up all that they have worked so hard to establish in the area the world currently misnomers with the title of the "West Bank." Nor are they going to give up any part of East or West Jerusalem. These territories are known in Scripture as Judea, Jerusalem and Samaria (the Capital city of the ancient Northern Kingdom of Ephraim/Israel). Again, the "West Bank" title is a deceptive misnomer.
Since these are the facts of the matter, our question is not whether or not anyone supports a two-state solution, but rather, if it can be accepted at all, what type of two-state solution could Israelis and Palestinians jointly accept?
Truly now is A Time of Decision for All Israel. Our recent article by this name describes the four options Israel and the world now face, and it describes what is required to fulfill each option. The four options as we understand them are:
1. Continue to Postpone a Decision on Statehood
2. Two State Solution
3. One State Solution
4. The Samson Option
The "Sampson Option" is one of last-resort destruction, and we concluded that Option Three offers the greatest hope to collective Israel. It also could possibly be acceptable in Heaven's Throne Room. It is furthermore the only option that could readily give birth to a second Exodus. Thus we suggest that the people of Judah need to trust that their desire to maintain a Jewish majority can be safely put in YHVH Hands. After all, He has many times proven that He controls all wombs and has repeatedly shown that He is well able to regather Israel's lost sheep and bring them back to His chosen Land.
As for Messianic Israel, this is the solution that we should both encourage and support. Moses told us that our God would test us to find out if we would love and trust Him with all our heart and soul (Deu 13:3). If we love Him, His desires will be our desires, and He desires to have an obedient people who will live in the Land that He gave His servant Jacob. When we give Him that blessed desire, His dwelling place will be with us and He will be our God and we will be His people (Eze37:25-27).
The only choice that allows for fulfillment of this promise is Option 3, the One-State solution. So as we celebrate this Passover week, let us thank YHVH that our forefathers were delivered from Egypt, and let us pray that this Passover will mark the beginning of yet another deliverance- even a second Exodus. No matter how small might be our beginning numbers, let those of those who know and understand this truth open our hearts to a beginning fulfillment of Jeremiah's prophecy: "'Therefore behold, the days are coming,' declares YHVH, 'when they will no longer say, "As YHVH, our God, lives, who brought up the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt, but, as YHVH, our God, lives, who brought up and led back the descendants of the household of Israel from the north land and from all the countries where I had driven them." Then they will live on their own soil'" (Jer 23:7-8).
The article titled 2010: A Year of Opportunity outlines how we can take advantage of present-day opportunities that will result in Jerusalem, all Judea and Samaria being possessed by Israelites whose King is the Greater Son of David! We encourage you to read the article, plus the companion article, A Time of Decision for All Israel. We also ask you to please help us by forwarding this article to interested friends.
Batya and I pray that you will have a blessed and rewarding Passover season.
Shalom b'Yeshua,
This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
A Time of Decision for All Israel
Could the Samson Option Be the Outcome?
by Angus Wootten
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon spoke at a news conference on Saturday, March 20, 2010, during a visit to the West Bank and declared that Israel's settlements in the West bank and East Jerusalem were "illegal." He also said an agreement had been reach by the International Quartet (United Nations, the European Union, Russia and the United States). This happened at a recent meeting in Moscow, the goal being to seek a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian territories within 24 months. It is an agreement that would include an end to the occupation of Palestinian territories and would make Jerusalem the capital of both Israel and the new Palestinian State.
For those who grew up in the Evangelical world it is interesting to note that it is the U.N. Secretary-General who delivered this report. It is fascinating because, in the great debate among Evangelicals about who is the real "Antichrist" (described in biblical prophecy) their conclusion it that it is either the Pope or the leader of the United Nations. Moreover, in the wildly popular Left Behind series of evangelical Christian novels, the Antichrist takes the form of the Secretary General of the United Nations. He then sets up an abortion-promoting world government and becomes its Global Community Supreme Potentate.
The above land in question is mentioned in Yeshua's last words (or commands) to His disciples- given just prior to His ascension into Heaven from the Mount of Olives. There He said,: "You shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and [in addition but not in place of] even to the remotest part of the earth." Today these areas are known as the older portion of Jerusalem, the ancient kingdoms of Judea (territory of Judah), and Samaria (which was in the territory of Ephraim). In our day they are referred to as the "West Bank." Under the Quartet Plan these areas would be know as the "State of Palestine."
Some 3,800,000 people who now live in the West Bank claim to be the descendants of Abraham through Ishmael, and most of them worship a god called "Allah." These are the ones who primarily will populate this planned State of Palestine. They will possess the land that was once given, by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to Abraham's descendants through this particular chosen line. Specifically, these heirs, and their compliant companions, were called through Abraham's heirs, Isaac and Jacob.
So how will this give away of YHVH's chosen Land be received in Heaven's Throne Room?
It is surely safe to say, it will not be received well at all. It is less than what our God hopes for His chosen people.
If this is not the best plan of our God, what can we, the Messianic forerunners of Ephraim, do about it? Are we destined to be little more than spectators who are ever-learning about end-time events? That seems to be the role outlined in most end-time scenarios.
In response to our what to do question, let us consider four potential options that are currently available to the secular State of Israel:
1. Continue to Postpone a Decision on Statehood. Israel has essentially followed this postponement route for the past forty- three years, ever since the 1967 War. In this vein, they can keep pushing a decision on statehood down the line, all the while seeking to increase the Jewish population in Israel and the West Bank. However, this option leaves the vast majority of the West Bank under defacto Palestinian control and that puts such residents decidedly at risk on a daily basis.
2. Two State Solution. Jewish Israel can accept the idea that, to keep Israel "Jewish" they will have to have a smaller State of Israel. In turn, a separate Palestinian State will occupy, if not all, surely the majority of the West Bank, and have East Jerusalem as its Capital.
3. One State Solution. Judah can conclude that present-day Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, would collectively become a single State and all of its inhabitants would be equal citizens (anything less than equality means the battle will continue). This single State would in turn initially have a 60% Jewish majority. However, considering Judah's low birthrate, it would be a serious battle for Judah to maintain a "Jewish" majority.
The good news is that, in turn, this decision could well present an opportunity for a greater Ephraimite presence in the land. This could possibly happen if Ephraim were perceived by Judah to be a "lesser evil"- and one that could provide the physical population numbers that would help them continue to be a "Nation of Israel." In turn, this single state solution would probably be acceptable to the Palestinians because they would think that, in the long run, they would win the battle of the womb. They believe that their ultimate world destiny is to be the ruling majority. And woe unto all non-Muslims who fall into their ruling hands.
4. The Samson Option. Finally, as a last resort, Israel can exercise what is known as the "Samson Option." This term describes Israel's deterrence strategy against nations whose military attacks threaten Israel's very existence. It speaks of preemptive strikes with nuclear weapons, followed by massive retaliation- all of which is done as a "last resort."
The term "Samson Option" comes from the biblical story of Samson, who, after being blinded and pressed into slavery, broke the pillars that supported the roof of the temple of the false god, Dagon. Sampson did this deliberately in order to bring the building crashing down on the heads of his enemies. He also did this knowing that the building would fall on him and probably kill him.
Our question is, would the Jewish people, who are primarily known to revere the gift of life, ever use such a deathly strategy? To answer, we contrast today's situation with that of the ancient siege of Masada. There, 936 Jews were greatly outnumbered by mighty Rome, whose army spent three years building a ramp in order to reach and defeat the defiant Jews of their day. However, rather than die at the hand of heathen Rome, the Jews of Masada preferred to commit mass suicide. Better to be dead than to be a slave of heathen Rome. Judah went down- fighting.
After the ugly experiences of Hitler's Holocaust, the late General Moshe Dayan said, hereafter, "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that will happen, before Israel goes under alone."
In considering the above options it is clear that Option Three offers the greatest hope to collective Israel. It also is surely an option that would be acceptable in Heaven's Throne Room. Thus, we suggest that the people of Judah now need to exercise the faith that YHVH has complete control of all wombs. (How many times has He proved that point to His people!) YHVH also has repeatedly shown that He is well able to regather Israel's lost sheep and bring them safely back to His chosen Land.
For these reasons, we opt for the solution of a single State of Israel. We opt for a Biblical decision that will allow for the regathering of Israel's Twelve Tribes. We opt to have Judah and Joseph regathered together. We want to see the gathering of all of scattered Israel.
Considering our conclusion, we ask, what can we do to help and encourage Judah decide to accept and receive the return of Prodigal Ephraim?
First and foremost, we need to pray for brother Judah. We need to know that they are, on a daily basis, in an extremely wearing and very difficult position. Thus they do not need our judgment, but instead need real, tangible help. Moreover, if we do not want to become part of the problem, our help needs to be solidly Scriptural. Thus, if we want to return to the Chosen Land, we must do so as ladies and gentlemen. We do not go in demanding anything! Instead, we go in as servants of the Messiah- and as people who preach the Gospel with our lives! If necessary, and if asked, we will use words! We also go in as people who respect what our Father has been doing with our brother. We go in knowing that the God of Israel has thus far, put Judah in charge of the Land!
Messiah Yeshua taught that we are to be as servants at a table! We must never demand a higher position, but instead must wait until a preferred position is offered to us by those who are in charge! (Luke 14:10; 22:27). [1] We cannot overstate our call to absolute humility in service. That does not mean that we compromise our faith, but that we respect the God-given position of those whom we seek to help. We do not compromise when they are in error, and we do not get ugly when they do not see things our way. We are being called to walk a tightrope of faith across a great chasm, but in Messiah, it can be done! (See above book footnote.)
Option Four is the only option available for forever-learning-spectators- and we do not want to only be spectators in our faith. We instead want to be true Spirit-led, on-fire-doing followers of our Messiah! Therefore, if we want to see Option 3 become a reality, as the Ruach leads, each of us need to step out in faith in Messiah. If we expect Judah to exercise faith, how much more should we be called to do the same and more!
The article, 2010 A Year of Opportunity outlines just how we can take advantage of present-day opportunities that will result in Jerusalem, all Judea and Samaria being possessed by Israelites whose King is the Greater Son of David! We also encourage you to take advantage of the books, CD's, and Videos, that we offer.
With all of our heart we want to thank you for your help and support, and we pray that you will be inspired to continue to co-labor with us.
Contributions to Key of David (which go to Angus and Batya and their particular efforts), may be made online at the Messianic Israel Alliance, or at Key of David Marketplace. Or, mail to Key of David, PO Box 700217, Saint Cloud, FL 34770. Or, by phone at 407-344-7700.
Shalom b'Yeshua,
This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
by Angus Wootten
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon spoke at a news conference on Saturday, March 20, 2010, during a visit to the West Bank and declared that Israel's settlements in the West bank and East Jerusalem were "illegal." He also said an agreement had been reach by the International Quartet (United Nations, the European Union, Russia and the United States). This happened at a recent meeting in Moscow, the goal being to seek a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian territories within 24 months. It is an agreement that would include an end to the occupation of Palestinian territories and would make Jerusalem the capital of both Israel and the new Palestinian State.
For those who grew up in the Evangelical world it is interesting to note that it is the U.N. Secretary-General who delivered this report. It is fascinating because, in the great debate among Evangelicals about who is the real "Antichrist" (described in biblical prophecy) their conclusion it that it is either the Pope or the leader of the United Nations. Moreover, in the wildly popular Left Behind series of evangelical Christian novels, the Antichrist takes the form of the Secretary General of the United Nations. He then sets up an abortion-promoting world government and becomes its Global Community Supreme Potentate.
The above land in question is mentioned in Yeshua's last words (or commands) to His disciples- given just prior to His ascension into Heaven from the Mount of Olives. There He said,: "You shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and [in addition but not in place of] even to the remotest part of the earth." Today these areas are known as the older portion of Jerusalem, the ancient kingdoms of Judea (territory of Judah), and Samaria (which was in the territory of Ephraim). In our day they are referred to as the "West Bank." Under the Quartet Plan these areas would be know as the "State of Palestine."
Some 3,800,000 people who now live in the West Bank claim to be the descendants of Abraham through Ishmael, and most of them worship a god called "Allah." These are the ones who primarily will populate this planned State of Palestine. They will possess the land that was once given, by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to Abraham's descendants through this particular chosen line. Specifically, these heirs, and their compliant companions, were called through Abraham's heirs, Isaac and Jacob.
So how will this give away of YHVH's chosen Land be received in Heaven's Throne Room?
It is surely safe to say, it will not be received well at all. It is less than what our God hopes for His chosen people.
If this is not the best plan of our God, what can we, the Messianic forerunners of Ephraim, do about it? Are we destined to be little more than spectators who are ever-learning about end-time events? That seems to be the role outlined in most end-time scenarios.
In response to our what to do question, let us consider four potential options that are currently available to the secular State of Israel:
1. Continue to Postpone a Decision on Statehood. Israel has essentially followed this postponement route for the past forty- three years, ever since the 1967 War. In this vein, they can keep pushing a decision on statehood down the line, all the while seeking to increase the Jewish population in Israel and the West Bank. However, this option leaves the vast majority of the West Bank under defacto Palestinian control and that puts such residents decidedly at risk on a daily basis.
2. Two State Solution. Jewish Israel can accept the idea that, to keep Israel "Jewish" they will have to have a smaller State of Israel. In turn, a separate Palestinian State will occupy, if not all, surely the majority of the West Bank, and have East Jerusalem as its Capital.
3. One State Solution. Judah can conclude that present-day Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, would collectively become a single State and all of its inhabitants would be equal citizens (anything less than equality means the battle will continue). This single State would in turn initially have a 60% Jewish majority. However, considering Judah's low birthrate, it would be a serious battle for Judah to maintain a "Jewish" majority.
The good news is that, in turn, this decision could well present an opportunity for a greater Ephraimite presence in the land. This could possibly happen if Ephraim were perceived by Judah to be a "lesser evil"- and one that could provide the physical population numbers that would help them continue to be a "Nation of Israel." In turn, this single state solution would probably be acceptable to the Palestinians because they would think that, in the long run, they would win the battle of the womb. They believe that their ultimate world destiny is to be the ruling majority. And woe unto all non-Muslims who fall into their ruling hands.
4. The Samson Option. Finally, as a last resort, Israel can exercise what is known as the "Samson Option." This term describes Israel's deterrence strategy against nations whose military attacks threaten Israel's very existence. It speaks of preemptive strikes with nuclear weapons, followed by massive retaliation- all of which is done as a "last resort."
The term "Samson Option" comes from the biblical story of Samson, who, after being blinded and pressed into slavery, broke the pillars that supported the roof of the temple of the false god, Dagon. Sampson did this deliberately in order to bring the building crashing down on the heads of his enemies. He also did this knowing that the building would fall on him and probably kill him.
Our question is, would the Jewish people, who are primarily known to revere the gift of life, ever use such a deathly strategy? To answer, we contrast today's situation with that of the ancient siege of Masada. There, 936 Jews were greatly outnumbered by mighty Rome, whose army spent three years building a ramp in order to reach and defeat the defiant Jews of their day. However, rather than die at the hand of heathen Rome, the Jews of Masada preferred to commit mass suicide. Better to be dead than to be a slave of heathen Rome. Judah went down- fighting.
After the ugly experiences of Hitler's Holocaust, the late General Moshe Dayan said, hereafter, "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that will happen, before Israel goes under alone."
In considering the above options it is clear that Option Three offers the greatest hope to collective Israel. It also is surely an option that would be acceptable in Heaven's Throne Room. Thus, we suggest that the people of Judah now need to exercise the faith that YHVH has complete control of all wombs. (How many times has He proved that point to His people!) YHVH also has repeatedly shown that He is well able to regather Israel's lost sheep and bring them safely back to His chosen Land.
For these reasons, we opt for the solution of a single State of Israel. We opt for a Biblical decision that will allow for the regathering of Israel's Twelve Tribes. We opt to have Judah and Joseph regathered together. We want to see the gathering of all of scattered Israel.
Considering our conclusion, we ask, what can we do to help and encourage Judah decide to accept and receive the return of Prodigal Ephraim?
First and foremost, we need to pray for brother Judah. We need to know that they are, on a daily basis, in an extremely wearing and very difficult position. Thus they do not need our judgment, but instead need real, tangible help. Moreover, if we do not want to become part of the problem, our help needs to be solidly Scriptural. Thus, if we want to return to the Chosen Land, we must do so as ladies and gentlemen. We do not go in demanding anything! Instead, we go in as servants of the Messiah- and as people who preach the Gospel with our lives! If necessary, and if asked, we will use words! We also go in as people who respect what our Father has been doing with our brother. We go in knowing that the God of Israel has thus far, put Judah in charge of the Land!
Messiah Yeshua taught that we are to be as servants at a table! We must never demand a higher position, but instead must wait until a preferred position is offered to us by those who are in charge! (Luke 14:10; 22:27). [1] We cannot overstate our call to absolute humility in service. That does not mean that we compromise our faith, but that we respect the God-given position of those whom we seek to help. We do not compromise when they are in error, and we do not get ugly when they do not see things our way. We are being called to walk a tightrope of faith across a great chasm, but in Messiah, it can be done! (See above book footnote.)
Option Four is the only option available for forever-learning-spectators- and we do not want to only be spectators in our faith. We instead want to be true Spirit-led, on-fire-doing followers of our Messiah! Therefore, if we want to see Option 3 become a reality, as the Ruach leads, each of us need to step out in faith in Messiah. If we expect Judah to exercise faith, how much more should we be called to do the same and more!
The article, 2010 A Year of Opportunity outlines just how we can take advantage of present-day opportunities that will result in Jerusalem, all Judea and Samaria being possessed by Israelites whose King is the Greater Son of David! We also encourage you to take advantage of the books, CD's, and Videos, that we offer.
With all of our heart we want to thank you for your help and support, and we pray that you will be inspired to continue to co-labor with us.
Contributions to Key of David (which go to Angus and Batya and their particular efforts), may be made online at the Messianic Israel Alliance, or at Key of David Marketplace. Or, mail to Key of David, PO Box 700217, Saint Cloud, FL 34770. Or, by phone at 407-344-7700.
Shalom b'Yeshua,
[1] Editors Note: We see an awesome example of how to return to the Land in Ephraim Frank's book, Return to the Land: An Ephraimites Journey Home. This incredible book reveals the truth about both the houses of Israel (Isa 8:124) while depicting the moving saga of a returning Israelite. It is a greatly encouraging work that reads like a novel you never want to end! Read its pages and be blessed!This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
Is There an Identity Crisis Among Gentile Believers
Batya posted an important article on her Facebook page which you can also find on her Redeemed Israel Discussion Board. Based on an article in Charisma Magazine, the discussion is titled, "Is There an Identity Crisis Among Gentile Believers?" (We believe "Gentile Believers" is a misnomer but nonetheless copied the title of the article in question. Among the points that we make in our response is that, Believers are called to be "former Gentiles.")
If our reply blesses you, let us hear from you and let Charisma hear from you. The Charisma article and the reply from Angus and Batya, and Scott Diffenderfer are both posted bellow. Our response was to long to be posted there (Charisma), so Batya did two short post instead. To see the article online and/or reply to it click Charisma article.
On the Charisma Magazine page I recently found an article by Daniel Juster in the "Stand With Israel" section (It is posted below along with a link to it.) I personally think it is important that Charisma readers hear from us on this issue. The article is based on an important question, "Is There an Identity Crisis Among Gentile Believers?" In it, Dan writes:
As we walked past the Egyptian exhibit in the Museum of Art History in Vienna, I noted the great importance placed upon memorials for the dead. The wealthy took great pains to prepare proper tombs and memorials. Embalming to preserve the body was of prime importance. Why did the Egyptians do this? It was a way of declaring significance in the face of death. Human beings want to believe they are significant in the scheme of things. Anthropology teaches us that traditions concerning death and the dead almost universally declare life after death. These traditions affirm the significance of human life in the face of death. The reasons for belief in significance vary, but no religious system gives the quality answer that we find in the Bible, where we learn that human beings are created in the image of God, for an everlasting life of fellowship with Him and with other human beings.
This is the beginning point for the question of identity: Who am I? Do I have worth? Many people experience great doubt concerning their worth. They experienced terrible rejections in their growing up years, or tragic events that gave rise to deep questions concerning their own worth. Identity was defined in ancient times largely by one's ties to family and tribe, and one's place in an ancestral line. The Bible does not disregard these ties in the question of identity and worth. Indeed, the prophets call Israel to faithfulness based on their worth according to their ancestry going back to Abraham. "Look to the rock from which you were hewn ... look to Abraham your father" (Isaiah 51:1, 2).
Identity Crisis
I believe that some Gentiles in the Messianic Jewish movement are having an identity crisis and are not solving the problem the right way. The Messianic Jewish congregational movement is a movement of Jews and Gentiles who have joined together in the calling and for the salvation Israel. Both enjoy and participate in Jewish life patterns. They are one in the Messiah. Most Christians are not called to become part of Messianic Jewish congregations though all are called to support the salvation of Israel. Some are called to the Jewish people as a primary life focus. Their heart is bonded in a unique way with the Jewish people.
At the same time, and with a tender heart, I observe that some Gentile believers are attached to the Messianic Jewish movement out of motives other than a heart burden for Israel and the Jewish community. Rather they are joined to it as an answer to a personal identity crisis. They read the promises in the Bible concerning Israel and her future glory. Romans chapter 9 begins with a list of the benefits of being part of Israel in answer to the question of what advantage being Jewish provides. Theirs are the covenants, the patriarchs, the giving of the Law, the Temple, the priesthood and the glory. Isaiah states that in the future, Israel will blossom and bud and fill the whole world with fruit. So a Gentile believer who does not know himself adequately in Messiah thinks that it would be better to be Jewish or an Israelite. He thinks that if he is not, he is second class. This has led to amazing diversions.
Diversions in the Messianic World
One group says that those who come to faith in Yeshua, from any nation, are physical descendants of the lost tribes (the Ephraimite Movement). They are seeking status in Israel as permanent residents without the usual benefits of the State. It is as if they are saying, "If I am a lost tribes person, then I am an equal Israelite and have equal worth." Another group says that they may not all be physical descendants, but that there are enough who are descendants that the whole is Israel (the more moderate Ephraimite Movement).
This is a partial replacement theology (that the church has replaced Israel and is a new and true Israel). These folks still affirm the identity of Jews, whom they call the tribe of Judah. Another group is touting one new man in Yeshua, and lives a Jewish life pattern in some ways, but it is said that they are beyond Jew and Gentile as a new type of humanity. This is seen as a great new revelation, but it is not understood that this is exactly like the third race replacement theology of the early Church. Many of these groups disparage the Church, even the Reformation churches, as pagan. This is another way of superior identity assertion. It betrays a sad lack of understanding of the theology and practice of the churches.
A Biblical Understanding of Worth and Identity
The problem in all of these movements is a failure to understand worth and identity from a Biblical perspective and to enter into it. Jews do have a worth according to God's promises to Abraham. Through the work of Yeshua, however, Gentiles who come to faith in him also become the children of Abraham. Baptism incorporates the Gentile fully to become the seed of the Messiah and hence the seed of Abraham. This happens by a creative miracle of the Holy Spirit. In addition, one can now redeem one's ancestry by forgiving what was bad and receiving with gratitude that which was good. So one can be a Norwegian seed of Abraham, as well as French, Chinese or Russian. I do not wrestle with the fact that my ancestry is both Jewish and Norwegian as if this makes me lesser and only a half Jew. I am a Jew, but I appreciate both, and both become full of meaning in the Messiah. Indeed, different Church traditions of worship and life patterns are enriching from this perspective. All of us share the rich value of being created in the image of God and being a new creation.
One New Man
The "one new man" of this theology is the one new humanity. It is not homogenization. It is the complement of mutual blessing as in a marriage. In Messiah, with regard to worth and spiritual acceptance, there is no male or female. But male and female in the Messiah continue and produce the amazing personal enrichment of a marriage in Messiah. In the same way, Jew and Gentile are to enrich one another. Instead of seeking to prove that one had a Jewish ancestor way back when, or that one is from the lost tribes, it is much better to bring our uniqueness in the Messiah for mutual blessing. It is much better to embrace one's ethnicity in the Messiah by dying to any idolatry of it.
We all write life stories out of the background we have been given, whether an African tribesman or a Japanese warrior. Identity issues are solved for Gentiles in realizing that they are created in the image of God, each with his own unique ethnic and cultural heritage. They are now the seed of Abraham through the Messiah. They are part of the one new man, His glorious bride. There is nothing better than this. There are different callings, but without status superiority in the body. Israel's promises are glorious, but not more than the promises of glory for all in the bride of the Messiah. All peoples can enter into this as full participants. The gospel is preached to all nations. In the Messiah we together form an amazing wholeness out of the variety of peoples that make up God's multifaceted body. It is with this understanding that the call of Gentiles to serve in Messianic Jewish contexts is such a blessing. Identity is based on memory and purpose, which is future oriented. That memory includes a healthy ancestral dimension. In the Messiah all can come to their fullness of meaning and identity.
Daniel Juster is the founder of Tikkun Ministries. To contact him, go to
We, meaning my husband, Angus, me, and Scott Diffenderfer of the MIA, wrote the following response:
Is There an Identity Crisis Among Gentile Believers?
Yes, and thousands of Believers have denied Jesus and converted to Judaism because of it.
The problem: Some mistakenly teach that the Church replaced the Jewish people. Some say the Jew has a preeminent position. However, Scripture reveals that Believers are called to be former Gentiles who join Messiah's eternal commonwealth of Israel- and they did not replace the Jewish people (Zech 2:12; Eph 2:11-22).
Joseph's son, Ephraim, was to become a fullness of the Gentiles. God divided Israel's twelve tribes into two houses: Israel/Ephraim and Judah. These chosen ones were given different punishments and promises, destined to serve different purposes, and in the last days have their two sticks made one in the Father's hand. Prior to this, both the houses of Israel would stumble over the Sanctuary that is the Messiah (1 Ki 12:24; Isa 8:13-14; Jer 33:23-26; Eze 37:15-28; Hos 1-2; John 2:19-22; 1 Pet 2:9-10).
Hosea called Ephraim's scattered ones, "sons of the Living God" and said they would be regathered from every nation. Abraham was promised myriads of biological heirs. Ephraim is among this promised progeny. Only God in Heaven knows who they are. Israel can become lost to their Israelite heritage but not lost to God (Gen 48:19; Hos 5:3; 8:8; Amos 9:9; Zech 10:6-9; Rom 4:19-22; 11:25).
Both Judah and Ephraim, and their companions, are part of greater Israel. Strangers who lived in harmony with ancient Israel become as native sons and Jesus affirmed this principle (Exo 12:48; Num 15:15-16; Isa 56:3-8; Mat 7:21).
When we are born from above we receive the spirit of adoption, and everyone, including Jews, must be adopted into this New Covenant "family of God" (Rom 3:23; 8:15,16,23; 9:4 Gal 4:5; Eph 1:5).
Having a faith like Abraham does not change the facts about our actual forefathers. Israel is called to return and worship God in spirit and truth. We cannot know who is an Israelite so we preach the Gospel in every nation and trust God to call whomsoever He will into His fold-as full heirs (Isa 51:11; John 4:24; Gal 3:26; Phil 3:3).
Demanding rights or disparaging others will not help move us forward in our high call. Like the early Disciples, our goal is the restoration of the Kingdom to Israel. It will be restored, not by the might of man, but by the power of the Holy Spirit (1 Sam 2:9; Amos 9:11; Zec 4:6; Acts 1:8; 15:16).
When Believers deny other Believers their rightful portion as "part" of the people of Israel, they help to create a crisis. The Messianic Israel Alliance is dedicated to helping to put an end to that crisis.
Yours For the Salvation of the Whole House of Israel,
Angus and Batya Wootten, Authors:
Scott Diffenderfer, COO Messianic Israel Alliance:
This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
If our reply blesses you, let us hear from you and let Charisma hear from you. The Charisma article and the reply from Angus and Batya, and Scott Diffenderfer are both posted bellow. Our response was to long to be posted there (Charisma), so Batya did two short post instead. To see the article online and/or reply to it click Charisma article.
Batya writes:On the Charisma Magazine page I recently found an article by Daniel Juster in the "Stand With Israel" section (It is posted below along with a link to it.) I personally think it is important that Charisma readers hear from us on this issue. The article is based on an important question, "Is There an Identity Crisis Among Gentile Believers?" In it, Dan writes:
As we walked past the Egyptian exhibit in the Museum of Art History in Vienna, I noted the great importance placed upon memorials for the dead. The wealthy took great pains to prepare proper tombs and memorials. Embalming to preserve the body was of prime importance. Why did the Egyptians do this? It was a way of declaring significance in the face of death. Human beings want to believe they are significant in the scheme of things. Anthropology teaches us that traditions concerning death and the dead almost universally declare life after death. These traditions affirm the significance of human life in the face of death. The reasons for belief in significance vary, but no religious system gives the quality answer that we find in the Bible, where we learn that human beings are created in the image of God, for an everlasting life of fellowship with Him and with other human beings.
This is the beginning point for the question of identity: Who am I? Do I have worth? Many people experience great doubt concerning their worth. They experienced terrible rejections in their growing up years, or tragic events that gave rise to deep questions concerning their own worth. Identity was defined in ancient times largely by one's ties to family and tribe, and one's place in an ancestral line. The Bible does not disregard these ties in the question of identity and worth. Indeed, the prophets call Israel to faithfulness based on their worth according to their ancestry going back to Abraham. "Look to the rock from which you were hewn ... look to Abraham your father" (Isaiah 51:1, 2).
Identity Crisis
I believe that some Gentiles in the Messianic Jewish movement are having an identity crisis and are not solving the problem the right way. The Messianic Jewish congregational movement is a movement of Jews and Gentiles who have joined together in the calling and for the salvation Israel. Both enjoy and participate in Jewish life patterns. They are one in the Messiah. Most Christians are not called to become part of Messianic Jewish congregations though all are called to support the salvation of Israel. Some are called to the Jewish people as a primary life focus. Their heart is bonded in a unique way with the Jewish people.
At the same time, and with a tender heart, I observe that some Gentile believers are attached to the Messianic Jewish movement out of motives other than a heart burden for Israel and the Jewish community. Rather they are joined to it as an answer to a personal identity crisis. They read the promises in the Bible concerning Israel and her future glory. Romans chapter 9 begins with a list of the benefits of being part of Israel in answer to the question of what advantage being Jewish provides. Theirs are the covenants, the patriarchs, the giving of the Law, the Temple, the priesthood and the glory. Isaiah states that in the future, Israel will blossom and bud and fill the whole world with fruit. So a Gentile believer who does not know himself adequately in Messiah thinks that it would be better to be Jewish or an Israelite. He thinks that if he is not, he is second class. This has led to amazing diversions.
Diversions in the Messianic World
One group says that those who come to faith in Yeshua, from any nation, are physical descendants of the lost tribes (the Ephraimite Movement). They are seeking status in Israel as permanent residents without the usual benefits of the State. It is as if they are saying, "If I am a lost tribes person, then I am an equal Israelite and have equal worth." Another group says that they may not all be physical descendants, but that there are enough who are descendants that the whole is Israel (the more moderate Ephraimite Movement).
This is a partial replacement theology (that the church has replaced Israel and is a new and true Israel). These folks still affirm the identity of Jews, whom they call the tribe of Judah. Another group is touting one new man in Yeshua, and lives a Jewish life pattern in some ways, but it is said that they are beyond Jew and Gentile as a new type of humanity. This is seen as a great new revelation, but it is not understood that this is exactly like the third race replacement theology of the early Church. Many of these groups disparage the Church, even the Reformation churches, as pagan. This is another way of superior identity assertion. It betrays a sad lack of understanding of the theology and practice of the churches.
A Biblical Understanding of Worth and Identity
The problem in all of these movements is a failure to understand worth and identity from a Biblical perspective and to enter into it. Jews do have a worth according to God's promises to Abraham. Through the work of Yeshua, however, Gentiles who come to faith in him also become the children of Abraham. Baptism incorporates the Gentile fully to become the seed of the Messiah and hence the seed of Abraham. This happens by a creative miracle of the Holy Spirit. In addition, one can now redeem one's ancestry by forgiving what was bad and receiving with gratitude that which was good. So one can be a Norwegian seed of Abraham, as well as French, Chinese or Russian. I do not wrestle with the fact that my ancestry is both Jewish and Norwegian as if this makes me lesser and only a half Jew. I am a Jew, but I appreciate both, and both become full of meaning in the Messiah. Indeed, different Church traditions of worship and life patterns are enriching from this perspective. All of us share the rich value of being created in the image of God and being a new creation.
One New Man
The "one new man" of this theology is the one new humanity. It is not homogenization. It is the complement of mutual blessing as in a marriage. In Messiah, with regard to worth and spiritual acceptance, there is no male or female. But male and female in the Messiah continue and produce the amazing personal enrichment of a marriage in Messiah. In the same way, Jew and Gentile are to enrich one another. Instead of seeking to prove that one had a Jewish ancestor way back when, or that one is from the lost tribes, it is much better to bring our uniqueness in the Messiah for mutual blessing. It is much better to embrace one's ethnicity in the Messiah by dying to any idolatry of it.
We all write life stories out of the background we have been given, whether an African tribesman or a Japanese warrior. Identity issues are solved for Gentiles in realizing that they are created in the image of God, each with his own unique ethnic and cultural heritage. They are now the seed of Abraham through the Messiah. They are part of the one new man, His glorious bride. There is nothing better than this. There are different callings, but without status superiority in the body. Israel's promises are glorious, but not more than the promises of glory for all in the bride of the Messiah. All peoples can enter into this as full participants. The gospel is preached to all nations. In the Messiah we together form an amazing wholeness out of the variety of peoples that make up God's multifaceted body. It is with this understanding that the call of Gentiles to serve in Messianic Jewish contexts is such a blessing. Identity is based on memory and purpose, which is future oriented. That memory includes a healthy ancestral dimension. In the Messiah all can come to their fullness of meaning and identity.
Daniel Juster is the founder of Tikkun Ministries. To contact him, go to
We, meaning my husband, Angus, me, and Scott Diffenderfer of the MIA, wrote the following response:
Is There an Identity Crisis Among Gentile Believers?
Yes, and thousands of Believers have denied Jesus and converted to Judaism because of it.
The problem: Some mistakenly teach that the Church replaced the Jewish people. Some say the Jew has a preeminent position. However, Scripture reveals that Believers are called to be former Gentiles who join Messiah's eternal commonwealth of Israel- and they did not replace the Jewish people (Zech 2:12; Eph 2:11-22).
Joseph's son, Ephraim, was to become a fullness of the Gentiles. God divided Israel's twelve tribes into two houses: Israel/Ephraim and Judah. These chosen ones were given different punishments and promises, destined to serve different purposes, and in the last days have their two sticks made one in the Father's hand. Prior to this, both the houses of Israel would stumble over the Sanctuary that is the Messiah (1 Ki 12:24; Isa 8:13-14; Jer 33:23-26; Eze 37:15-28; Hos 1-2; John 2:19-22; 1 Pet 2:9-10).
Hosea called Ephraim's scattered ones, "sons of the Living God" and said they would be regathered from every nation. Abraham was promised myriads of biological heirs. Ephraim is among this promised progeny. Only God in Heaven knows who they are. Israel can become lost to their Israelite heritage but not lost to God (Gen 48:19; Hos 5:3; 8:8; Amos 9:9; Zech 10:6-9; Rom 4:19-22; 11:25).
Both Judah and Ephraim, and their companions, are part of greater Israel. Strangers who lived in harmony with ancient Israel become as native sons and Jesus affirmed this principle (Exo 12:48; Num 15:15-16; Isa 56:3-8; Mat 7:21).
When we are born from above we receive the spirit of adoption, and everyone, including Jews, must be adopted into this New Covenant "family of God" (Rom 3:23; 8:15,16,23; 9:4 Gal 4:5; Eph 1:5).
Having a faith like Abraham does not change the facts about our actual forefathers. Israel is called to return and worship God in spirit and truth. We cannot know who is an Israelite so we preach the Gospel in every nation and trust God to call whomsoever He will into His fold-as full heirs (Isa 51:11; John 4:24; Gal 3:26; Phil 3:3).
Demanding rights or disparaging others will not help move us forward in our high call. Like the early Disciples, our goal is the restoration of the Kingdom to Israel. It will be restored, not by the might of man, but by the power of the Holy Spirit (1 Sam 2:9; Amos 9:11; Zec 4:6; Acts 1:8; 15:16).
When Believers deny other Believers their rightful portion as "part" of the people of Israel, they help to create a crisis. The Messianic Israel Alliance is dedicated to helping to put an end to that crisis.
Yours For the Salvation of the Whole House of Israel,
Angus and Batya Wootten, Authors:
Scott Diffenderfer, COO Messianic Israel Alliance:
This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
The Miracle of Lending a Book!
Small Things Can Forever Change Lives!
We have had many powerful testimonies over the years of how forerunners have used our books to change lives. Most of the testimonies have come from people who purchased or were given books. However, we also have testimonies from those who were loaned a book, or found a book in a Salvation Army Store, or thrift shop, or have even had a newsletter retrieved for them from the trash. The following inspiring testimony is from Alan Millard. It tells of the results of him having been loaned a copy of Redeemed Israel - Reunited and Restored. It is a powerful and motivating testimony that recounts not only the dramatic changes in his own life, but tells how it changed, and is continuing to change the lives of many others. Alan writes:
January 21, 2010
Dear Batya,
Greetings in Jesus name, a friend of mine recently loaned me your book, Redeemed Israel - Reunited and Restored. I was saved while serving as a professional soldier back in 1962 in the British military and was involved with the open brethren for some years, searching for more of the truth I was baptized in the Spirit and became involved with Pentecostal churches. I am now currently pastoring a church, which we pioneered.
In all of my 48 years as a Christian I have never heard any teaching on the Church's involvement with Israel. There were things I read in the Word concerning Israel which I put on the shelf, because I could not understand what it was all about, but your book has clarified many things concerning Israel, so much so I have to change what I thought I believed was true. Such as the rapture and who goes through the tribulation etc. Your book has been a blessing, opening up truth I have never seen before in the Word of God.
The name of our church is Voice of Victory, because the true church of the born again ones is a voice of victory. We are situated in a suburb of Sydney Australia called Riverstone, we pioneered the church in 1991 and meet in the local community centre every Sunday, but as I am beginning to see things now, the church will have to become Sabbath minded.
At the moment I am taking the church through the book of Revelation, I will now have to re-teach a few things. I notice you have other books available, are these able to be obtained through an Australian agency?
I am now so excited about the fact, that the Church is not a separate entity from ISRAEL but part of it.
This is just mind-blowing to me.
God's Richest Blessings
Pastor Alan Millard
End Quote.
It is mind-blowing to think that a simple act of loaning a book would not only dramatically change someone's life, but also potentially change the lives of a whole congregation of Believers. And that is surely just the beginning. We can readily see that the lending of a book will have an on-going ripple effect in the Body of Messiah!.
YHVH says, "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you..." (Hosea 4:6).
This rejection of Godly knowledge by our forefathers also had a ripple effect. It led to many Israelites ultimately becoming lost sheep of the House of Israel. Like Alan Millard, many of these sheep were and are lost to a knowledge of their heritage. They do not yet realize that they are called to be full and equal citizens in Messiah Yeshua's Commonwealth of Israel. Our challenging mission is to help rectify this problem. We can do it by providing Scriptural knowledge that will lift blinders and help lost sheep to discover their heritage, and like Alan Millard, have a life-changing experience.
Each one of us can take a giant step toward accomplishing our mission by simply lending a book. So we can all experience and hear of more exciting testimonies like Alan's we invite you to start a lending library of both printed and audio books. We also ask you to encourage your congregation or fellowship to start a lending library.
In these days of restoration we have the privilege of being able to share the truth about the restoration of the whole house of Israel. Each one of us needs to pray and ask the Father to help us to take full advantage of the extraordinary opportunities He gives us to serve Him. We need to ask Him how we can best share His awesome truths help restore Yeshua's kingdom.
For more information on how to effectively reach the lost sheep see the article 2010 A Year of Opportunity. And visit the Key of David Marketplace, and the Messianic Israel Alliance Marketplaceto view books and materials that will help you to fulfill the ministry of reconciliation you were given (Rom 11:15; 2 Cor 5:18-20).
This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
We have had many powerful testimonies over the years of how forerunners have used our books to change lives. Most of the testimonies have come from people who purchased or were given books. However, we also have testimonies from those who were loaned a book, or found a book in a Salvation Army Store, or thrift shop, or have even had a newsletter retrieved for them from the trash. The following inspiring testimony is from Alan Millard. It tells of the results of him having been loaned a copy of Redeemed Israel - Reunited and Restored. It is a powerful and motivating testimony that recounts not only the dramatic changes in his own life, but tells how it changed, and is continuing to change the lives of many others. Alan writes:
January 21, 2010
Dear Batya,
Greetings in Jesus name, a friend of mine recently loaned me your book, Redeemed Israel - Reunited and Restored. I was saved while serving as a professional soldier back in 1962 in the British military and was involved with the open brethren for some years, searching for more of the truth I was baptized in the Spirit and became involved with Pentecostal churches. I am now currently pastoring a church, which we pioneered.
In all of my 48 years as a Christian I have never heard any teaching on the Church's involvement with Israel. There were things I read in the Word concerning Israel which I put on the shelf, because I could not understand what it was all about, but your book has clarified many things concerning Israel, so much so I have to change what I thought I believed was true. Such as the rapture and who goes through the tribulation etc. Your book has been a blessing, opening up truth I have never seen before in the Word of God.
The name of our church is Voice of Victory, because the true church of the born again ones is a voice of victory. We are situated in a suburb of Sydney Australia called Riverstone, we pioneered the church in 1991 and meet in the local community centre every Sunday, but as I am beginning to see things now, the church will have to become Sabbath minded.
At the moment I am taking the church through the book of Revelation, I will now have to re-teach a few things. I notice you have other books available, are these able to be obtained through an Australian agency?
I am now so excited about the fact, that the Church is not a separate entity from ISRAEL but part of it.
This is just mind-blowing to me.
God's Richest Blessings
Pastor Alan Millard
End Quote.
It is mind-blowing to think that a simple act of loaning a book would not only dramatically change someone's life, but also potentially change the lives of a whole congregation of Believers. And that is surely just the beginning. We can readily see that the lending of a book will have an on-going ripple effect in the Body of Messiah!.
YHVH says, "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you..." (Hosea 4:6).
This rejection of Godly knowledge by our forefathers also had a ripple effect. It led to many Israelites ultimately becoming lost sheep of the House of Israel. Like Alan Millard, many of these sheep were and are lost to a knowledge of their heritage. They do not yet realize that they are called to be full and equal citizens in Messiah Yeshua's Commonwealth of Israel. Our challenging mission is to help rectify this problem. We can do it by providing Scriptural knowledge that will lift blinders and help lost sheep to discover their heritage, and like Alan Millard, have a life-changing experience.
Each one of us can take a giant step toward accomplishing our mission by simply lending a book. So we can all experience and hear of more exciting testimonies like Alan's we invite you to start a lending library of both printed and audio books. We also ask you to encourage your congregation or fellowship to start a lending library.
In these days of restoration we have the privilege of being able to share the truth about the restoration of the whole house of Israel. Each one of us needs to pray and ask the Father to help us to take full advantage of the extraordinary opportunities He gives us to serve Him. We need to ask Him how we can best share His awesome truths help restore Yeshua's kingdom.
For more information on how to effectively reach the lost sheep see the article 2010 A Year of Opportunity. And visit the Key of David Marketplace, and the Messianic Israel Alliance Marketplaceto view books and materials that will help you to fulfill the ministry of reconciliation you were given (Rom 11:15; 2 Cor 5:18-20).
This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
by Angus Wootten
We could use the word "BIBLE" as an acronym for "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth." The Bible is an Instruction Book that was given to creation by its Creator. Wisdom cries out for us to believe in and follow, the detailed instructions the Manufacturer gave to His creation. Yet, along life's journey many people may have tried to manipulate and spread seeds of doubt about the veracity of this invaluable Instruction Manual for mankind.
We are six thousand years into a journey, we are traveling through an endless universe on a planet called Space Ship Earth. The majority of the ship's passengers have lots of questions about where we came from and where we are going. And, there is a common consensus that we are not in a nice place, because- everybody on the planet has been condemned to death!
How do we get off this ticking time bomb? Or, how can we find someone on the Space Ship who can fix our problem?
For an answer, we look to the Creator's Operating Manual, we look to Isaiah 46:9-11. There, YHVH says, "Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, 'My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure'; calling a bird of prey from the east, The man of My purpose from a far country. Truly I have spoken; truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it, surely I will do it'" (Isa 46:9-11).
The beginning, or foundational story found in our Instruction Manual is seen in the promise YHVH made to Abraham. It is difficult to imagine the drama that is now being played out on our Space Ship being completed without this important promise first being fulfilled. So let us briefly examine it.
The Bible is a factual, yet simple story. It recounts YHVH's dealings with Abraham and his descendants through Isaac and Jacob. Unfortunately, some have twisted and/or tried to add to the story over the centuries, and some truths have essentially been deleted in the minds of many in both Rabbinical Judaism and the Church. Knowing this to be the case, many of us cannot help but ask, "Do we really know the rest of the story?"
"The Rest of the Story" was a radio program hosted by the late Paul Harvey. In it he recounted factual stories on a variety of subjects. Each story had a surprise or "twist" saved till the end. Harvey always concluded by saying, "And now you know... the rest of the story."
One major twist in the BIBLE story was added by the early Church, when they shifted from a combination of understanding the physical promise that was made to Abraham along with a proper theological understanding of YHVH's call on His people, to one of a "new theology," minus the physical promise to Abraham. The promise was essentially spiritualized away.
For some, merely mentioning the word, "genealogy" in regard to our faith is essentially viewed as "unmentionable." It is no longer thought to be "part of the story." "Spiritual relationship" is rightly made primary, but the problem is, it is done to the exclusion of believing in the physical blessing that was once promised to our forefather, Abraham.
Before I continue with "The Rest of the Story," I need to establish a few points.
Genealogy is an extremely controversial subject, yet it plays a key role in Scripture. This short article does not allow a comprehensive examination of the place and importance of heritage in the redemption, reunification and restoration of the whole house of Israel so I will simply try to make my point by recounting a memory from the time when I enlisted in the service in 1945.
To enlist or join the service in World War II, there was one key requirement you absolutely had to meet: You needed to be alive and breathing! You could get in even if you lied about your age, education, nationality, or had some physical ailments. As long as you were breathing- you were in!
Likewise, in enlisting, joining, or becoming part of the people of Israel there are two key requirements: No matter what your physical heritage might or might not be, you need to see yourself as both, an heir of Abraham, and as a citizen of the Commonwealth of Israel (Heb 2:16; Eph 2:12). You may believe that you are one of those "stones" that John the Baptist said YHVH could turn into children of Abraham, or you may see yourself as someone whom, like Levi, YHVH said he saw in the loins of our forefather, Abraham. Either way, in the end, we must accept what Paul said, "If you belong to Messiah Yeshua, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." If you believe this- you are in! (Mat 3:9; Gal 3:20; Heb 7:10).
Now back to the Rest of the Story...
The Church was basically Jewish for its first twenty-to-thirty years, but due to a great influx of non-Jews, and the fact that even those with Jewish heritage were not putting their emphasis on their heritage, the Church came to the place wherein relationship with the God of the New Covenant was based more on what one believed. One's physical heritage was decidedly demeaned. Let us realize that prior to this time, biological relationship had been a primary factor in First (or Old) Covenant times. To have a relationship with the God of Israel under the First Covenant required that one be physically part of, or that they become, by joining, part of the physical nation of Israel. However, under the Roman Emperor Constantine, the idea of emphasizing belief rather than heritage essentially resulted in redefining the "God of Israel." By debasing and reinterpreting the Father's promise to physically multiply Abraham's physical descendants, the Church effectively changed the peoples' understanding of the God of Israel. Instead, He became the "God of all Peoples." This point is crucial to understanding our problem in this hour.
Under this new view, one became a part of the people of the God of All Peoples, by joining, not the nation of Israel, but the "Church of all Nations." Whether realized or not, this Church of all Nations also followed in the footsteps of Jeroboam and the Northern Kingdom of Israel: They too made their own priests and developed their own feast days and laws (1Ki 12:28-31). Laying claim to the promises once made to Israel, they began to declare that our God was through with the Jew and that the Mosaic Covenant was passe'.
In the eyes of the Church, followers of the Messiah were primarily spiritual beings. In this way they felt they superseded the physical nation of Israel. Membership in the Church of All Nations was based entirely on what one believed, faith was completely severed from the idea of relationship via physical genealogy. The chosen Nation of Israel all but lay dead on the floor. Biological descent was deemed to be irrelevant. In fact, most Christians today feel that they are descended from almost anyone other than Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Apart from believing that they have "replaced" physical Israel, they do not see that they have any real relationship to "Israel."
If we examine this point we see the cunning and subtlety of the enemy of our souls, haSatan, the Accuser of the Brethren (Rev 12:10). We see that he continues to use a pint of poison to ruin a lake of truth. It is true that we are being built up as a "spiritual house" and that our Messiah's Kingdom is "not of this world" (John 18:36; Rev 11:15). But on the other hand, our Messiah wants to bring His kingdom, which is the Kingdom of Israel, here, to this earth. He even wants to bring it to a particular location, Jerusalem (Gal 4:26; Heb 12:22; Rev 21:2,10). The Church, however, wants to leave this old world and go off to Heaven. The sly one, the insidious one that is likened to a cunning snake that speaks half-truths, has successfully gotten them off their designated course. They do not see the need to help build up a physical nation that is entirely led and empowered by the Holy Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh of the God of Israel.
On the other side of the aisle, Rabbinical Judaism has kept alive the idea of YHVH having a physical people. They did this by continuing to see themselves as descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. However, from the Middle Ages on, to deal with the problem of rape, the Jewish people switched their emphases from patriarchal to matriarchal descent. One's heritage thus began to be based on the genealogy of one's mother. (The descendants of Levi are an exception to this rule. They instead continue to go by the Scriptural rule of patriarchal descent.)
The Church has been the greatest detractor of the place or importance of genealogy. They have taken the position that patriarchal genealogy is meaningless when it comes to establishing a relationship with the God of All Peoples. While genealogy is unprovable (for all), if it is deemed to be entirely unimportant, isn't that essentially rewriting the original Biblical story? Whether realized or not, isn't it a matter of changing / rewriting / reinterpreting YHVH's sworn promise to Abraham?
When it comes to rewriting stories, let us consider the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In it, Goldilocks visits the home of three bears, makes herself at home there and then falls asleep only to be later discovered by the returning bears. But what if, as people read the story to their children over the years they began to change the scenario? What if in the end, the story was that Goldilocks never actually visited the home of the three bears? In that case, many parts of the story would be affected. It would become a pointless tale of three bears that go out before breakfast for a walk while their porridge is cooling. That's not much of a story. The story makes sense only if we maintain all of its points and keep it in its original context. In the same way, the only way the story about Abraham makes sense is for us to stick to the original story.
To prove this point, let us examine what would happen if we go back to Genesis 15 and alter the Biblical story so it lines up with the Church's revised scenario.
Genesis Chapter 15:1-4:1 After these things the word of YHVH came to Abram in a vision, saying, "Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you; Your reward shall be very great."
2 Abram said, "O Adonai My GOD, what will You give me, since I am childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?"
3 And Abram said, "Since You have given no offspring to me, one born in my house is my heir."
4 Then behold, the word of YHVH came to him, saying, "This man will not be your heir; but one who will come forth from your own body, he shall be your heir."
Obviously, verse four is the verse that must be revised in order to follow Church theology, so let us now have it read:
4. Then behold the word of the YHVH came to him, saying, "Abram, I know you want a heir from your own loins, but adopted, or grafted in heirs are also a blessing, so Eliezer of Damascus is going to be your heir."
With this rewrite, we see that when Abram dies, his estate goes to Eliezer, and since we find no recorded descendants of Eliezer, when he dies, his estate and all that he inherited from Abram would probably go to his relatives in Damascus.
Wow! By rewriting just one verse, we have, in one fell swoop, done away with everything from Genesis 15:5 on. And we have destroyed the entire genealogy; the people and their stories found within our Creator's BIBLE.We have reduced the story to a tale of those who came before Abram. Furthermore, we don't have to change Abram to Abraham, since Abram will not be the actual father of a multitude of nations.
More importantly, how can we now have a faith like that of Abraham? We have gotten rid of the idea of Abraham being the "father of all who believe," because Abraham did not have to have the faith that, from his ancient body and Sarah's all but dead womb would come forth a child of promise. And that, from that child would come biological heirs that would be like the stars for number (Rom 4:3,19; Gal 3:6; Heb 11:8-12; James 2:23).
Now we have rewritten the story and gotten rid of Isaac, Jacob, the Patriarchs, and Moses.... But wait a minute- if there never was a Moses then we don't even have Genesis 1-15:4! In the original story, Moses wrote the first five books in our story. And we do not have any other books because, none of the authors ever lived! We can now appropriately title our revised story, There Isn't Any Story Anymore!
No story, no promise, no faith needed to receive the promise. It looks like the best parts of the story are lying on the editing room floor. But how is this revised story received in the Father's throne room? Most authors can accept some editing, but YHVH is not just any Author, and His story was not told simply for entertainment purposes. Surely He will have something to say to those who took it upon themselves to rewrite history- or His Story. He meant it to be our instruction manual, the living story of human redemption beginning with a man named.
In conclusion, as Paul Harvey would say, "Now, for the rest of the story..." But again, the problem is that there isn't any rest of the story.
We thus need to reject the errant tale of the Church and go back to the true and original Bible story. We need to read and believe it in its entirety- and we need to follow the Instructions given in that story. We need to realize that we are called to work toward the full restoration of the physical and spiritual Nation of Israel- here on Earth. If we see BIBLE as a acronym for "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth," in turn, wisdom cries out for us to believe in and follow the instructions our Manufacturer left for us, no matter how many people have tried to change the facts of the story along the way. And we want to do it now, before we leave this earth.
In these days of restoration we have the privilege of being able to share the true story. Each one of us needs to pray and ask the Father to help us to take full advantage of the extraordinary opportunities He gives us to serve Him. We need to ask Him how we can best share His awesome truths with Israel's lost Sheep, and how to help them understand that they are full and equal citizens of the Commonwealth of Israel. We need to help restore Yeshua's Davidic kingdom.
For more information on how to effectively reach the lost sheep see the article 2010 A Year of Opportunity 2010 A Year of Opportunity. And visit the Key of David Marketplace, and the Messianic Israel Alliance Marketplace to view books and materials that will help you to fulfill the ministry of reconciliation you were given (Rom 11:15; 2 Cor 5:18-20).
Shalom b'Yeshua,
This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
by Angus Wootten
We could use the word "BIBLE" as an acronym for "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth." The Bible is an Instruction Book that was given to creation by its Creator. Wisdom cries out for us to believe in and follow, the detailed instructions the Manufacturer gave to His creation. Yet, along life's journey many people may have tried to manipulate and spread seeds of doubt about the veracity of this invaluable Instruction Manual for mankind.
We are six thousand years into a journey, we are traveling through an endless universe on a planet called Space Ship Earth. The majority of the ship's passengers have lots of questions about where we came from and where we are going. And, there is a common consensus that we are not in a nice place, because- everybody on the planet has been condemned to death!
How do we get off this ticking time bomb? Or, how can we find someone on the Space Ship who can fix our problem?
For an answer, we look to the Creator's Operating Manual, we look to Isaiah 46:9-11. There, YHVH says, "Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, 'My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure'; calling a bird of prey from the east, The man of My purpose from a far country. Truly I have spoken; truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it, surely I will do it'" (Isa 46:9-11).
The beginning, or foundational story found in our Instruction Manual is seen in the promise YHVH made to Abraham. It is difficult to imagine the drama that is now being played out on our Space Ship being completed without this important promise first being fulfilled. So let us briefly examine it.
The Bible is a factual, yet simple story. It recounts YHVH's dealings with Abraham and his descendants through Isaac and Jacob. Unfortunately, some have twisted and/or tried to add to the story over the centuries, and some truths have essentially been deleted in the minds of many in both Rabbinical Judaism and the Church. Knowing this to be the case, many of us cannot help but ask, "Do we really know the rest of the story?"
"The Rest of the Story" was a radio program hosted by the late Paul Harvey. In it he recounted factual stories on a variety of subjects. Each story had a surprise or "twist" saved till the end. Harvey always concluded by saying, "And now you know... the rest of the story."
One major twist in the BIBLE story was added by the early Church, when they shifted from a combination of understanding the physical promise that was made to Abraham along with a proper theological understanding of YHVH's call on His people, to one of a "new theology," minus the physical promise to Abraham. The promise was essentially spiritualized away.
For some, merely mentioning the word, "genealogy" in regard to our faith is essentially viewed as "unmentionable." It is no longer thought to be "part of the story." "Spiritual relationship" is rightly made primary, but the problem is, it is done to the exclusion of believing in the physical blessing that was once promised to our forefather, Abraham.
Before I continue with "The Rest of the Story," I need to establish a few points.
Genealogy is an extremely controversial subject, yet it plays a key role in Scripture. This short article does not allow a comprehensive examination of the place and importance of heritage in the redemption, reunification and restoration of the whole house of Israel so I will simply try to make my point by recounting a memory from the time when I enlisted in the service in 1945.
To enlist or join the service in World War II, there was one key requirement you absolutely had to meet: You needed to be alive and breathing! You could get in even if you lied about your age, education, nationality, or had some physical ailments. As long as you were breathing- you were in!
Likewise, in enlisting, joining, or becoming part of the people of Israel there are two key requirements: No matter what your physical heritage might or might not be, you need to see yourself as both, an heir of Abraham, and as a citizen of the Commonwealth of Israel (Heb 2:16; Eph 2:12). You may believe that you are one of those "stones" that John the Baptist said YHVH could turn into children of Abraham, or you may see yourself as someone whom, like Levi, YHVH said he saw in the loins of our forefather, Abraham. Either way, in the end, we must accept what Paul said, "If you belong to Messiah Yeshua, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." If you believe this- you are in! (Mat 3:9; Gal 3:20; Heb 7:10).
Now back to the Rest of the Story...
The Church was basically Jewish for its first twenty-to-thirty years, but due to a great influx of non-Jews, and the fact that even those with Jewish heritage were not putting their emphasis on their heritage, the Church came to the place wherein relationship with the God of the New Covenant was based more on what one believed. One's physical heritage was decidedly demeaned. Let us realize that prior to this time, biological relationship had been a primary factor in First (or Old) Covenant times. To have a relationship with the God of Israel under the First Covenant required that one be physically part of, or that they become, by joining, part of the physical nation of Israel. However, under the Roman Emperor Constantine, the idea of emphasizing belief rather than heritage essentially resulted in redefining the "God of Israel." By debasing and reinterpreting the Father's promise to physically multiply Abraham's physical descendants, the Church effectively changed the peoples' understanding of the God of Israel. Instead, He became the "God of all Peoples." This point is crucial to understanding our problem in this hour.
Under this new view, one became a part of the people of the God of All Peoples, by joining, not the nation of Israel, but the "Church of all Nations." Whether realized or not, this Church of all Nations also followed in the footsteps of Jeroboam and the Northern Kingdom of Israel: They too made their own priests and developed their own feast days and laws (1Ki 12:28-31). Laying claim to the promises once made to Israel, they began to declare that our God was through with the Jew and that the Mosaic Covenant was passe'.
In the eyes of the Church, followers of the Messiah were primarily spiritual beings. In this way they felt they superseded the physical nation of Israel. Membership in the Church of All Nations was based entirely on what one believed, faith was completely severed from the idea of relationship via physical genealogy. The chosen Nation of Israel all but lay dead on the floor. Biological descent was deemed to be irrelevant. In fact, most Christians today feel that they are descended from almost anyone other than Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Apart from believing that they have "replaced" physical Israel, they do not see that they have any real relationship to "Israel."
If we examine this point we see the cunning and subtlety of the enemy of our souls, haSatan, the Accuser of the Brethren (Rev 12:10). We see that he continues to use a pint of poison to ruin a lake of truth. It is true that we are being built up as a "spiritual house" and that our Messiah's Kingdom is "not of this world" (John 18:36; Rev 11:15). But on the other hand, our Messiah wants to bring His kingdom, which is the Kingdom of Israel, here, to this earth. He even wants to bring it to a particular location, Jerusalem (Gal 4:26; Heb 12:22; Rev 21:2,10). The Church, however, wants to leave this old world and go off to Heaven. The sly one, the insidious one that is likened to a cunning snake that speaks half-truths, has successfully gotten them off their designated course. They do not see the need to help build up a physical nation that is entirely led and empowered by the Holy Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh of the God of Israel.
On the other side of the aisle, Rabbinical Judaism has kept alive the idea of YHVH having a physical people. They did this by continuing to see themselves as descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. However, from the Middle Ages on, to deal with the problem of rape, the Jewish people switched their emphases from patriarchal to matriarchal descent. One's heritage thus began to be based on the genealogy of one's mother. (The descendants of Levi are an exception to this rule. They instead continue to go by the Scriptural rule of patriarchal descent.)
The Church has been the greatest detractor of the place or importance of genealogy. They have taken the position that patriarchal genealogy is meaningless when it comes to establishing a relationship with the God of All Peoples. While genealogy is unprovable (for all), if it is deemed to be entirely unimportant, isn't that essentially rewriting the original Biblical story? Whether realized or not, isn't it a matter of changing / rewriting / reinterpreting YHVH's sworn promise to Abraham?
When it comes to rewriting stories, let us consider the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In it, Goldilocks visits the home of three bears, makes herself at home there and then falls asleep only to be later discovered by the returning bears. But what if, as people read the story to their children over the years they began to change the scenario? What if in the end, the story was that Goldilocks never actually visited the home of the three bears? In that case, many parts of the story would be affected. It would become a pointless tale of three bears that go out before breakfast for a walk while their porridge is cooling. That's not much of a story. The story makes sense only if we maintain all of its points and keep it in its original context. In the same way, the only way the story about Abraham makes sense is for us to stick to the original story.
To prove this point, let us examine what would happen if we go back to Genesis 15 and alter the Biblical story so it lines up with the Church's revised scenario.
Genesis Chapter 15:1-4:1 After these things the word of YHVH came to Abram in a vision, saying, "Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you; Your reward shall be very great."
2 Abram said, "O Adonai My GOD, what will You give me, since I am childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?"
3 And Abram said, "Since You have given no offspring to me, one born in my house is my heir."
4 Then behold, the word of YHVH came to him, saying, "This man will not be your heir; but one who will come forth from your own body, he shall be your heir."
Obviously, verse four is the verse that must be revised in order to follow Church theology, so let us now have it read:
4. Then behold the word of the YHVH came to him, saying, "Abram, I know you want a heir from your own loins, but adopted, or grafted in heirs are also a blessing, so Eliezer of Damascus is going to be your heir."
With this rewrite, we see that when Abram dies, his estate goes to Eliezer, and since we find no recorded descendants of Eliezer, when he dies, his estate and all that he inherited from Abram would probably go to his relatives in Damascus.
Wow! By rewriting just one verse, we have, in one fell swoop, done away with everything from Genesis 15:5 on. And we have destroyed the entire genealogy; the people and their stories found within our Creator's BIBLE.We have reduced the story to a tale of those who came before Abram. Furthermore, we don't have to change Abram to Abraham, since Abram will not be the actual father of a multitude of nations.
More importantly, how can we now have a faith like that of Abraham? We have gotten rid of the idea of Abraham being the "father of all who believe," because Abraham did not have to have the faith that, from his ancient body and Sarah's all but dead womb would come forth a child of promise. And that, from that child would come biological heirs that would be like the stars for number (Rom 4:3,19; Gal 3:6; Heb 11:8-12; James 2:23).
Now we have rewritten the story and gotten rid of Isaac, Jacob, the Patriarchs, and Moses.... But wait a minute- if there never was a Moses then we don't even have Genesis 1-15:4! In the original story, Moses wrote the first five books in our story. And we do not have any other books because, none of the authors ever lived! We can now appropriately title our revised story, There Isn't Any Story Anymore!
No story, no promise, no faith needed to receive the promise. It looks like the best parts of the story are lying on the editing room floor. But how is this revised story received in the Father's throne room? Most authors can accept some editing, but YHVH is not just any Author, and His story was not told simply for entertainment purposes. Surely He will have something to say to those who took it upon themselves to rewrite history- or His Story. He meant it to be our instruction manual, the living story of human redemption beginning with a man named.
In conclusion, as Paul Harvey would say, "Now, for the rest of the story..." But again, the problem is that there isn't any rest of the story.
We thus need to reject the errant tale of the Church and go back to the true and original Bible story. We need to read and believe it in its entirety- and we need to follow the Instructions given in that story. We need to realize that we are called to work toward the full restoration of the physical and spiritual Nation of Israel- here on Earth. If we see BIBLE as a acronym for "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth," in turn, wisdom cries out for us to believe in and follow the instructions our Manufacturer left for us, no matter how many people have tried to change the facts of the story along the way. And we want to do it now, before we leave this earth.
In these days of restoration we have the privilege of being able to share the true story. Each one of us needs to pray and ask the Father to help us to take full advantage of the extraordinary opportunities He gives us to serve Him. We need to ask Him how we can best share His awesome truths with Israel's lost Sheep, and how to help them understand that they are full and equal citizens of the Commonwealth of Israel. We need to help restore Yeshua's Davidic kingdom.
For more information on how to effectively reach the lost sheep see the article 2010 A Year of Opportunity 2010 A Year of Opportunity. And visit the Key of David Marketplace, and the Messianic Israel Alliance Marketplace to view books and materials that will help you to fulfill the ministry of reconciliation you were given (Rom 11:15; 2 Cor 5:18-20).
Shalom b'Yeshua,
This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
2010 A Year of Opportunity
Please note that you may receive more than one copy of this Report since we have several mailing lists and want to be sure that we thank everyone who has helped us in the past. This particular email is being sent to Messianic Israel Congregations, Fellowships and Ministires.
2009 was an exceptionally challenging year. The good news is, tribulation came with it for many of us, and in this life we must experience tribulation (John 16:33). If we can receive it, we know that in the end our trials were "good news" because, overcoming tribulation helps us to enter into the kingdom of our God (Acts 14:22; Rev 2:26). And it looks like 2010 will offer similar times of testing...
As Messianic Believers we need the trials we encounter. We need to see them as opportunities that will help us become "Overcomers," and bring us closer to the day when the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of our Lord, YHVH, and His Son, Yeshua (Rev 11:15).
The Father has set the time when the kingdom He conferred on Yeshua, and which He in turn conferred on His disciples, will be restored (Luke 1:32-33; 22:29-30; Acts 1:6-7). Yeshua told His disciples to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. He also taught them to pray, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Mat 6:9-13; 6:33; Luke 11:2). The question we need to ask ourselves is, "What does the Father expect from me in order to be someone who is helping to establish His kingdom here on earth?"
Let me share with you how Batya and I, through Key of David Publishing, are trying to answer this momentous question.
First, we know that, to be a "kingdom" it first must have three elements: 1) a king, 2) a territory, and, 3) a people. Regarding the Davidic kingdom that is destined to one day be restored to all Israel, we know that Yeshua, the Greater Son of David, will be its King (Ex 37:23-24; Acts 15:16). The allotted territory that is destined to be in His promised Kingdom is repeatedly outlined in Scripture. However, the last element gives us a problem. That is, how do we, the people, take possession of His Kingdom?
To take possession of the Land calls for a presence there of people who recognize the King as their King. This in turn means, the people are the problem. We must realize that the Father promised to bring His redeemed people back the land until there is "no more room." Fulfillment of that prophecy calls for hundreds of millions of Israelites (Isa 35:10, 51:11; Zec 10:7). To solve this problem Israel's lost sheep must first become "found sheep." Moreover, we need to understand that, in order to be a "lost sheep," the sheep first had to "lose" something. So, what did they lose?
The sheep lost the knowledge of their heritage. To become found sheep, what do they need to find?
They need to understand who they are in the eyes of their Father. And they need to fully understand His call on their earthly lives.
YHVH says His people are destroyed for a lack of lack of knowledge. Israel lost out when they rejected His Torah-based knowledge. But when they change their ways, they begin to regain godly knowledge. They become better equipped to walk as YHVH's chosen people. They are empowered to more fully seek their King (Eze 34; 37:15-28; Hos 3:5; 4:6; Dan 12:4; 1 Pet 1:1; 2:9-10).
Our "people problem" is best solved by first providing the people with the understanding they need in order to make the necessary changes.
Teaching about our heritage, purpose, and destiny is truly a hallmark with Key of David books and materials. Batya has refined this essential message down to one short paragraph:
"Though people try to make it complicated, we found the truth about Israel to be simple: Long ago the Father divided Israel into two houses, Ephraim (Israel) and Judah; they were given different punishments, prophecies, and promises. As His 'two witnesses,' they were sent in different directions to accomplish different purposes, and in this last day He would have the two come together, that they might serve to confirm His truth in the earth (1Ki 12:15,24; Hos1:11; John 8:17)." [From the book, Redeemed Israel.]
We realize that a great destiny lies just ahead for the children of Israel. We understand that we too, are citizens of Messiah Yeshua's "commonwealth of Israel." We too, are "part" (but not all) of the "chosen people" (Eph 2:11-19; 1 Pet 1:1; 2:9-10). And we now need to share this understanding with our brethren. We need to go to those who sense that something is missing in their lives. They are seeking fulfillment and Abba wants to use us to help guide them- to Him, His Messiah, His ways, and into His eternal Kingdom.
Our Father swore that a day would come wherein the sons of Israel and Judah would come, "weeping," and seeking YHVH, their God. He said of this lost people, "They will ask for the way to Zion, turning their faces in its direction; they will come that they may join themselves to YHVH an everlasting covenant that will not be forgotten." He also said, "My people have become lost sheep; Their shepherds have led them astray. They have made them turn aside on the mountains; They have gone along from mountain to hill and have forgotten their resting place" (Jer 50:4-6).
To find our way home to Zion, we need to follow Abba's directions for our return. And, He long ago explained that we must, "Set up for yourself roadmarks, Place for yourself guideposts; Direct your mind to the highway, The way by which you went. Return, O virgin of Israel, Return to these your cities" (Jer 31:21).
To return to our cities, there are three things that we need. To find our way home to Zion, we first need to...
Know, Understand, and Be Fulfilled
1. Know that as a Believer In Messiah Yeshua (Jesus the Christed One), Israel's Messiah, we are redeemed and have been adopted into the family of our Heavenly Father, the God of Israel (Rom 8:15, 8;23; Gal 4:5, 5:10; Eph 1:5). In this way, we are full and equal citizens in Yeshua's eternal "Commonwealth of Israel" (Rom 9:4; Gal 3:29; Eph 2:11-22).
2. Understand that life is a "test." As part of the "chosen people," we are "chosen to choose." As Batya repeatedly points out in her books, to be "chosen" means that, on a daily basis we will be tested in order to see whether or not we love the Lord, our God, with all our heart, soul, and might (Deu13:3). It also means that our Father wants His Kingdom to come to this earth, and He wants us, His chosen people, to be part of it. He wants us to be among His forerunners who help build His kingdom (Mat 6:10; Luke 11:3; Acts 3:19-21). Making His heart's desire known to His people is one important way that we can show our love for Him.
3. Be Fullfilled by being the servant priest you were created to be. Represent YHVH by walking as Yeshua walked. Seize on the opportunities He gives you to help Israel's lost sheep become found sheep. Help prepare them. Work with the Ruach to help them become a people who are empowered to return to their own soil (Jer 1-8; 29:11-14; 1 Pet 2:9; 1 John 2:6). Fulfill all the good plans your Father has for you by allowing His Spirit to guide you in the way He would have you walk. Know that He has promised us, "Your ears will hear a word behind you, 'This is the way, walk in it,' whenever you turn to the right or to the left" (Isa 30:21).
These are the goals that we, at Key of David Publishing, have been working toward. Looking back, we see that 2009 was both a trying and productive year for us and for Key of David Publishing. But despite our trials, with YHVH's help, we managed to publish two important new books: Israel Empowered by the Spirit, and, The Voice - Hearing the Almighty. We also published four audio books, Redeemed Israel - Reunited and Restored, In Search of Israel, Mama's Torah - The Role of Women, and The Voice - Hearing the Almighty.
Looking Forward to 2010
As James says, "If the Lord wills," if He allows it (James 4:15), we have a lot of we want to accomplish in the next calendar year. For example:
One of our great disappointments at the last MIA National Conference was that, due to technical difficulties the testimony of a dear friend did not get recorded. Retired Israeli IDF Colonel, David Yaniv gave a stirring testimony about how he came to faith and was healed of paralysis by Messiah Yeshua. He also shared of his love for the people of Ephraim and the rejoining of the two sticks (Eze 37:15-28). Our disappointment was great, but... The incident led Batya to resurrect a dormant project: A book of inspiring and encouraging testimonies by various Messianic Believers- David Yaniv included!
We also are currently working on publishing an audio version of Israel: Empowered by the Spirit. My book, Restoring Israel's Kingdom is currently out of print. We want to do a new book that will keep many of RIK's essential truths while adding many new prophetic insights. However, for the time being, we want to make the out of print version available as an EBook. We also want to make our other out of print books available as EBooks. These are basically a PDF file on a CD that can be printed out, or read on a computer screen. Plus we want to format our books so they can be download and read on machines such as the Amazon Kindle, and to have our audio books downloadable so they can be listened to on an IPod and similar devices.
Our need and goal is, to let the world know that there are Messianic Believers, that there is a Messianic Israel movement, and that the Messianic Israel Alliance is a forerunner in it. Over the years our primary method of getting the word out has been "word of mouth," and it has been effective and economical. It doesn't cost to lend a book or CD, or to forward an email, or suggest that someone visit the MIA or Key of David Marketplaces. The effective tool that is "word of mouth" advertising remains king in this field. It makes a difference when you tell someone how a book has changed your life. Of course we also encourage congregations, fellowships and ministries to carry our books and to even have a small lending library.
If possible, if funds were made available to us, we also would like to increase our presence on the Internet with an updated web site and perhaps some advertising. But we leave these things in the Father's hands.
In closing, I want to say that there would not be a Key of David, and we would not have published books if it were not for the support of our co-laborers. You have made these things possible with your contributions and by purchasing and distributing our books. So, with all our heart we want to thank you for your help and support, and we pray that you will be inspired to continue to co-labor with us.
Contributions to Key of David (which go to Angus and Batya and their particular efforts), may be made online at the Messianic Israel Alliance, or at the Key of David Marketplace. Or, mailed to Key of David, PO Box 700217, Saint Cloud, FL 34770. Or, by phone at 407-344-7700.
Shalom b'Yeshua,
This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
Please note that you may receive more than one copy of this Report since we have several mailing lists and want to be sure that we thank everyone who has helped us in the past. This particular email is being sent to Messianic Israel Congregations, Fellowships and Ministires.
2009 was an exceptionally challenging year. The good news is, tribulation came with it for many of us, and in this life we must experience tribulation (John 16:33). If we can receive it, we know that in the end our trials were "good news" because, overcoming tribulation helps us to enter into the kingdom of our God (Acts 14:22; Rev 2:26). And it looks like 2010 will offer similar times of testing...
As Messianic Believers we need the trials we encounter. We need to see them as opportunities that will help us become "Overcomers," and bring us closer to the day when the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of our Lord, YHVH, and His Son, Yeshua (Rev 11:15).
The Father has set the time when the kingdom He conferred on Yeshua, and which He in turn conferred on His disciples, will be restored (Luke 1:32-33; 22:29-30; Acts 1:6-7). Yeshua told His disciples to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. He also taught them to pray, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Mat 6:9-13; 6:33; Luke 11:2). The question we need to ask ourselves is, "What does the Father expect from me in order to be someone who is helping to establish His kingdom here on earth?"
Let me share with you how Batya and I, through Key of David Publishing, are trying to answer this momentous question.
First, we know that, to be a "kingdom" it first must have three elements: 1) a king, 2) a territory, and, 3) a people. Regarding the Davidic kingdom that is destined to one day be restored to all Israel, we know that Yeshua, the Greater Son of David, will be its King (Ex 37:23-24; Acts 15:16). The allotted territory that is destined to be in His promised Kingdom is repeatedly outlined in Scripture. However, the last element gives us a problem. That is, how do we, the people, take possession of His Kingdom?
To take possession of the Land calls for a presence there of people who recognize the King as their King. This in turn means, the people are the problem. We must realize that the Father promised to bring His redeemed people back the land until there is "no more room." Fulfillment of that prophecy calls for hundreds of millions of Israelites (Isa 35:10, 51:11; Zec 10:7). To solve this problem Israel's lost sheep must first become "found sheep." Moreover, we need to understand that, in order to be a "lost sheep," the sheep first had to "lose" something. So, what did they lose?
The sheep lost the knowledge of their heritage. To become found sheep, what do they need to find?
They need to understand who they are in the eyes of their Father. And they need to fully understand His call on their earthly lives.
YHVH says His people are destroyed for a lack of lack of knowledge. Israel lost out when they rejected His Torah-based knowledge. But when they change their ways, they begin to regain godly knowledge. They become better equipped to walk as YHVH's chosen people. They are empowered to more fully seek their King (Eze 34; 37:15-28; Hos 3:5; 4:6; Dan 12:4; 1 Pet 1:1; 2:9-10).
Our "people problem" is best solved by first providing the people with the understanding they need in order to make the necessary changes.
Teaching about our heritage, purpose, and destiny is truly a hallmark with Key of David books and materials. Batya has refined this essential message down to one short paragraph:
"Though people try to make it complicated, we found the truth about Israel to be simple: Long ago the Father divided Israel into two houses, Ephraim (Israel) and Judah; they were given different punishments, prophecies, and promises. As His 'two witnesses,' they were sent in different directions to accomplish different purposes, and in this last day He would have the two come together, that they might serve to confirm His truth in the earth (1Ki 12:15,24; Hos1:11; John 8:17)." [From the book, Redeemed Israel.]
We realize that a great destiny lies just ahead for the children of Israel. We understand that we too, are citizens of Messiah Yeshua's "commonwealth of Israel." We too, are "part" (but not all) of the "chosen people" (Eph 2:11-19; 1 Pet 1:1; 2:9-10). And we now need to share this understanding with our brethren. We need to go to those who sense that something is missing in their lives. They are seeking fulfillment and Abba wants to use us to help guide them- to Him, His Messiah, His ways, and into His eternal Kingdom.
Our Father swore that a day would come wherein the sons of Israel and Judah would come, "weeping," and seeking YHVH, their God. He said of this lost people, "They will ask for the way to Zion, turning their faces in its direction; they will come that they may join themselves to YHVH an everlasting covenant that will not be forgotten." He also said, "My people have become lost sheep; Their shepherds have led them astray. They have made them turn aside on the mountains; They have gone along from mountain to hill and have forgotten their resting place" (Jer 50:4-6).
To find our way home to Zion, we need to follow Abba's directions for our return. And, He long ago explained that we must, "Set up for yourself roadmarks, Place for yourself guideposts; Direct your mind to the highway, The way by which you went. Return, O virgin of Israel, Return to these your cities" (Jer 31:21).
To return to our cities, there are three things that we need. To find our way home to Zion, we first need to...
Know, Understand, and Be Fulfilled
1. Know that as a Believer In Messiah Yeshua (Jesus the Christed One), Israel's Messiah, we are redeemed and have been adopted into the family of our Heavenly Father, the God of Israel (Rom 8:15, 8;23; Gal 4:5, 5:10; Eph 1:5). In this way, we are full and equal citizens in Yeshua's eternal "Commonwealth of Israel" (Rom 9:4; Gal 3:29; Eph 2:11-22).
2. Understand that life is a "test." As part of the "chosen people," we are "chosen to choose." As Batya repeatedly points out in her books, to be "chosen" means that, on a daily basis we will be tested in order to see whether or not we love the Lord, our God, with all our heart, soul, and might (Deu13:3). It also means that our Father wants His Kingdom to come to this earth, and He wants us, His chosen people, to be part of it. He wants us to be among His forerunners who help build His kingdom (Mat 6:10; Luke 11:3; Acts 3:19-21). Making His heart's desire known to His people is one important way that we can show our love for Him.
3. Be Fullfilled by being the servant priest you were created to be. Represent YHVH by walking as Yeshua walked. Seize on the opportunities He gives you to help Israel's lost sheep become found sheep. Help prepare them. Work with the Ruach to help them become a people who are empowered to return to their own soil (Jer 1-8; 29:11-14; 1 Pet 2:9; 1 John 2:6). Fulfill all the good plans your Father has for you by allowing His Spirit to guide you in the way He would have you walk. Know that He has promised us, "Your ears will hear a word behind you, 'This is the way, walk in it,' whenever you turn to the right or to the left" (Isa 30:21).
These are the goals that we, at Key of David Publishing, have been working toward. Looking back, we see that 2009 was both a trying and productive year for us and for Key of David Publishing. But despite our trials, with YHVH's help, we managed to publish two important new books: Israel Empowered by the Spirit, and, The Voice - Hearing the Almighty. We also published four audio books, Redeemed Israel - Reunited and Restored, In Search of Israel, Mama's Torah - The Role of Women, and The Voice - Hearing the Almighty.
Looking Forward to 2010
As James says, "If the Lord wills," if He allows it (James 4:15), we have a lot of we want to accomplish in the next calendar year. For example:
One of our great disappointments at the last MIA National Conference was that, due to technical difficulties the testimony of a dear friend did not get recorded. Retired Israeli IDF Colonel, David Yaniv gave a stirring testimony about how he came to faith and was healed of paralysis by Messiah Yeshua. He also shared of his love for the people of Ephraim and the rejoining of the two sticks (Eze 37:15-28). Our disappointment was great, but... The incident led Batya to resurrect a dormant project: A book of inspiring and encouraging testimonies by various Messianic Believers- David Yaniv included!
We also are currently working on publishing an audio version of Israel: Empowered by the Spirit. My book, Restoring Israel's Kingdom is currently out of print. We want to do a new book that will keep many of RIK's essential truths while adding many new prophetic insights. However, for the time being, we want to make the out of print version available as an EBook. We also want to make our other out of print books available as EBooks. These are basically a PDF file on a CD that can be printed out, or read on a computer screen. Plus we want to format our books so they can be download and read on machines such as the Amazon Kindle, and to have our audio books downloadable so they can be listened to on an IPod and similar devices.
Our need and goal is, to let the world know that there are Messianic Believers, that there is a Messianic Israel movement, and that the Messianic Israel Alliance is a forerunner in it. Over the years our primary method of getting the word out has been "word of mouth," and it has been effective and economical. It doesn't cost to lend a book or CD, or to forward an email, or suggest that someone visit the MIA or Key of David Marketplaces. The effective tool that is "word of mouth" advertising remains king in this field. It makes a difference when you tell someone how a book has changed your life. Of course we also encourage congregations, fellowships and ministries to carry our books and to even have a small lending library.
If possible, if funds were made available to us, we also would like to increase our presence on the Internet with an updated web site and perhaps some advertising. But we leave these things in the Father's hands.
In closing, I want to say that there would not be a Key of David, and we would not have published books if it were not for the support of our co-laborers. You have made these things possible with your contributions and by purchasing and distributing our books. So, with all our heart we want to thank you for your help and support, and we pray that you will be inspired to continue to co-labor with us.
Contributions to Key of David (which go to Angus and Batya and their particular efforts), may be made online at the Messianic Israel Alliance, or at the Key of David Marketplace. Or, mailed to Key of David, PO Box 700217, Saint Cloud, FL 34770. Or, by phone at 407-344-7700.
Shalom b'Yeshua,
This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
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